
  • 网络Conflict;control conflict;Control Hazard
  1. 基于粒度的访问控制冲突分析及解决办法

    Research on Access Control Conflict Based on Granularity and Its Solution

  2. 因而,要维护政权合法性就必须合理控制冲突。

    So , it must be control the conflict reasonable to safeguard the political legitimacy .

  3. 如何认识、分析、控制冲突是管理者比较头疼的问题。

    For those managers , how to understand , analyze and control conflicts has become a puzzle .

  4. 很显然打工帮助学生们学会控制冲突、减少挫败感并改善自我控制力。

    The work apparently helps students learn to manage conflict , reduce frustration and improve self control .

  5. 伊斯兰暴乱分子和埃塞俄比亚支持的过渡政府之间冲突不断,维和部队在控制冲突方面收效慎微。

    The mission has had little success in controlling the conflict between Islamist insurgents and the Ethiopian-backed transitional government .

  6. 确立控制冲突的原则;加快行政法律规范的代谢过程。

    And establish the principles of controlling conflicts as well as quicken the course of supersession of administrative legal norms .

  7. 这也正是本文选择以涉农企业为例,研究渠道冲突并控制冲突的主要目的。

    This is the ultimate purpose of this paper choosing agricultural enterprise as an example and studying channel conflict and how to control the conflict .

  8. 实验一,通过严格控制冲突刺激呈现时间,研究知觉阶段的责任判断与记忆阶段的责任归因的关系。

    In Experiment 1 , the time of presenting the conflict stimuli is strictly controlled to study the co-relation of liability judgment in the phase of perception and the attribution of responsibility in the phase of memory .

  9. 研究发现,在物品争抢、干涉控制冲突中,幼儿以告状和攻击策略为主;在言语挑衅冲突中,幼儿主要采用协商策略;在参与活动冲突中,幼儿倾向于采用忍让策略。

    The study found that , in goods robbery and interference control conflicts , children mainly use plaint and attack strategies ; in verbal provocation conflict , children use negotiation strategy constantly ; in activity participation conflict , children tend to use forbearance strategy . 2 .

  10. 介绍了ALOHA多址接入技术,讨论了自动重传控制、冲突解决,基于单星的准实时通信以及MAC层帧格式的问题。

    Introduces ALOHA access protocol , ARQ technology , contention resolution , Quasi-realtime telecommunication based on single LEO satellite and MAC frame structure .

  11. 分布式事物处理中并发控制的冲突访问策略研究

    On conflicts access strategies of concurrency control in distributed transaction treatments

  12. 跨国并购控制中冲突范围决定的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis about The Scope of Conflict in International Merger Control

  13. 空中交通控制的冲突探测算法

    Conflict detection algorithm in air traffic control

  14. 美国人比中国人更可能报告用沉默来控制婚姻冲突。

    Americans were more likely than Chinese to report using silence to control marital conflict .

  15. 面子价值观正向影响回避、顺从、控制的冲突管理方式。

    Face value has a positive effect on avoiding , obliging and dominating styles . 3 .

  16. 在控制国际冲突的各种方式中,司法方式日益重要。

    Among the various measures to control the conflict , the international justice is more and more important .

  17. 有组织地反对权威;一个集团想从另一个集团夺取控制的冲突。

    Organized opposition to authority ; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another .

  18. 持续注意下执行控制和冲突监测的功能磁共振研究

    Functional MRI Studies of the Neural Mechanisms of Execution Control and Conflict Monitor on the Condition of Sustained Attention

  19. 在现代社会,法治是控制利益冲突的最优途径。

    In the modern society , rule of law is the most useful way to control the conflict of interests .

  20. 为研发联盟学习过程控制和冲突管理,提供了一个理论分析框架。

    This theoretical framework is used to study the learning process control and conflict management of R & D alliances .

  21. 重点讨论了协同工作支持环境相应的关键技术:项目管理、任务规划、工作流控制、冲突解决等技术。

    Here , different developing hierarchies and its corresponding key technology are discussed emphatically : visual-project management , task schedule , workflow control and conflict settlement etc.

  22. 为避免与访问控制规则冲突,目标构件的实际内容并不随事件一起提供,而是必须单独检索。

    To avoid violating access control rules , the actual content of the artifact in question is not shipped with the event and must be retrieved separately .

  23. 软件事务存储系统设计的关键技术包括数据结构组织、并发控制、冲突检测与解决、内存管理等,其中内存管理是影响系统性能和线程执行的一个重要内容。

    The key techniques of the implementation of software transactional memory include the data structure organization , the detection and solution of conflicts , the concurrency control and memory management .

  24. 在政府缺位和政府管理能力不足的情况下,同乡组织在近代上海外来人口管理中发挥了重要的社会控制、冲突协调、利益维护作用。

    Under the circumstance of government imbecility , the fellow society played important roles in social control , conflict harmonization and interest protection in modern Shanghai 's administration of non-native migrating population .

  25. 同时,还对产品协同设计中的访问控制、冲突消解等关键技术进行了研究,并建立基于设计规则的冲突消解模型,实现了协同设计的运行和系统的安全可靠。

    At the same time , some key technologies such as access control and confliction resolution are studied in the process , and a confliction resolution model is established according to the design rules , which ensures the safety and credibility of collaboration design .

  26. Petri网络在无控制交叉口冲突分析中的应用

    Application of Petri Network in Conflict Analysis of Uncontrolled Intersections

  27. Jazz源代码版本控制旨在使冲突解决尽可能简单。

    Jazz source control is designed to make conflict resolution as painless as possible .

  28. 人们在研究多星LAN时提出了著名的介质访问控制方式竞争冲突淘汰(Contention-CollisionCancellation,C-CC)访问方式。

    During the research , a new access mode [ 4-5 ] in multi-star LAN , the contention-collision cancellation access mode ( abbreviated as C-CC ) has been presented .

  29. 对等网络同步控制中的冲突检测和处理方法

    Conflict Detection and Handling Method of Synchronous Control in Peer-to-Peer Network

  30. 无控制交叉口冲突数的模拟分析

    Simulating Analysis of Variation in Conflicts at Non-Control Intersection