
qì xiànɡ xué jiā
  • meteorologist
  1. 可能有河水再次上涨的风险,预计下次水位高峰将在周二下午,气象学家AR说到。

    That was expected to push the river up again , with the next peak forecast for Tuesday afternoon , meteorologist Albert Richmond said .

  2. 一下是CNN气象学家BonnieSchneider的说法。

    Here 's CNN meteorologist Bonnie Schneider .

  3. 气象学家说,气候变暖意味着暖潮现象会变得更普遍。

    Meteorologists say that the warming climate means the phenomenon is likely to become common .

  4. CNN气象学家表示在春天我们应该期待意想不到的结果。

    CNN meteorologists say that in spring , we should expect the unexpected .

  5. 代表交易员和气象学家集体智慧的芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的“冷度日”(coolingdegreedays)期货价格表明,8月份也会很热。

    Futures prices of " cooling degree days " traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , representing the collective wisdom of traders and meteorologists , suggest August will be hot too .

  6. 英国气象服务的高级气象学家JimDale表示这场苹果雨很有可能是因为回流的极地海洋气团造成的。

    Jim Dale , senior meteorologist from British Weather Services , said the event was probably caused by returning polar maritime air .

  7. 混沌现象由美国气象学家洛伦兹(Lorenz)于1963年首先发现,其后迅速发展成为一门新兴科学。

    Chaos was first discovered by an America meteorologist Lorenz in 1963 , and turned into a new science rapidly .

  8. 自二十世纪五十年代初起,气象学家就致力于发展数值天气预报(NWP)技术,来提高天气预报的准确性。

    Meteorologists have been developing the numerical weather prediction ( NWP ) technology for accuracy since the early 1950s .

  9. 我们对话CNN首席气象学家查德·迈尔斯,而第一个问题是我们为什么在冬天看不到更多的龙卷风?

    We talked with chief CNN meteorologist Chad Myers , and the first questions we asked is , why don 't we see more tornadoes in the Winter ?

  10. 供职于NOAA在华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的合作机构的气象学家尼古拉斯·A·邦德(NicholasA.Bond)表示,气候变化可能会让厄尔尼诺现象变得更加常见。“温水区”这一现象就是邦德命名的。

    Nicholas A. Bond , a research meteorologist at NOAA 's cooperative institute at the University of Washington who gave the Blob its name , said that climate change could make El Ni conditions more common .

  11. 根据CNN气象学家莫妮卡·加勒特说,印度正经历着来自印度西北部以及巴基斯坦又热又干的西风,也就是洛风,导致气候干旱。

    India is experiencing Loo winds , hot and dry westerly gusts from Pakistan and northwest India which dries out the region , according to CNN meteorologist Monica Garrett .

  12. CNN天气气象学家迈尔斯乍得预计这场暴风雪从晚上开始,接连持续几天,最终像前一场暴风雪一样向东推进。

    That storm , which is expected to start overnight , should last several days and eventually make its way eastward , like its predecessor , CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said .

  13. 经过近30年来的不断探索,气象学家们逐渐对MCV的基本特征、演变机理以及MCV与高影响天气的关联有所了解。

    With consistent researching in recent thirty years , mesoscale meteorologists have gradually caught its basic characters , evolution mechanism and its relationship with high-impact weather systems .

  14. 国家海洋和大气管理局气候预测中心的气象学家米歇尔•拉赫茹克斯说,这种“Z”形走势不时出现,这很自然,但不清楚为什么现在会这么强劲。

    The zigzag pattern arises naturally from time to time , but it is not clear why it 's so strong right now , said Michelle L'Heureux , a meteorologist at the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .

  15. 本文主要根据美国著名生物气象学家Steadman,R。

    Mainly based on the theory on apparent temperature initiated by the famous American biometeorologist R.

  16. 让全球气象学家如临大敌的原因是,新的5G网络将使用的无线电频率会影响气象卫星对地球观测的关键数据。

    The crisis facing the world 's meteorologists stems from the fact that the radio frequencies the new 5G networks will use could contaminate critical Earth observations made by weather satellites .

  17. 气象学家托马斯·R·纽森(ThomasR.Knutson)表示,难以证明如今的气旋活动,是否有明确且能察觉到的人为因素。纽森供职于NOAA在普林斯顿大学的地球物理流体动力学实验室。

    Whether there is a clear and detectable human-caused component to today 's cyclone activity is harder to prove , said Thomas R. Knutson , a research meteorologist with NOAA 's geophysical fluid dynamics laboratory at Princeton .

  18. 这是来自全球气象学家的严酷警告。他们认为,正在全球推广的5G网络将干扰用于监测大气变化的精密卫星设备。

    That is the stark warning of meteorologists around the world , who say the next-generation wireless system now being rolled out across the globe is likely to disrupt the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere .

  19. 自20世纪60年代美国气象学家E.N.Lorenz在数值实验中偶然发现了第一个混沌吸引子以来,混沌在众多领域中获得了巨大而深远的发展。

    In 1960s ' , an American meteorologist , E. N. Lorenz , found the first strange attractor , the so-called Lorenz attractor , in a numerical experiment .

  20. 20世纪80年代,电脑制图的出现带来了更多标准化的、低解析度的天气符号:“只有16种色彩可以上色,”丹佛的气象学家,在“彩图气象系统”公司工作的麦克·尼尔森(MikeNelson)说,“所以没法太有创意。”

    The advent of computer graphics in the 1980s brought more standardized , low-res icons : " You only had 16 colors that you could put on the graphic , " says Mike Nelson , a Denver meteorologist who worked for a company called ColorGraphics Weather Systems . " You couldn 't be all that creative . "

  21. 他们履行职责类似于由军事气象学家。

    They perform duties similar to those performed by military meteorologists .

  22. 当前,印度的气象学家们希望尽快获得答案。

    Yet India 's meteorological scientists hope to soon have some answers .

  23. 他没有把它交给气象学家去分解剖析。

    He did not give it to meteorologists to dissect .

  24. 气象学家认为这是有史以来最强大的一次飓风…

    Meteorologists already believe this to be the strongest hurricane ever recorded ....

  25. 气象学家周月华表示,拉尼娜是造成旱情的原因。

    Meteorologist Zhou Yuehua said La Nina was to blame for the drought .

  26. 气压、湿度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。

    Pressure , humidity , and any other quantity a meteorologist would want .

  27. 气象学家认为多种因素综合引起了如此温暖的冬天。

    Meteorologists say the warm spell is due to a combination of factors .

  28. 气象学家利用计算机模型更为准确地预测会造成生命和财产损失的飓风的路线

    Meteorologists use computer models to more accurately predict the course of killer hurricanes

  29. 气象学家是对这种思想有领会的一个群体。

    Meteorologists are one group that has a ready grasp of this idea .

  30. 一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。

    A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you .