
wù sōng
  • rime
雾凇[wù sōng]
  1. 雾凇和雨雾凇在NW风向附近次数最多。

    The most of soft rime and mixed icing appeared at about wind direction of NW .

  2. 学校坐落在风景迷人的雾凇之都、中国魅力城市&吉林市。

    It is situated in the Rime Metropolis and Charming City & Jilin .

  3. 吉林市雾凇立交桥钻孔灌注桩竖向承载力试验研究

    Trial Study of Vertical Bearing Capacity of Bored Pile of Wusong Separation Bridge in Jilin City

  4. 这就是名列中国四大自然奇观之一的吉林雾凇。

    This is Wu Song , one of China 's four natural wonders – Jilin Rime .

  5. 精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。

    Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime , the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven .

  6. 当飘舞的雾凇落到我们头顶和肩膀上时,我们会感到格外的爽朗。

    When the flying rime falls on our heard and shoulders , we feel especially fresh and cool .

  7. 一个寒冷的雾凇是在他的头,他的眉毛,他的结实的下巴。

    A frosty rime was on his head , and on his eyebrows , and his wiry chin .

  8. 通常,早晨九点钟后,雾凇会从树上脱落下来。

    Usually , after nine o'clock in the morning , the rime will fell down from the trees .

  9. 黄山大部分是粒状雾凇,气温在-2至-7℃时,就容易形成。

    Huangshan is the most granular matte glaze , the temperature at-2 to-7 ℃, it is easy to create .

  10. 吉林雾凇与桂林山水、云南石林、长江三峡并誉为中国四大自然奇观。

    Jilin get snow and fog Guilin landscapes , Yunnan hill , and as China 's Three Gorges four natural wonders ;

  11. 三峡地区导线覆冰的特性及雾凇覆冰模型

    Power Lines Icing Characteristics of the Three Gorges District and a Model of the Accumulation of Ice on Electric on Electric Power Lines

  12. 叶片结冰有两种形式:雨凇和雾凇,阐述了它们的形成机理和各自的特性。

    There are two forms of blade icing : the glaze and the rime , their formation mechanism and characteristics were introduced respectively .

  13. 好了,各位,现在我们已经抵达松江路,请戴好你们的帽子和手套,跟着我一起去欣赏迷人的雾凇美景吧!

    Ok everyone now we have reached the Songjang road please put your hats and gloves together go follow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime .

  14. 总的作用使得雾凇覆冰速率和覆冰质量都随着外加电压的增加而增强,而覆冰密度随外加电压的增加有先增加后减小的趋势。

    All the effects would accelerate the icing velocity and increase the ice quality as the increasing of applied voltage . Whereas , the ice density would be first increased and then decreased .

  15. 根据结冰导线舞动机理的研究现状,在6种导线结冰的类型中选取近似于硬雾凇的冰型,在繁多的结冰导线的截面形状中选取新月形为结冰导线试件的结冰横截面的形状。

    Hard rime was selected in six kinds of ice and new moon form was selected as the form of section of iced conductor in many forms according to present condition of researching the mechanism of iced conductor 's gallop .

  16. 对于干增长的雾凇覆冰,主要受外加电压大小和绝缘子型式的影响;对于湿增长的雨凇覆冰,主要受与外加电压大小、绝缘子材料和型式、覆冰水电导率有关。

    The rime-ice with dry-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage and the insulator configuration while the glaze-ice with wet-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage , the insulator configuration , the insulator material , and the freezing water conductivity .