
tàn xún huán
  • carbon cycle;carbon cycling
  1. 二维的大气CO2&大西洋碳循环模式

    Two-Dimensional Atmospheric CO_2 - Atlantic Carbon Cycle Model

  2. 在大自然的碳循环中,植物生长时吸收CO2。

    In the natural carbon cycle , plants absorb CO2 as they grow .

  3. 森林土壤呼吸是全球碳循环的重要流通途径之一,其动态变化将直接影响全球C平衡。

    Forest soil respiration is an important way of the global carbon cycle , as its dynamic change will directly affect the global C balance .

  4. 基于遥感和GIS的内蒙古锡林河流域土地利用/土地覆盖变化和碳循环研究

    Study on Land-Use / Cover Change and Carbon Cycle of Xilin River Basin , Inner Mongolia Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  5. 印度洋二维碳循环模式中表层CO2分压分布对物理和生化过程的敏感性试验

    Sensitivity Test of the Distribution of Indian Ocean Surface CO_2 Partial Pressure on the Physical and Biochemical Processes by a Two-Dimensional Ocean Carbon Cycle Model

  6. 植被净初级生产力(NetPrimaryProduction,NPP)在全球变化和全球碳循环中占有重要地位,是全球多项重要研究计划中的重要环节。

    Net Primary Production ( NPP ) is a key component of many important globe research programs ; it keeps important position in global changing and global carbon cycle .

  7. 农田土壤作为大气CO2的源和库,在全球碳循环中的重要角色日渐被认识。

    As the source and sink of atmospheric CO2 , the role of the soil carbon in the global carbon cycle was realized gradually .

  8. NiFe2O4直接分解二氧化碳成碳循环反应过程结构演变研究

    Study on the structure change of nife_2o_4 during the cycle reaction of decomposition of co_2 to C

  9. 人们从系统论的观点出发,相继展开了有关地球系统的碳循环、CO2的源和汇等一系列问题的研究。

    From the point of view of system , a series of researches about carbon cycle of earth ' system and CO2 's " source and sink " are done .

  10. 农业植被净初级生产力代表了农田生态系统固定大气CO2的能力,是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分。

    Plant net primary production ( NPP ) of agriculture vegetation represents the capacity of sequestrating atmospheric CO2 in agro-ecosystem , and plays an important role in terrestrial carbon cycling .

  11. 准确定量海气CO2通量并掌握其在不同时空尺度上的变化是全球碳循环与气候变迁研究的中心任务之一。

    The constraint of air-sea CO2 fluxes and their variability at various time and spatial scales remain a central task in the global carbon and climate studies .

  12. 当前,大气CO2浓度不断升高,温室效应加剧,使得碳循环研究成为全球关注的热点问题。

    At present , with the situation of atmospheric CO2 concentration elevating and the greenhouse effect intensifying , carbon cycle has been one of hot topics in the world .

  13. 岩溶地区大气CO2浓度较非岩溶区低,土壤CO2浓度较非岩溶地区高,因此,岩溶区土壤CO2的源与汇问题成为碳循环和温室效应研究的重点。

    The research on dynamics of soil CO2 concentration is very important to research on the dynamics of atmospheric CO2 The atmospheric CO2 concentration in the karst district is lower than other districts .

  14. 植被与大气间CO2通量的长期观测能够使人们加深对陆地生态系统在全球碳循环中科学地位的理解。

    Long-term measurements of the exchange of CO2 between terrestrial ecosystems and atmosphere have the potential to markedly improve understanding the role terrestrial ecosystems play in the global carbon cycle .

  15. 土壤表面CO2通量(RS)作为陆地生态系统向大气圈释放的主要CO2源,其时空变化直接影响到区域碳循环。

    The spatial and temporal changes in soil surface CO_2 flux ( R_S ), the major CO_ 2 source to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems , directly influence the local and regional carbon budgets .

  16. 由于大气CO2浓度不断升高,碳循环研究成为全球关注的热点,而土壤碳库在全球碳循环中起着至关重要的作用。

    The research about carbon cycle has been a hotspot in global scales because there bas been a continual increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide ( CO_2 ) since the industrial revolution .

