
qì xiànɡ xué
  • meteorology;climatology;aerology
  1. 地基GPS气象学研究的主要问题及最新进展

    The main problems and new advances in ground-based GPS meteorology

  2. GPS气象学研究及应用的进展与前景

    Advances and prospects in the study of GPS meteorology

  3. 比如,科学家们会使用这个概念来谈论气象学、社会学和经济学相关的现象。例句很多人认为,在不久的将来,数码化会把传统媒体推向一个转折点。

    Many believe digitalisation will push traditional media1 to the tipping point in the near future .

  4. 星载SAR在海气边界层气象学中的应用研究

    The Preliminary Study on Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Synthetic Aperture Radar

  5. 地基GPS网对水汽三维分布的监测及其在气象学中的应用

    Sensing Three Dimensional Water Vapor Structure with Ground-based GPS Network and the Application in Meteorology

  6. 同时对流层延迟也是GPS气象学、数值天气预报所关心的焦点问题。

    At the same time troposphere delay is also the focus of GPS meteorology and numerical weather forecasting .

  7. 运用地基GPS气象学的理论,进行了反演大气水汽含量的计算研究。

    The calculation research of retrieving atmospheric water vapor with GPS was made , using theories of Ground Based GPS Meteorology .

  8. 从90年代起,上海天文台就分别开展了地基GPS气象学和空基GPS气象学的研究工作。

    Since the middle of 90s , SHAO has developed the study on the space-based and the ground-based GPS meteorology facilities .

  9. GPS大气探测(GPS气象学)目前已成为国际GPS应用的热点问题,可分为地基和空基应用两个方向。

    GPS meteorology , composed of ground-based and space-borne sounding , has been one of the important GPS applications so far .

  10. 随着全球导航卫星和低轨卫星计划的发展,GPS气象学得到了迅速发展。

    With the development of Global Navigation Satellite System and Low Earth Orbit ( LEO ) Satellite , GPS meteorology gains rapid development .

  11. GPS气象学是GPS应用的一个新领域,天顶延迟的精确测定是其中的一个关键。

    GPS / Meteorology is a new field in GPS applications , in which the precise determination of zenith delay is a key point .

  12. 讲述了无线电掩星观测技术的发展现状,以及开展GPS气象学的科学意义和在国防建设、国民经济中的应用价值。

    Describe the significance , history and development of this technique , and values on the GPS meteorology using for defence construction and national economy .

  13. 中尺度对流涡旋(MesoscaleConvectiveVortex,简称MCV)是近30年来中尺度气象学研究的一个热点。

    Mesoscale Convective Vortex ( MCV ) is a heat topic in mesoscale meteorology of recent thirty years .

  14. 该研究将发表在即将出版的《水文气象学杂志》(JournalofHydrometeorology)上。

    The study will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Hydrometeorology .

  15. 利用低地球轨道LEO(lowearthorbit)卫星上的星载接收机对GPS卫星进行掩星观测反演地球的大气性质,对于气象学和大气研究具有重要意义。

    GPS occultation events will be observed with receivers installed on Low Earth Orbit ( LEO ) satellites , from which the Earth 's atmospheric properties can be inversed .

  16. P4大气科学(气象学)类目使用之我见

    On the Category Usage of P4 Atmospheric Science ( Meteorology ) Class

  17. 高师《气象学与气候学》课程CAI教学课件的制作&以气压场为例

    Making courseware for meteorology and climatology in normal university or normal college & Taking field of pressure as an example ; rarefied-gas aerodynamics at very high altitude

  18. 随着美国GPS系统的形成和完善,全球卫星导航系统的发展,极大推动了许多其它学科的发展,如测量学、天文学、气象学等。

    With the formation of the GPS system and improvement , the development of global satellite navigation system , which greatly promoted the development of many other disciplines , such as geodesy , astronomy , meteorology .

  19. 把GPS探测的水汽同化到数值天气预报中,以提高数值预报的能力是GPS气象学研究的目的,作者介绍了目前水汽在数值预报模型中的同化情况。

    The assimilation of water vapor retrieved from GPS observations into numerical weather forecast is the main object of GPS meteorology and the forecast can be improved . The progresses of assimilation at present are also reviewed .

  20. 由于混沌现象广泛存在于客观世界中,如气象学中的Lorenz系统,电路中的Chua电路系统等。

    There are lots of chaotic phenomena in the world , such as Lorenz system in the meteorology , Chau circuit system and so on .

  21. Delaunay三角剖分已广泛地应用于计算流体力学、统计学、气象学、固体物理学、计算几何学等多个领域。

    Delaunay triangulation has been widely used in many fields such as computational fluid dynamics , statistics , meteorology , solid state physics , computational geometry and so on .

  22. 丹尼尔·科克·戴维多夫是MDA联合公司(曾经研发出遥感技术)的首席科学家和马里兰大学的气象学副教授。他对早前的几项风能经济对气候影响的研究进行了细查。

    Daniel Kirk-Davidoff , a chief scientist for MDA Federal Inc. , which develops remote sensing technologies , and adjunct professor of meteorology at the University of Maryland , has examined the climate impacts of large-scale wind farms in previous studies .

  23. 大约在Bjerknes的气旋模型问世前后,气象学进入了一个迅速发展的时期。

    Meteorology entered a period of rapid advance about the time the Bjerknes'cyclone model appeared .

  24. 在1990年代,一位麻州理工学院(MIT)的气象学教授理查德˙林德任(RichardLindzen),指出有几个机制可以让湿润不致于有很大的变暖效应。

    In the1990s Richard Lindzen , a professor of meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , pointed out that there were ways in which moistening might not greatly enhance warming .

  25. AOGS第六届学术年会气象学研究报告综述

    A Review of the Meteorological Research at the AOGS 6th Annual Meeting

  26. GPS气象学是近几年发展起来的一门交叉学科,本文主要对地基GPS遥感大气水汽和空基GPS掩星探测大气的最新进展和成果作了综合介绍。

    GPS Meteorology is a new cross-area of study developed these years . Two research directions are included in this field . One is remote sensing of water vapor in the atmosphere with ground-based GPS and the other is sounding the atmosphere of the earth with GPS ra-dio occultation .

  27. 本文运用医学地理学、医学气象学及医学磁学等新兴交叉学科的基本原理,分析武汉市36a来机动车辆交通事故与太阳黑子相对数的相关关系。

    Using medical geography , meteorology and magnetism , the paper analyzed the relationship between the relative number of sunspot and traffic accident of power driven vehicle over last 36 years .

  28. 薄膜结构的风致动力效应初探《动力气象学》

    Preliminary studies on wind-induced response of fabric structures the power ;

  29. 具备气候学、大气环流和动力气象学的基本知识。

    Knowledge on climate , atmospheric general circulation and dynamical meteorology .

  30. 气象学参数是确定水源热泵空调系统冷/热负荷的必要依据

    Based on Meteorological Parameters to Determine the Water Source Heat Pump