
  • 网络Montserrat
  1. 蒙特塞拉特环境部部长GerardGray说,这两个岛上的当地人过去都喜欢吃这种青蛙肉质多的蛙腿,不过如今基本上都是游客要求吃。

    Natives on both islands used to favor the frog 's meaty legs , although it is mostly tourists now who request them , said Gerard Gray , director of Montserrat 's Department of Environment .

  2. 曾经被作为美味的山鸡蛙遭到人们的捕猎,在蒙特塞拉特上栖息地大部分都已经被变幻无常的SoufriereHills破坏。

    Once eaten as a delicacy , the frog was hunted and much of its habitat on Montserrat was destroyed by the temperamental Soufriere Hills volcano .

  3. MVO向蒙特塞拉特岛的民防委员会提交了这个结论,后者在8月6日把它作为了终止疏散令的理由,并允许人们返回家园。

    The MVO submitted this conclusion to Montserrat 's civil protection committee , which , on6 August , used it as grounds to revoke the evacuation order and allow people back to their houses .

  4. 科学家称估计蒙特塞拉特岛上有几千只。

    Scientists estimate a few thousand live on Montserrat .

  5. 来自加勒比小岛蒙特塞拉特岛的经历证明了这种数据是非常宝贵的。

    Experience from the small Caribbean island of Montserrat shows such data can be invaluable .

  6. 将捕猎放在一旁不谈,由于活火山,在蒙特塞拉特这种青蛙的数目已经不断减少。

    Hunting aside , the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano .

  7. 普利茅斯所在的蒙特塞拉特岛于1493年被哥伦布首先发现。这座位于加勒比海的40平方英里大的岛屿每天都在扩大。

    Discovered by Christopher Columbus back in 1493 , the 40 square mile Caribbean island of Montserrat is actually growing with each passing day .

  8. 威廉王子乘坐直升机上岸,皇家海军借蒙特塞拉特岛的5级飓风检测它的军备力量。

    The Prince flew ashore by helicopter as the Navy tested its preparedness should a giant category five storm hit the volcanic island of Montserrat .

  9. 皇家海军战舰参与这次演习的成员,威廉王子乘坐它到达蒙特塞拉特岛并在那里接受应急支援训练。

    This week 's exercise saw personnel from the Royal Navy warship on which the Prince is based land on the island and assist local emergency services directing drills .

  10. 不过,他们知道,此次经历将会拓宽她的视野。她的目标地蒙特塞拉特,客岁产生了一次巨年夜的火山爆发,使人平易近的糊口生涯陷于混乱之中。

    They knew the experience would broaden her horizons however , her destination , Montserrat , within the past year had a huge volcano erupt , disrupting people 's lives .

  11. 圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰和加勒比地区由爱尔兰难民建立的蒙特塞拉特岛的国定假日,在北爱尔兰是公共假日,也是加拿大纽芬兰省的假日。

    It is a national holiday in Ireland , and on the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean , which was founded by Irish refugees . It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a provincial holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland .