
tàn suān yán
  • carbonate
  1. 中古生代以前的许多碳酸盐类矿物是白云石而不是方解石。

    Many carbonate masses older than middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite .

  2. 基于FORWARD平台的碳酸盐岩储层测井评价系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Carbonate Reservoir Logging Evaluation System Based on FORWARD Software

  3. 对Cu的形态与农作物Cu含量的相关性分析表明,碳酸盐态Cu的植物有效性较大。

    Correlative analysis showed that carbonate bound Cu was more bio-available .

  4. 碱&碳酸盐反应和pH值

    Alkali - carbonate reaction and pH value

  5. 白云石通常具有较高的斜方晶碳酸盐/CaO比例。

    Dolomites usually have higher rhombic carbonate / CaO ratio .

  6. K、Na、Ca的碳酸盐细粉对烟幕残留物的自净化效果

    Efficiency of self-purification of carbonates powder with K , Na and Ca on the remain from smoke screen

  7. 笔者采用碳酸盐(特别是CO2)含量来标定磷矿石的风化强度。

    The authors use the carbonate content ( esp. the CO_2 content ) to demarcate the weathering intensity of phosphorus ores .

  8. 随着富CO2热流体多次间歇性入侵导致了含铁碳酸盐矿物的反复多次溶解和沉淀、生物介壳大量溶蚀和长石铸模孔的形成以及绿泥石消失、高岭石增加等。

    With the intermittent activity of hot fluid containing CC ^ , ferrous carbonate minerals dissolved and precipitate repeatedly many times .

  9. 土壤pH值、碳酸盐含量、有机质含量以及土壤颗粒大小,均对土壤锰的形态分布有重要影响。

    Soil properties ( soil pH , organic matter content , carbonate content and particle size ) have important influence on form distribution of soil Mn .

  10. 原子吸收法测定海洋沉积物碳酸盐组分中的Ca,Mg,Na,Fe,Mn

    The determination of elements ca , mg , na , fe , Mn in the carbonate fraction of marine sediments by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

  11. 根据统计学规律,对塔里木盆地油田水进行了研究,阐明了该盆地油田水的碳酸盐平衡系数(简称为RC)与有机酸的基本特征。

    According to statistical distribution theory , the characteristics of carbonate equilibrium ratios and organic acid content in oil_field water were described .

  12. 尔雅新证是指利用甲骨文、金文等出土古文字材料来校读《尔雅》的一种研究方法。Read所称的碳酸盐等斜缓坡。

    Er Ya new - prove is a research method to read and revise Er Ya taking advantage of unearthed ancient writing material such as oracle bone and bronze inscriptions and some on .

  13. TCE运移的计算机模拟&某碳酸盐岩含水层中地下水有机污染及其去除研究之二

    Study of Groundwater Contamination in a Carbonate Aquifer and Remediation 2.Computer Simulation for TCE Transport

  14. 碳酸盐岩(O)和碎屑岩(C、T)储集层分2大类4个亚类圈闭组合,形成了10种类型的凝析气(田)藏。

    The carbonate rock ( O ) and detrital rock ( C , T ) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes , which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools .

  15. 经传统岩相分析,鄂中拗陷二叠系碳酸盐岩确认为碳酸盐岩台坪相,它包含五个亚相,即局限台洼、台坡B、台洼、台坡A和台滩相。

    Permian carbonate rocks in the central Hubei basin have been identified as carbonate platform facies after traditional facies analysis . It includes five subfacies , i.e. sub-facies of districted depression , slope B , depression , slope A and shallow out .

  16. Ⅰ型干酪根的活化能分布范围很窄,泥质岩与碳酸盐岩中主要分布于50837~53828cal/mol;

    The activation energy distribution of ⅰ type of kerogen ranges narrowly , being 50 837 ~ 53 828 cal / mol for mudstone and carbonate rock ;

  17. 在三种元素中,Zn的化学形态变化趋势最为一致,表现为残留态>碳酸盐结合态>铁锰结合态>有机态>交换态;

    Of the three elements , the Zn chemomorphosis change tendency was the most consistent , being that residual form > carbonate combined form > Fe-Mn oxide combined form > organic form > exchangeable form .

