
huà xué xìn xī
  • chemical information
  1. 基于Web的搜索引擎及其在化学信息资源导航中的应用

    Web based search engine and its applications in chemical information navigation

  2. 基于数据库的Internet化学信息资源检索

    Chemical Information Retrieval on Internet Based on Database

  3. Internet上各类化学信息与资源的检索

    Retrieval of Chemical Info and Resources on Internet

  4. Internet上的化学信息资源

    The Chemistry Information Resources on the Internet

  5. 基于GIS的攀枝花土壤地球化学信息系统

    Soil geochemistry study system based on GIS

  6. 综合了化学信息数据库、分子模型化方法及3D分子搜索技术。

    And it embraced Chemical Information Database , Molecule Modeling Method and 3D Molecular Searching Technology .

  7. Fourier变换和小波变换处理分析化学信息的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Signal Processing in Analytical Chemistry by Fourier and Wavelet Transforms

  8. 利用ChIN网页获取Internet化学信息因特网上交互式化学信息数据库的设计与建设

    Access to Chemical Resources through ChIN 's Web Page The Construction of Chemical Database on the Internet

  9. 化学信息门户ChIN十年回顾

    Overview of ChIN , a Web guide of chemical information for 10 years

  10. 结构与生物化学信息有助于异常的诊断,而不像X射线和γ射线可能会造成伤害。

    The structural and biochemical information it provides is helpful in the diagnosis of abnormalities without the possibly harmful effects of X rays or gamma rays .

  11. 本文讨论分析目前GIS技术在地学环境领域应用的现状和特点,并探讨了基于GIS技术的地球化学信息系统的开发方式。

    This paper has discussed actuality and character of the application of GIS technology in geo-environment domain , quested for developing ways of geochemistry information system based on GIS technology .

  12. 目前Internet上的化学信息主要包括各种化学数据库、化学专利、网络版期刊杂志、网络会议与教育、CAI资源、化学软件等等丰富的内容。

    At present , chemical information in the Internet comprises various chemical databases , chemical patents , network periodicals , net meetings , network education , CAI resource , chemical software and so on .

  13. 定量结构-性质相关性(Quantitativestructure-PropertyRelationship,QSPR)研究是近年来随着化学信息学学科的形成而出现的一种先进的物性预测方法。

    Quantitative structure-property relationship ( QSPR ) study is an advanced method for prediction of properties , which is newly developed along with the formation of chemoinformatics subject in recent years .

  14. 物质在THz波段的光谱包含着丰富的物理和化学信息,因此在该波段对物质进行波谱研究具有重要的意义。

    It is very important to study the properties of materials in THz region because it contains the rich physical and chemical information of matter .

  15. ISISBase是MDL公司提供的一个基于桌面的化学信息管理系统。

    ISIS Base is a flexible desktop database management system developed by MDL , it can store , search , retrieve chemical structures and associated scientific data .

  16. 结果表明,加氢产物收率明显高于索氏抽提,产物的GC-MS分析与对应的索式抽提产物特征相似,而且含有更丰富的生物标志物,显示了更多的地球化学信息。

    From the analysis of GC-MS , the extraction via catalytic hydropyrolysis is similar to the solvent extraction , meanwhile , included more biomarkers and show more geochemistry information .

  17. 对免疫学家来说,IL-21已经是众所周知的细胞因子或者化学信息物质。

    A cytokine , or chemical messenger , IL-21 is already well known to immunologists .

  18. 前言:给出一种新的化学信息计算机表示方法:紧缩合成图(CGS)。

    A new computer representation for the chemical entities : Condesed Graph of Synthesis ( CGS ), is presented in this paper .

  19. e-Chemistry中化学信息可视化研究与实现

    Implementation of the visualization of chemo-information on e-Chemistry

  20. 受精卵表面化学信息素种类比未受精卵更为丰富,C27∶2和C27∶1可能是卵带有的标记化学信息素。

    The chemical components coating queen eggs , diploid and haploid , are more abundant than those of workers . C27 ∶ 2 and C27 ∶ 1 may be the chemical pheromones on the egg surface .

  21. 是化学信息学研究中十分活跃的领域之一。

    Which is a very active field of Chemical Informatics Research .

  22. 化学信息素在寄生蜂寄主选择行为中的调控作用

    Chemical regulation of semiochemical on the action of Host-selection by parasitoid

  23. 更多信息敬请查询浏览本公司网站。更多陶氏化学信息请登陆公司网站。

    More information about Dow can be found at the website .

  24. 化学信息修饰法及其在复杂混合物分析中的应用

    Chemical - information - modification method in analyzing complex mixture systems

  25. 互联网化学信息资源查询系统的设计与制作

    Designing of the System for Searching the Chemical Information on Internet

  26. 化学信息学网络化教学系统的研制

    Development of a Teaching System Based on Internet for Chemoinformatics

  27. 化学信息学是利用信息学的方法来解决化学的问题,得到有关化学本质规律的认识。

    Chemoinformatics is the application of informatics methods to solve chemical problems .

  28. 茶树-害虫-天敌间的化学信息联系

    Chemical Communication Between Tea Plant - Herbivore - Natural Enemies

  29. 因特网上绿色化学信息资源的特点及利用

    Characteristic and the Use of on-line Information on Green Chemistry

  30. 多重分形滤波方法和地球化学信息提取技术研究与进展

    Progress of multifractal filtering techniques and their applications in geochemical information extraction