
huà hé wù
  • chemical compound
化合物 [huà hé wù]
  • [chemical compound] 由两种或两种以上组分(如元素)按一定重量比与一定结构排列结合成的具有独特化学性质的物质

化合物[huà hé wù]
  1. 维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。

    A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body .

  2. 叠氮化物:一种化合物,包含基团N。

    Azide : a chemical compound that contains the group N.

  3. 含硫化合物的名称前通常有前缀thio。

    Sulphur-containing compounds are often prefixed by the term ' thio '

  4. 不太稳定的化合物被转换成了一种叫做Delta-ATHC的化合物。

    The less stable compounds were converted into a compound called Delta-A THC .

  5. 这些化合物在肝脏中与遗传物质实现结合。

    These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver .

  6. 碳化合物氧化后必然会产生二氧化碳。

    Carbon dioxide is a necessary result of the oxidation of carbon compounds .

  7. 这种黏性的化合物能牢牢地粘在这个表面上。

    This sticky compound adheres well on this surface .

  8. 有机化合物的分子中含碳。

    Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules .

  9. 研究重点追踪了5种化合物含量上升的影响。

    The research effort has focused on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds

  10. 空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。

    Air is a mixture , not a compound of gases .

  11. 氧化铁是铁和氧的化合物。

    Iron oxide is a compound of iron and oxygen .

  12. 水是含有氢元素和氧元素的化合物。

    Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen .

  13. a-fe2o3(赤铁矿)是中子衍射最先研究的化合物之一。

    A-fe2o3 ( haematite ) was one of the first compounds to be studied by neutron diffraction .

  14. 碳是一种(化学)元素,而二氧化碳则是一种化合物。

    Carbon is an element , while carbon dioxide is a compound .

  15. 不含碱性氮的化合物包括吡咯、吲哚、咔唑和苯咔唑。

    Non-basic nitrogen-containing series include pyrroles , indoles , carbazoles and benzcarbazoles .

  16. 可是,基本的异种化合物活性看来是由配基所决定的。

    However , basic Allelochemical activity seems to lie with the aglycone .

  17. 事实上还不知道芳香族化合物的直接烷氧基化的方法。

    Direct alkoxylation of aromatic compounds is virtually unknown .

  18. 烃是一类最重要的有机化合物。

    Hydrocarbons are among the most important organic compounds .

  19. 氯化物被认为是一种元素与氯化合组成的化合物。

    Chlorides are considered as compounds consisting of one element combined with chlorine .

  20. 有机化合物构成生命的基础。

    Organic compounds form the basis of life .

  21. 在稠环和桥环化合物中,两个碳原子是两个环公用的。

    In fused-ring and bridged-ring compounds two carbons are common to the two rings .

  22. 当碱加到这类化合物中,将发生一系列质子离解作用。

    When alkali is added to such compounds a series of proton dissociations occurs .

  23. 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?

    Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds .

  24. 要避免使用那种非专用的同位素成分的铀化合物。

    It is important to avoid the use of uranium compounds of unspecified isotopic composition .

  25. 当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。

    When two or more elements combine and form a compound , a chemical change takes place .

  26. 人工合成了许多和腺嘌呤有关的化合物,并用几种生物鉴定法试验过。

    A wide range of compounds related to adenine have been synthesized and tested in a number of bioassays .

  27. 在更高的温度范围内,这些化合物的绝大部分又被苯噻吩和更复杂的环状化合物置换。

    The predominance of these series is replaced in turn by benzothiophenes and increasingly complex ring-like compounds in the higher temperature ranges .

  28. 被ScienceDirect数据库描述为“化学清洗剂”的羟基自由基是大气中发现的重要化合物,可以和其他有机分子发生反应。

    Hydroxyl radicals , described as a " chemical scavenger12 " by Science Direct , are important chemical compounds found in the atmosphere due to the reactive nature with other organic molecules13 .

  29. 碳氢化合物(HC)像一氧化碳一样,为未燃尽的和被浪费掉的燃料

    Hydrocarbons ( HC ) , like carbon monoxide , represent unburned and wasted fuel .

  30. 为化合物的研究中的新药物申请(IND)。

    Investigational New Drug Application ( IND ) for the compound .