  18. 研究了体系pH值和土壤矿物成分对贵州省安顺和遵义两个地区碳酸盐岩红土吸附砷的影响,探讨了红土对砷的吸附机理。

    The characteristics of adsorption of arsenic in red soil in Anshun and Zunyi areas affected by pH value and mineral were studied in this research work , and the adsorb mechanism of arsenic in red soil was discussed .

  19. 本文应用轻烃(C1-C7)分析结果,研究了一个碳酸盐岩含油气盆地泥盆系至三叠系的原油和生油岩的轻烃特征。

    Characteristics have been studied of volatile hydrocarbon ( C1-C7 ) from oils and oil source rocks of Devonian to Triassic ages in Jurong carbonate basin .

  20. 施用赤泥能提高土壤pH,降低土壤交换态Cd含量,将交换态Cd转变为铁锰结合态和碳酸盐结合态,减少水稻糙米中Cd的累积量。

    The application of red mud can increased soil pH , reduce the content of soil exchangeable Cd , transform exchangeable Cd into iron manganese bound and carbonate bound , and reduce the cumulative amount of Cd in brown rice .

  21. 同时利用BP神经网络和多元回归分析法对碳酸盐岩地层实测破裂压力数据进行统计建模和预测研究。

    And by the BP neural network and multi-regress analysis technique , some reasonable statistical models of formation fracture pressure are established by making full use of formation fracture pressure data of carbonate formation , and the prediction study is developed .

  22. 利用FinniganMat-252气体同位素质谱计分析碳酸盐氧同位素的结果校正

    Oxygen Isotope Calibration of Carbonate Minerals Measured by Finnigan MAT 252 Gas Mass Spectrometer

  23. FeAsS吸附二硫代碳酸盐的固体表面活度研究

    Studies on solid surface activity in adsorption of dithiocarbonate on FeAsS

  24. 碳酸盐纹层常常主要是由藻类勃发形成的钙质鳞板等内生成因碳酸盐薄纹层组成,因此Sr的来源与藻类勃发有关。

    Because the carbonate laminas are usually composed of endogenetic thin laminas of carbonate , such as calcareous imbricate plank formed by algal blooming , it is concluded that the source of Sr has a relation to algal blooming .

  25. 在以往的研究中,根据洞穴次生碳酸盐沉积87Sr/86Sr的变化对一些可能的Sr来源的相对贡献进行了研究,并进一步对其蕴涵的气候环境演化意义进行了探讨。

    In the past studies , changes in speleothem 87Sr / 86Sr is used as an indicator of variations of relative contribution of various Sr sources , and in turn as a reflection of changes in paleoclimate and paleoenvironment .

  26. 以ZnSO4·7H2O为原料,添加NaOH溶液和NH4HCO3粉末,制备出晶粒细小的碱式碳酸盐前驱体。

    The nanocrystalline ZnO particles were prepared by roasting basic carbonate precursor synthesized with very fine crystalline grain by using ZnSO_4 .. 7H_2O , NaOH solution and NaHCO_3 powder .

  27. 结果表明,K和Rb等元素,主要赋存于残留态中,而Ca、Sr等元素主要赋存于碳酸盐结合态和残留态中。

    The organic matter bounded ; and ( 6 ) residual forms of elements . Results show that elements , such as K and Rb , are predominantly associated with the residual , whereas Ca and Sr are mainly in carbonate bounded and residual forms .

  28. 样品是采用沉积物中碳酸盐测定后的残渣,用240C型元素分析仪测定。

    The remains of sediment samples after measuring carbonate were used for the determination by 240C element analyzer .

  29. Mn/Sr比值在考虑了控制碳酸盐阴极发光性的Mn含量的同时,兼顾了海相和陆相元素的相对含量,因而是一种较全面的成岩蚀变性判断标准。

    The Mn / Sr value considers the Mn content for control factors of cathodoluminescence and the relative content of the marine versus terrigenous elements . So the Mn / Sr ratio is the relatively comprehensive discrimination criterion for controlling the alteration of marine carbonate .

  30. 良好的储层包括与不整合相关的古喀斯特、TST和HST的碳酸盐岩隆、生物碎屑滩和LST的浊积岩、LST底部和HST顶?

    Favorable reservoirs are paleo karst related to regional unconformity , carbonate buildup and bioclastic limestone in TST and HST , turbidite in LST and dolostone or grainstone in lower LST and higher HST .