
tuō shuǐ jì
  • dehydrant;desiccant
  1. 方法通过CT扫描证实脑干出血,治疗应用脱水剂,脑细胞活化剂及综合治疗。

    Methods Through CTscanning to prove the hemorrhage of brain , to treat with dehydrant , activator of brain cell and complex treatment .

  2. 结果ICP监护组在脱水剂应用时间、剂量及并发症方面均低于常规治疗组,两组差异显著(P<0.01);

    Results The complications , duration and dosage of dehydrant application were all less than those in routine treatment group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 对以吗啉和醋酐为原料,在脱水剂的作用下合成N乙酰吗啉进行了研究。

    N acetyl morpholine is synthesized with morpholine and acetic anhydride as raw materials .

  4. 本文以浓硫酸作为蓖麻油(CO)脱水剂,考察了各种因素对产品质量的影响,确定出最佳反应条件。催化剂用量大大减少,脱水蓖麻油(DCO)质量优于文献报导。

    Sulphuric acid has been studied as catalyst for the dehydration of castor oil .

  5. 要重视老年人的个体差异,正确地使用脱水剂等,尽量避免防止ARF的发生。

    Proper use of dehydration , etc. , to avoid as much as possible to prevent the occurrence of ARF .

  6. 年龄≥65岁、糖尿病、吸烟史、吞咽障碍、低蛋白血症、预防性应用抗生素、脱水剂、H2受体阻滞剂或质子泵抑制剂、鼻饲治疗是SAP的危险因素。

    The risk factors of SAP include age ≥ 65 , diabetes , smoking , dysphagia , hypoproteinemia , antibiotic prophylaxis , dehydrant , H2-blocker or inhibitors of proton pump , nasal feeding .

  7. TMC作为脱水剂和缩合试剂被广泛应用于糖类化学和肽类化学中,对于将其作为底物合成杂环化合物的应用很少。

    TMC is widely used in carbohydrate chemistry and peptide chemistry as Condensation reagent or dehydrating agent but few in synthesis of heterocyclic compound .

  8. 结果表明,混合溶剂共沸蒸馏处理以及有机脱水剂是比较有效的脱水方法,可以用来制备比表面积大(85.32m2·g&)、团聚小、电阻率低1的纳米ATO导电粉体。

    The results show that n-butanol / xylene mixed solvent heterogeneous azeotropic distillation process - ing and organic dehydrating agent can dehydrate effectively , and produce powder with large surface areas , about 85.32 m · g , low agglomeration and 2 & 1 good conductivity .

  9. 本文研究了利用脱水剂1,3-二环己基碳化二亚胺(DCC)低温脱水催化丙炔酸与酚醇的酯化反应,与传统浓硫酸催化酯化相比,该方法副反应少、产率高。

    This paper studied the using of dehydrating agent Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide ( DCC ) to catalyze esterification between propionic acid and phenol alcohol compounds at low temperature . Compared with the traditional esterification by the sulfuric acid as dehydrating agent , this method had less side reaction and obtained high yields .

  10. 采用脱水剂强化超稠油脱水的实验研究

    Experimental study on enhanced deaquation process for extra-heavy crude oil using dehydrant

  11. 固体中的水可用脱水剂将其反应掉。

    The water in the solid can be removed by a dehydrating agent .

  12. 合成α-细辛脑的脱水剂选择

    Dehydrant Selection for the Synthesis of α - Asarone

  13. 脱水剂脱水反应。

    5-ammonium formate phthalide is reacted with dehydrating agent .

  14. 讨论了不同影响因素如阻聚剂、脱水剂和反应时间对合成反应以及转化率的影响;

    The effects of inhibitor , dehydrant and reaction time on conversion were studied .

  15. 方法对76例海络因依赖者统一采用抗焦虑药、抗抑郁药、抗精神病药、脱水剂及营养支持等非替代综合戒毒法进行治疗。

    Methods 76 heroin dependent patients who volunteered to abstain were hospitalized and received non-substitution therapy .

  16. 早期持续使用脱水剂、激素及对症治疗,预后较好。

    The prognosis is usually good with early use of dehydrated agent , glucocorticoid and supportive treatment .

