
  • 网络Ice particles;grains of ice;ice pellet;ICY GRAIN
  1. 强上升气流造成的由冰粒构成的降水。

    Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents .

  2. 加上冰粒对光子的吸收很弱,这解释了雪为什么看起来是白的。

    Along with the very weak absorption of photons by grains of ice , this explains why the snow appears white .

  3. 土卫二继续喷发冰粒到土星轨道中,使处于外围的E环充满了微小的微粒。

    Enceladus continues to exhale water ice into Saturn orbit , keeping the E ring topped off with tiny particles .

  4. 球锥扁椭球冰粒后向散射实验与DDA计算研究

    Lab Observation and DDA Computation on the Backscattering Features of Sphere-Cone-Oblate Ice Particles

  5. 建立了冰粒射流系统。

    An injection ice jet system has been studied and established .

  6. 在一定高度悬挂的可见的水或冰粒的聚合体。

    A visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude .

  7. 冰粒磨料射流装置中制冷系统的设计

    Design of Refrigeration System about Ice Jet

  8. 当新的雪花降落到旧的表面上,也变成了冰粒。

    When new snow fell on top of the old , it too turned to icy grains .

  9. 但土卫二还有个间歇泉,经常向太空喷射水汽和微小冰粒。

    But Enceladus also has geysers that frequently vent water vapor and tiny ice grains into space .

  10. 冰粒射流及冰粒制备

    Ice Jet and Ice Preparation

  11. 结果表明,冰粒射流可以在较低的喷射压力下达到脱漆功用。

    The experiment results come to the conclusion that ice jet can achieve removing paint in lower working pressure .

  12. 这云水是水收集落下的冰粒,云成长为超级冷却冻结。

    This cloud water is collected by falling ice particles , which grow as the super-cooled cloud water freezes .

  13. 采用在天然料土中掺入微量水泥和冰粒的方法,人工制备结构性粘土。

    By putting some amount of cement and ice particles in soil samples , structured clay with macropores is prepared .

  14. 介绍了冰粒射流的原理及装备组成,并对该装备的关键部件喷头进行了结构设计。

    The principle of ice jet and its equipment buildup were introduced , and the nozzle which is one of key components was designed .

  15. 通过对实验方法和实验结果的分析,揭示了冰粒射流的一些特性,为今后进一步研究冰粒射流提供了基础资料。

    With the analysis on the experimental method and result , some certain characteristics of ice grains are found , which provides reference for the further research .

  16. 深紫色的背景映衬下,新斗篷呈现出拂晓时的金粉色,并饰以冰粒和银色暴风雪尘。

    Against an intense mauve backdrop , a new mantle the colour of dawn covered with pink gold , adorned with icy particles and silver storm powder .

  17. 由于每年的雪花积累在表面之上,蒸发和融化使得雪花慢慢失去其羽状尖端而变成微小的冰粒。

    As each years snow accumulation lay on the surface , evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grains of ice .

  18. 因而雪花覆盖层和冰粒层层堆积起来直到如此之大的厚度以致较上层的重量压缩较下层。

    So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers compressed the lower ones .

  19. 在天文学中称彗星的头部;由微小的冰粒和固态气体组成,在太阳风的蒸发下形成慧尾。

    ( astronomy ) the center of the head of a comet ; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail .

  20. 第二种解释得自于实验结果,当雨滴或冰粒释放到空气中时,引发放电所需要的电场会大幅削弱。

    The second explanation comes from experiments showing that the electric field needed to produce a discharge is reduced substantially when raindrops or ice particles are present in the air , as they are inside thunderstorms .

  21. 渗流成型最佳工艺为:聚乳酸溶液浓度1:8g/ml、冰粒子粒径900-1000μm、充型压力0.085-0.08MPa。

    The optimized parameters are concentration of polymer solvent 1:8g / ml , filling pressure 0.085-0.08 MPa and ice size 900-1000 μ m.

  22. 小麦-冰草多粒新种质及其多粒性遗传分析

    The Large Kernel Number in the Novel Wheat-Agropyron Germplasm 3228 and Its Inheritance Analysis

  23. 绝大多数染色粒包含一个遗传单位。小麦-冰草多粒新种质及其多粒性遗传分析

    Most chromomeres contain a genetic unit . The Large Kernel Number in the Novel Wheat-Agropyron Germplasm 3228 and Its Inheritance Analysis

  24. 多晶冰抗压强度的粒径效应

    Effects of grain size on the uniaxial compressive strength of polycrystalline ice