
  • 网络ice circle
  1. 自从生命出现以来,生物便不断一而再再而三的改造大气圈、水圈、冰圈及固体地球。

    Since life began it has continually shaped and re-shaped the atmosphere , hydrosphere , cryosphere and the solid earth .

  2. 这个小组发现,传感器三月份记录的结冰温度为冰圈的行程提供了适宜的条件。

    The team found that the sensors registered freezing water temperatures in March , which would provide the right conditions for ice collars to form .

  3. 具有挪威特色的塔式西点婚礼蛋糕,就是这种用杏仁奶油冰圈装饰起来的锥形蛋糕塔。

    Norway has its own particular version of the towering layered Western wedding cake , in the form of Kransekake , a tower of iced almond cake rings .

  4. 当然我们可能不知道,有一种更恶心的食物潜藏在711便利店里——野樱桃思乐冰甜甜圈(思乐冰:711便利商店研制的碎冰饮品)。

    What we didn 't know was that there was the possibility of something even worse lurking out there on the 7-Eleven food horizon - the Wild Cherry Slurpee Donut .