
  • 网络Periglacial
  1. 昆仑山区青藏公路沿线冰缘现象

    Periglacial phenomena along Qinghai Xizang highway in the Kunlun mountainous region

  2. 高亚洲冰缘作用类型及其垂直带谱特征

    The Classification of High-Asia Periglacial Process Types and Their Altitudinal Spectrums

  3. 天山中部现代冰缘作用

    The modern periglacial process in the central part of Tian Shan

  4. 青海高原东部冰缘楔形构造研究

    Study of Periglacial Wedge - Shape Structures in Eastern Qinghai Plateau

  5. 南极纳尔逊冰缘沉积物元素地球化学特征及其化学风化作用研究

    Geochemistry and chemical weathering of Nelson periglacial sediments , Antarctica

  6. 东北亚的更新世冰缘


  7. 碎石层在冰缘地区有广泛分布。

    Crushed rock layers are distributed widely in periglacial environment .

  8. 中国第四纪晚更新世晚期以来冰缘环境

    The periglacial environment since the late period of late Pleistocene in China

  9. 天山博格达峰地区现代冰缘地貌特征

    Characteristics of Periglacial Landforms in Bogda Area , Tian Shan

  10. 中国冰缘区湿地及其环境效应与生态建设

    The Environmental Effect and Ecological Construction of the Regional Periglacial Wetlands in China

  11. 青藏高原东北边缘地区冰缘发展探讨

    Discussion on the Periglacial Development in the Northeast Marginal Region of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  12. 对岱海地区冰缘分期问题的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the periglacial periods ' division in the Daihai area

  13. 兰州地区附近山地第四纪冰川与冰缘问题

    On the problem of Quaternary glaciation and periglacial phenomena in mountains near Lanzhou

  14. 五台山冰缘地貌的基本特征

    Basic Characteristics of Periglacial Landforms on Wutai Mountain

  15. 冰缘湖溃决洪水分析计算的初步认识

    Preliminary understanding on analysis and calculation of flood from failure of glacial marginal lake

  16. 该区具有独特的冰缘干寒气候特征。

    This area has the particular dry-cold climate .

  17. 纪念中国冰缘地貌研究的启动者&裴文中教授

    Commemorating the pioneer scientist of periglacial Geomorphology Research in china : professor Pei Wenzhong

  18. 全球冰缘地貌综合区划初探

    Comprehensive Regional Division of the Global Periglacial Geomorphology

  19. 中国北方冰缘与分期

    Periglacial stages and their division in North China

  20. 我国阿尔泰山区的冰缘现象

    Periglacial Phenomena in Altai Mountains of China

  21. 我国冰缘区地域辽阔,环境严酷,但湿地却广为分布。因此,湿地在该区是一个有重要影响的生态系统。

    The wetlands are an ecosystems which have an important impact on the periglacial region .

  22. 黑龙江省东部山地河谷地区冰缘现象及其形成时代

    Periglacial Phenomena and Their Age in the Valleys of Eastern Mountainous Area of Heilongjiang Province

  23. 西北欧洲的冰缘现象

    Some Periglacial Phenomena in North-Western Europe

  24. 天山博格达峰地区冰碛物和冰缘沉积物的砾石组构特征

    Some Features of Gravel Fabric in Glacial and Periglacial Deposits in Bogda Region , Tian Shan

  25. 冰缘环境研究的一些进展

    Some Advances in Periglacial Environment Studies

  26. 湖北省钟祥第四纪冰缘融冻构造的发现及其意义

    Discovery and significance of frost riving structure at the ice-front of Quaternary in Zhongxiang District Hubei Province

  27. 冰缘地貌带为3800~4200m;

    Glacial margin zone 3800-4200m ;

  28. 冰缘植被与第四纪冰川的探讨

    Periglacial vegetation and Quaternary glaciers

  29. 南极大陆冰缘环境变迁与沿海盐湖生态特征

    Ecology Features of coastal saline lakes related to environmental evolution in the area of Antarctic continental ice edge

  30. 晚更新世末期中国北方陆架区冰缘现象的发现

    Discovery of periglacial phenomena formed at the last stage of late Pleistocene on continental shelf , north China