
ɡē jù yuàn
  • opera house
  1. 次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。

    The following year she joined the Royal Opera House .

  2. 年轻的指挥家们在小乐队或小歌剧院里崭露头角。

    Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house .

  3. 歌剧院是个名流和时尚人士竞显风采的地方。

    The opera was the place to see and be seen .

  4. 每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。

    Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings .

  5. 看到那些去皇家歌剧院的蠢家伙,我会不屑一顾。

    Look at those saddos going to the Royal Opera House , I would jeer .

  6. 在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。

    After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera , she turned to musical comedy .

  7. 雷根希歌剧院说服她扮演这一角色从而取得了巨大成功。

    Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role .

  8. 歌剧院是以匈牙利国旗的颜色——绿、红、白三色装饰的。

    The Opera House is decorated with the Hungarian national colours : green , red and white .

  9. 尽管她从未在舞台上演唱过,国家歌剧院的约瑟夫·克里普斯还是聘用了她。

    Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage

  10. 她被邀请参加歌剧院的理事会。

    She was invited to join the board of Governors of the opera house .

  11. 巴克斯顿是个思想崇高的地方,理应为自己的文化生活感到自豪。在布克斯顿歌剧院&展览艺术中心还有格林曼画廊,你可以发现合你口味的各种艺术、音乐、剧院以及表演艺术。

    High minded Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and you ' ll find much to suit all tastes with art , music , opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery .

  12. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  13. 这支军队的行动就像歌剧院的芭蕾舞动作一样,那么有条不紊。

    The movements of this army would be regulated like those of the ballet in the opera .

  14. 托尼霍尔(tonyhall)是英国皇家歌剧院首席执行官

    Tony hall is chief executive of the Royal Opera House

  15. 他解释说,在目前与悉尼歌剧院(SydneyOperaHouse)的合同结束后,他可能会失业。

    He explained that when his existing contract at the Sydney Opera House ends he could find himself out of work .

  16. 从此以后,所有人都知道美国芭蕾舞剧团(AmericanBallet)的一位非裔美国芭蕾舞女演员在著名的大都会歌剧院(MetropolitanOperaHouse)演绎了这个崇高的角色;

    Let everyone know henceforth that an African-American ballerina has danced this exalted role with American Ballet Theater at the prestigious Metropolitan Opera House .

  17. Nate同Vanessa在歌剧院度过了浪漫的一晚。

    Nate and Vanessa have a romantic night at the opera .

  18. 周五,黄欣将在休斯敦同萨拉·路德维格(SarahLudwig)举行婚礼,萨拉也是一名小提琴演奏家,任职于休斯顿歌剧院(HoustonGrandOpera)。

    On Friday , Mr. Huang is to be married in Houston to Sarah Ludwig , a violinist with the Houston Grand Opera .

  19. 华人置业曾在上述地块推出名为斯卡拉(LaScala)的豪华住宅项目,与意大利米兰的一家歌剧院同名。

    Chinese Estates was building a luxury housing complex on the land called La Scala , named after the opera house in Milan , Italy .

  20. 据NPR新闻的玛戈·阿德勒报道,歌剧院未能达成700万美元的集资目标。

    NPR 's Margot Adler reports the opera did not make its fundraising goal of seven million dollars .

  21. 2012年在大都会歌剧院(MetropolitanOpera),他指挥演奏的穆索尔斯基(Mussorgsky)名曲“霍万斯基之乱(Khovanshchina)”成为当季最佳。

    In 2012 he led a production of Mussorgsky 's " Khovanshchina " at the Metropolitan Opera that was a highlight of the season .

  22. 上周五,布什总统在悉尼歌剧院度过了十分糟糕的一天,他竟然把APEC说成了OPEC,还把“澳大利亚军队”变成了“奥地利军队”。

    President Bush had a terrible , horrible day at the Sydney Opera House Friday , confusing APEC with OPEC and transforming Australian troops into Austrians .

  23. 悉尼:澳大利亚放弃举办21个成员参加的亚太经济合作(asia-pacificeconomicco-operation)论坛年度峰会的计划,因为该国发现悉尼歌剧院太小、容纳不了所有的代表、甚至连站的地方也不够。

    Sydney : Australia abandons plans to host the annual summit of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum after discovering that the Sydney Opera House is too small to accommodate all the delegates , even standing up .

  24. 也许会效仿周围的剧院——它们最近分别以戴维·格芬(DavidGeffen)和戴维·H·科克(DavidH.Koch)命名——把另一位富有捐款人的名字刻在历史悠久的大都会歌剧院(MetropolitanOperaHouse)的墙上。

    And perhaps , following the lead of its neighboring theaters recently renamed for David Geffen and David H. Koch , slapping another wealthy donor 's name on the storied Metropolitan Opera House .

  25. 周一,柏林爱乐乐团(BerlinPhilharmonic)宣布了下任首席指挥将由生于俄罗斯的慕尼黑巴伐利亚国家歌剧院(BavarianStateOpera)音乐总监基利尔·佩钦科(KirillPetrenko)担任。

    When the Berlin Philharmonic announced on Monday that its next chief conductor would be Kirill Petrenko , the Russian-born music director of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich ,

  26. 在他替补演出23场之后,巴黎歌剧院的舞蹈总监本杰明·米派德(BenjaminMillepied)在后台亲自对他表示了感谢。

    After filling in for 23 shows , he got a back-stage thank-you directly from Benjamin Millepied , the Paris Opera 's dance director .

  27. 我强烈建议再次以马勒(Mahler)和施特劳斯(Strauss)的方式领导这家歌剧院,任命宣布后他在新闻发布会上宣布。

    I am keen that this house again be led in the fashion of Mahler and Strauss , he said at a news conference when his appointment was announced .

  28. 《卡门》(Carmen)是他的一部旷世之作,在首演100多年后,仍作为各大歌剧院的保留剧目,深受世界各地观众的喜爱。

    Carmen is one of his operatic masterpiece , Now , it still be regarded as reserved plays in every opera house after 100 years of its first-performance , and is very favored of audience all over the world .

  29. 马泽尔首次担任音乐总监是在西柏林的德国歌剧院(DeutscheOpera),同时还有柏林广播交响乐团(BerlinRadioSymphonyOrchestra),他从1965年到1971年一直担任这个职务。1972年,他接受了克利夫兰交响乐团的总监职位。

    Mr. Maazel 's first music directorship was that of the Deutsche Opera , in West Berlin , jointly with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra , a position he held from 1965 until 1971 , when he accepted the directorship of the Cleveland Orchestra , to begin in 1972 .

  30. 最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(WallaceK.Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。

    Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .