
  • 网络Magnesium Carbonate;MgCO
  1. 建立无定形亚稳态碳酸镁结晶动力学模型,利用XRD测定转化率。

    A crystallization kinetics model of metastable magnesium carbonate was established combining the system characteristics . XRD was used to determine the conversion rate .

  2. 盐湖提钾后的水氯镁石为原料,以Na2CO3作沉淀剂,采用化学方法中的液相沉淀法制备碱式碳酸镁。

    Using bischofite as raw materials , Na_2CO_3 as precipitant , basic magnesium carbonate was prepared by liquid deposition method through studying , the suitable process parameters were obtained .

  3. 聚丙烯酸钠在碳酸镁-水界面吸附的ESR研究

    ESR Study on the Adsorption Behavior of Sodium Polyacrylate at the MgCO_3-Water Interface

  4. SDS在晶体或无定形纳米颗粒表面的物理吸附,促使三水碳酸镁发生定向生长,形成晶须。

    Physical adsorption of SDS on nano-crystalline or amorphous nano-particles surface promoted oriented growth of nesquehonite .

  5. 以水合碳酸镁晶须为前驱物,无保护气氛,通过控制煅烧温度和时间在马弗炉内灼烧,可以获得结晶良好的MgO晶须。

    MgO whiskers have been obtained by calcining the precursor whisker in muffle oven at appropriate conditions .

  6. l石灰性土-含有大量碳酸镁和钙质的碱性土壤。

    Calcareous soil-Alkaline soil with high levels of calcium and Magnesium carbonate .

  7. 目的探索医用重质碳酸镁制备过程中,影响产品的MgO含量,堆积密度等指标的主要因素。

    Objective This paper is to investigate the main factors that affect the content of the product-MgO and its heaped density during preparation of medical heavy magnesium carbonate .

  8. 试验表明,铵盐法工艺可行、消耗低,主产品Ca(OH)2纯度高,副产品轻质碳酸镁符合国标一级品。

    It is indicated that Ammonium salt method is technically feasible due to low consumption , high purity of the main product and by-product , light magnesium carbonate is fit for first-grade product of GB of China .

  9. 结果:空气中碳酸镁浓度在0.073mg/m3 ̄72.92mg/m3,变异系数均小于2%;

    Results : The coefficient of variation in the range of 0.073mg / m3  ̄ 72.92mg/m3 is < 2 % ;

  10. 方法对直接法、美国原装IBCT试剂盒及碳酸镁吸附法测定总铁结合力的精密度、相关性进行比较。

    Methods TIBC measured by Direct and full automated TIBC Assay , Iron-binding Capacity Test ( IBCT ) assay reagent and manual method by magnesium carbonate absorbent .

  11. 我国轻质碳酸镁、轻质氧化镁生产现状及其发展

    Production Situation and Progress of Light Magnesium Carbonate and Calcined Magnesia

  12. 以白云石为原料制备球状碳酸镁的研究

    Study on the Synthesis of Spherical Magnesium Carbonate by Using Dolomite

  13. 氯碳酸镁盐的溶解、转化机制及动力学研究

    Study on kinetic mechanism of dissolution and transformation of mg-chlorocarbonate

  14. 碱式碳酸镁的应用及合成方法

    Study on Synthetic Methods and Application of Basic Magnesium Carbonate

  15. 以硫酸镁废液为原料制取轻质碳酸镁

    Preparation of Light Magnesium Carbonate from Magnesium Sulphate Waste Liquor

  16. 液相法合成多孔棒状碱式碳酸镁初探

    Synthesis of Porous Rod-Like Basic Magnesium Carbonate Via Liquid Method

  17. 沉淀法制备碳酸镁、氢氧化镁的研究

    Precipitation Method Synthesis and Characterization of Basic Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesium Hydroxide

  18. 对利用硼泥生产轻质碳酸镁课题进行工业化研究。

    Industrialization of producing light magnesium carbonate from boron mud was studied .

  19. 生产轻质碳酸镁的碳酸化工艺试验

    Experiment on technological process of carbonation for the production of light magnesium carbonate

  20. 由白云石制备透明碳酸镁工艺研究

    Study on Process of Transparent Magnesium Carbonate From Dolomite

  21. 盐湖老卤制备碱式碳酸镁的研究

    Preparing basic magnesium carbonate by using saline lake halogen

  22. 碱式碳酸镁的清洁生产工艺

    A Cleaner Production Process to Prepare Magnesium Carbonate Hydroxide

  23. 四水合碳酸镁铵的合成及晶体结构

    Synthesis and crystal structure of magnesium ammonium carbonate tetrahydrate

  24. 精制碱式碳酸镁新工艺

    New Productive Process of Edible Basic Magnesium Carbonate

  25. 从海泡石制备纤维状硅胶及电子陶瓷级碱式碳酸镁

    Production of fibriform silica gel and electron ceramic grade basic magnesium carbonate from sepiolite

  26. 无定形碳酸镁具有动态溶解性质,反应物将不断转化为无定形物继而形成稳定晶体。

    The reactant will convert to amorphous substance continuously and then form stable crystal .

  27. 一种黑色的磁性矿物,由碳酸镁组成,是镁的来源。

    A black magnetic mineral consisting of magnesium carbonate ; a source of magnesium .

  28. 碳酸镁颗粒表面包覆二氧化硅的研究

    On the Silica-Coated Surface of Magnesium Carbonate Particles

  29. 研究了丙酮酸与碳酸镁反应合成丙酮酸镁的工艺过程。

    The synthesis of magnesium pyruvate from pyruvate acid with magnesium carbonate was studied .

  30. 从蛇纹石制备轻质碳酸镁和轻质氧化镁的扩试研究

    Study of preparing light magnesium carbonate and light magnesia from serpentine in expanded experimental condition