- carbon isotope

Preliminary study of carbon isotope in mantle co_2 fluid inclusion from eastern China
This may be due to preferential leaching of light carbon isotope ( 12C ) out of carbonate sediments by hydrothermal fluids .
Effect of Glacier-permafrost on Isotopic Formation and Sampling Method of 14 ~ C Dating
Biological origin of Early Palaeozoic and Precambrian hydrocarbon source rocks based on c_ ( 27 ) / c_ ( 29 ) sterane ratio and organic carbon isotope
Altitudinal variations of nutrient concentrations and carbon isotope compositions in a c_3 plant and the effects of nutrient interactions on carbon isotope discrimination in limestone areas of Southwest China
Geochemical indexes indicate that the gas reservoirs with high CO2 content in many parts of Southern Songliao Basin belong to inorganic-origin gas .
In the last part , the origin of CO_2gas in some part of Binnan oil field in Dongying depression is surveyed based on data of carbon isotopes .
The author suggests that the region ecologic discrepancies and the different productivity of soil CO_2 is the main cause of the variability of the stalagmite carbon isotope .
The grey level and carbon isotope series of the stalagmite ML ( s ) commendably corresponds to the seasonal rhythm of the stalagmite annual layers .
C-isotopes in CH_4 is fairly light with a δ ~ ( 13 ) C_1 of - 52.01 % , such gas lies within the range of a mixture of biogenic gas and pyrolytic gas .
Carbonates across the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary of both sections mainly record negative carbon isotope values .
The gas in coal bed is rich in ~ ( 12 ) C , because of the exchange of carbon isotope between the gas in coal bed and the CO_2 or the organism reaction .
The positive values of C-isotope show that the natural gas was formed in an organic origin , and that the methane and heavy hydrocarbon are oil-cracked dry gas which was authigenic and autochthonous and underwent a deep-evolution and overmaturation process .
It is generally accepted that the carbon isotopic composition of plant material is correlated with C3 and C4 pathways of carbon fixation in photosynthesis .
In this paper N 2O , CO 2 , CH 4 , carbon isotope and some physical and chemical parameters are determined in fall when the stratification begin to disappear .
A method combining solid phase microextraction ( SPME ) with cryofocus technique was developed for the compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of volatile organic compounds in aqueous phase .
The content of saturated hydrocarbon is over 70 % , and the carbon isotope value is relatively light with δ ~ ( 13 ) C commonly lower than-31 ‰ .
And now , the temperature of mantle derived magma intrusion should be higher than 514 ℃ according to the carbon isotopic fractionation between the mantle derived CO 2 and CH 4 escaped from the deep reservoir .
Based on the carbon isotope geothermometer , the top of magmatic reservoir is 5 km from the land surface in crust .
As a reliable indicator of long-term water use efficiency in C3 plants , leaf carbon isotope ratios were often used to evaluate the adaptive degree of plants to arid environments .
The δ 13C values of PAHs from coal combustion in power plant are similar to those of domestic high efficiency coal combustion , ranging from - 22.0 ‰ to - 31.2 ‰ and PAHs decreases in 13C with the increase of molecular weight .
Evidences show that the geothermal waters in the area are of meteoric origin . Gas chemistry , helium isotopic composition , and carbon isotopic abundance of carbon dioxide and methane for 4 gas samples from hot springs are measured .
Study shows that H2S and methane concentration will be reduced , δ 13C1 be lightened , N2 and CO2 contents be increased under the strong hydrodynamic alternation , which have unfavorable impact on CBM accumulation .
On the δ 13 C - δ 18 O diagram , three different types of carbon source may be distinguished :( 1 ) carbon from Triassic marine organism ;
The carbon isotope curve of the strata coincides with the variation curve of sea level inferred from sedimentary facies . The deepening of sea water conforms to the peak of ? 13C value .
Data obtained from pot experiments was analyzed using a theoretical model of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) for the effects of soil moisture and nitrogen phosphorus nutrient on carbon isotope discrimination .
With the application of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes ( 2H , 3H and18O ) and carbon isotope ( 14C ), the recharge and renewability of confined water in Yinchuan Plain have been analyzed .
According to the model of stable carbon isotopic fractionation in submerged plant , the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon ( DIC ) is an important environmental factor influencing the δ 13C of submerged plants .
A series of experiments of carbon isotopic exchange reaction between CH_4 and CO_2 in solutions at 230 ℃ and 250 ℃ preliminarily showed that the isotopic exchange between CH_4 and CO_2 would takes place more easily in an aqueous solution than in a dry system .
The complexity of multi-phase hydrocarbon generation and accumulation of mixed sources , and subsequent secondary alterations make the gas drier , carbon isotopes more complicated , and gas to source correlation more difficult .