  17. 补增UV-B辐射对香蕉叶片光合作用和叶氮在光合碳循环组分中分配的影响

    Effects of Supplementary UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis and Partition of Leaf Nitrogen in Components of Photosynthetic Carbon Cycle in Leaves of Musa paradisiaca

  18. 本文综述了国外对陆地植被和大气中CO2之间的关系以及陆地植被的动态与全球变化中碳循环的研究结果,同时也对我国这方面的研究进行了介绍。

    Studies and results at home and abroad on the relationship between land vegetation dynamic and CO2 content in atmosphere and on land vegetation dynamic and carbon circle in global variation were introduced .

  19. 不同类型的土地利用/覆盖变化对生态系统碳循环的作用不同,由高生物量的森林转化为低生物量的草地、农田或城市后,大量的CO2将释放到大气中。

    Ecosystem carbon cycling responds differently to various LUCC types , showing a pattern of CO2 release into the atmosphere when LUCC from a high-biomass forest to low-biomass grassland , cropland or urban area .

  20. 这一发现表明,化学风化(包括碳酸盐岩溶解和硅酸盐风化)作用在大气CO2沉降和全球碳循环里的所谓丢失的汇中的重要性需要重新评价。

    It is thus held that the importance of chemical weathering ( including the carbonate rock dissolution and silicate weathering ) in atmospheric CO 2 precipitation and the mysterious missing precipitation in carbon cycling requires reappraisal .

  21. 土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,也是土壤碳库向大气输出碳的唯一途径和大气CO2重要的源。

    Soil respiration is the important component of the carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystem , and also is the only way to output carbon into atmosphere from soil carbon , and the important source of atmospheric CO2 .

  22. 河流流域内岩石的化学风化是全球岩石化学风化的主体,准确估算流域内岩石化学风化大气CO2的消耗量,对全球碳循环研究具有重要意义。

    Because of the dominant role of river basins in the global chemical weathering , accurate quantification for the consumption flux of CO2 by chemical weathering in river basins is essential for studying the global carbon cycle .

  23. 海洋碳循环模式中常使用放射性同位素14C来检验该模式的物理模型是否较好地反映了海洋中的大尺度变化的过程。

    Oceanic carbon models often use radiocarbon to test the performance of the physical model for the large scale processes in the oceans .

  24. 研究海洋中的CO具有重要的生物地球化学意义,因为它在控制大气中羟基自由基的浓度、参与全球碳循环进而影响全球气候变化等方面起着重要作用。

    Oceanic carbon monoxide ( CO ) has been of biogeochemical interest for decades because of its important roles in regulating the atmospheric concentration of hydroxyl radicals , participating in the global carbon cycle and thus affecting the global climate change .

  25. 在大气CO2浓度升高的背景下,精确区分根呼吸与微生物呼吸是构建森林生态系统碳循环模型和预测森林生态系统碳源/汇关系所必需的。

    To model the carbon cycle and predict carbon source / sink of forest ecosystems , we must first understand the relative contributions of root / rhizosphere and microbial respirations to total soil respiration under elevated CO2 concentrations .

  26. 本文有助于从CO2动态变化的角度阐明碳酸盐岩溶蚀回收大气CO2的机理,将为岩溶动力系统和全球碳循环研究提供新的线索。

    The results of this research will be conductive to clarifying the mechanism of carbonate rock dissolution and uptaking atmospheric CO2 in terms of CO2 dynamic change and provide a new clue for the karst dynamic system and world carbon cycle study .

  27. 土壤是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,在全球碳循环中起着主导作用,因此研究陆地土壤碳循环机制及对全球变化的响应,是预测大气CO2含量及全球变化的重要基础。

    Soil is an important component and plays a leading role in global carbon cycling . Therefore , the study on terrestrial soil carbon cycling mechanism and responses to global change are an important foundation of predicting CO_2 content and global change .

  28. 由于氮循环的复杂性,在以往的大多数碳循环研究中,更多考虑水分、温度和大气CO2浓度等因子的影响,考虑碳氮相互作用的研究较少。

    Some factors , such as temperature , water and CO2 concentration , were more considered in the previous carbon researches than the nitrogen because of the complexity of nitrogen cycle , but this situation has changed in recent years .

  29. CDOM在水体生态系统、水色遥感和全球碳循环研究中具有广阔的应用前景。

    CDOM has a broad application prospect in aquatic ecosystems , optical remote sensing and carbon circulation in the sea .

  30. 海洋初级生产力(OPP)在全球碳循环中起着重要作用,在相当程度上控制着海–气界面CO2的交换,是全球变化研究中的重要内容。

    Ocean primary productivity ( OPP ) controls the exchange of carbon dioxide at the air – sea interface and plays an important role in the global carbon cycle and climate change .