  17. 脱水剂可以回收再利用,回收率达98.3%。

    The dehydrater can be recovered and used again , the recovery is upon 98 . 3 % .

  18. 化学脱水剂的脱水效果受到药剂种类、喷施时期和药剂浓度的影响。

    The dehydration effects of chemical dehydration were affected by the types of reagent , spraying stage and the concentration of reagent .

  19. 目的:采用中药五苓散制剂联合甘露醇作为脱水剂,治疗临床各种病因所致的脑水肿,观察其比单纯甘露醇治疗脑水肿的优势,使中西医结合的临床治疗能够得到更广泛的应用。

    Objective : Use Wuling Powder with mannitol as a dehydrator to treat brain edema which due to a variety of pathogens in clinical .

  20. 结果表明,加入脱水剂和带水剂可以显著提高乳酸乙酯的产率。

    The results showed that the productivity of ethyl lactate was obviously improved by adding dehydrating agent and water-carrying agent in the reaction system .

  21. 方法在控制颅压,应用脱水剂的基础上,紧急施锥颅术引流血肿和脑脊液,消除血肿。

    Methods On the base of reducing intracranial pressure and mannitol , the emergency skull drilling was performed to drainage spinal fluid and remove hematoma .

  22. 本文研究了异丙醚和甲基异丁基甲酮作为苯酚羟化液萃取脱水剂在20℃时的液-液相平衡关系。

    The liquid-liquid phase equilibrium system in the dehydration of the phenol hydroxylation at 20 ℃ was studied , the extractants were isopropyl ether and 4-methyl-2-pentanone .

  23. 均应用脱水剂、脑细胞保护剂、肠溶阿司匹林、清除自由基、防治感染、维持水电解质酸碱平衡等常规治疗。

    All patients received routine treatments such as dehydrant , intestine soluble aspirin , free radical wiping agents , and maintaining balance of water and electrolyte .

  24. 光解N-甲氧基偕溴代亚胺化合物以高产率获得相应的腈,并在转变过程中小影响对常见脱水剂和卤化剂敏感的官能团。

    Photolysis of N-methoxyimidoyl bromides leads to formation of the corresponding nitriles without affecting functional groups sensitive to ordinary dehydrating and halogenating reagents , in high yield .

  25. 分析了添加脱水剂后密封胶储存稳定性提高以及表干时间延长的原因,研究了脱水剂的最优添加量。

    The reasons of the improvement of stability and the prolongation of tack free time were analyzed and the optimal amount of dehydrating agent was studied in this article .

  26. 实验结果表明添加脱水剂可以显著改善密封胶的储存性能,但是使密封胶的表干时间延长,流淌性增加。

    The experiment results showed that adding dehydrating agent into the sealant obviously improved its storage stability but prolonged the tack free time of sealant and increased its flow property .

  27. 方法将38例(38眼)外伤性视神经损伤早期应用大剂量皮质类固醇、脱水剂、血管扩张剂、维生素及神经营养药物治疗结果进行分析。

    Methods Administration of sufficient dose of corticosteroids , vasodilators , vitamins and neurotrophic drugs in38 cases of traumatic optic neuropathy in the early stage and its effect were observed .

  28. “干燥剂,脱水剂:一种对水有很强吸附性的物质,常用作干燥剂例如:氧化钙,锗化硅等.”

    " desiccant : a substance , such as calcium oxide or silica gel , that has a high affinity for water and is used as a drying agent . "

  29. 研究还表明了添加脱水剂后,密封胶的断裂伸长率、邵氏硬度、剪切强度等性能受到的影响很小。

    The research also indicated that the performances of PU sealant such as ultimate elongation , Shore-A hardness and shear strength , etc were affected little after adding dehydrating agent .

  30. 通过实验发现催化剂、脱水剂、增塑剂以及游离的异氰酸酯含量对密封胶的表干时间有很大的影响。

    Through the experiment , it is found that the tack free time is affected greatly by the content of catalyst , dehydrating agent , plasticizer and the free NCO .