
bīng chuān
  • glacier
冰川 [bīng chuān]
  • [glacier] 在高山和两极地区,沿斜坡滑移的大冰块称为冰川

冰川[bīng chuān]
  1. 最好的部分就是沿着冰川走。

    The best bit was walking along the glacier .

  2. 在秘鲁,有一座山上面的冰川已经成为了气候变化的牺牲品,附近的农民开始把山峰涂成白色,希望能增加反光,恢复那赋予生命的冰。

    In Peru , local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life-giving ice .

  3. 这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。

    The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age .

  4. 冰川消融造成海平面上升。

    The melting ice caused a rise in sea level .

  5. 在前寒武纪的最后1亿年中,两个主要的冰川时期对两个地区都产生了影响。

    Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last 100 million years of Precambrian times .

  6. 这种反常现象也许可以解释为:喀拉昆仑山脉地处高纬度地区,那里的降雪量在增加,气温也更冷,冰川受全球变暖的影响较小。

    This anomaly may result from increases in snowfall in the higher latitude and therefore colder karakorams , where snow and ice are less vulnerable to small temperature increases .

  7. 除了南极洲协议,开采这些贲源的巨大障碍仍然存在,例如,漂流的冰川可能会危机海上平台。

    Beyond the Antarctic treaties , huge obstacles persist to tapping these resources , like drifting icebergs that could jeopardize offshore platforms .

  8. 在一座峡湾穿梭、海象豹横卧、冰川覆蓋的岛上,俄罗斯在一座能俯瞰其研究基地的山丘上建造了南极洲第一座东正教教堂。

    On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals , Russia has built Antarctica 's first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base .

  9. 一些科学家在研究从南极洲采集冰川的可能性,据估计,南极洲蕴藏着地球上最大的淡水资源。

    Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting icebergs form Antarctica , which is estimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet .

  10. 长胡子俄罗斯牧师在东正教教堂为大约16个俄国人提供定期服务,这些人在基地过冬,他们大多都是冰川与气象领域的极地科学家。

    Bearded Russian priests offer regular services at the Orthodox church for the 16 or so Russian speakers who spend the winter at the base , largely polar scientists in fields like glaciology and meteorology .

  11. 随着各国坚持自己的主张,乔治国王岛的研究站提供了一次机会,一窥在冰川覆盖的大洲上的耗时游戏,削弱了美国、英国、澳大利亚以及新西兰这些国家的长期统治。

    The research stations on King George lsland offer a glimpse into the long game on this ice-blanketed continent as nations assert themselves , eroding the sway long held by countries like the United States , Britain . Australia and New Zealand .

  12. 冰川正在消失,改变了乞力马扎罗的面貌。

    The glaciers are disappearing , changing the face of Kilimanjaro .

  13. 全球变暖导致了那里的冰川的消失,从而对农业构成了巨大的威胁。

    The loss of glaciers there due to global warming represents an enormous threat to agriculture .

  14. 没有冰川的保护,水会不时地汇入河流危及农作物。

    Without the glaciers , water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can damage crops .

  15. 既有冰川,又有雨林和秀丽的山峰

    It has ice and snow glaciers , rainforests and beautiful mountains .

  16. 他们脚下的冰川有一道深深的裂缝。

    The deep crevasse yawned at their feet .

  17. 这里正常的气候模式是:夏季冰川融化,冬季新雪结冰,恢复原状。

    The usual pattern is that ice melts in the summer and is restored by fresh snow in the winter .

  18. 报告明确指出:毫无疑问,人类活动是海平面上升、极地冰川融化、高温、洪水以及旱灾等气候快速变化事件的原因。

    Human activity was “ unequivocally ” the cause of rapid changes to the climate , including sea level rises , melting polar ice and glaciers , heat waves , floods and droughts .

  19. 虽然冬天的雨水会迅速再次结冰,但降雨会改变冰面,使其颜色更黑、质地更滑,这意味着在接下来的夏天里,冰川将更易融化。

    Although rain falling in winter will quickly refreeze , it ’ ll change the surface , making it darker and smoother , which means that in the following summer the ice will be likelier to melt .

  20. 冰川冻土地区对碳同位素形成的影响及~(14)C测年采样方法

    Effect of Glacier-permafrost on Isotopic Formation and Sampling Method of 14 ~ C Dating

  21. 放射性~(14)C年代法在冰川冻土研究中的应用

    Application of ~ ( 14 ) C Dating to the Studies of Glacial Geology and Geocryology

  22. 一种使用GPS、罗盘和激光测距仪测定南极冰川运动的方法

    A Method of Using GPS 、 Compass and laser Scanner to Measure the Glacier Movement In Antarctic

  23. 天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川pH和电导率记录的现代环境过程

    The Present Environmental Processes of the pH and Conductivity Records in the Glacier No 1 at the Headwaters of Urumqi River , Tianshan Mountains

  24. 念青唐古拉山东南麓更新世冰川沉积物年龄测定ESR可以用于河流、冰川沉积物的测年。

    The technique of ESR can be applied in determining the fluvial and glacial deposits .

  25. 流域多年NPP最稳定的区域是各条现代冰川上和敦煌市以西的裸地。

    It was most steady in the modern glaciers and bare land of the western Dunhuang .

  26. Lambert冰川流域物质平衡和南极冰盖变化

    Mass Balance in the Lambert Glacier Basin and Variability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet

  27. 中国冰川径流的评估及其未来50a变化趋势预测

    Glacial Runoff in China : An Evaluation and Prediction for the Future 50 Years

  28. 一个是Lambert冰川流域源头的DomeA区域,另一个是冰川流域东侧的中山站-DomeA断面。

    One is the Dome A region which is the source of Lambert Glacier drainage basin , and the other is Zhongshan Station-Dome A transect in eastern basin .

  29. 结合各群体所在地的生态环境综合考虑,认为WC和TM两群体所在地最有可能为野生银杏冰川期避难所。

    Considered of the genetic diversity of the 4 possible wild populations combined with the ecological environment of their habitats , populations WC and TM are regarded as the survival habitats in glacial period .

  30. 通过与Lambert冰川流域西侧有关研究结果的对比,揭示了该冰川谷地为东南极洲重要气候分界线的特征。

    Comparison with the results in west side of the basin shows that the Lambert Glacier valley is an important boundary of climate in East Antarctica .