
kònɡ zhì wén jiàn
  • Control file;control document
  1. 先介绍交换式以太网传输数据流生成方法,即用接口控制文件(ICD)对数据流行进行规范化定义,并采用数据库对ICD进行管理及生成仿真接口文件(SID)。

    This paper first introduces the method of creating data streams transmitting between Switched Ethernet nodes , using Interface Control Document to standardize data streams , adopting database to manage Interface Control Document and outputting Simulation Interface Document .

  2. 航空电子接口控制文件的数据库管理

    Database Management of Avionics Interface Control Document

  3. 控制文件(ControlFile):包含用于维护和验证数据库完整性的信息。

    Control File : Contains information to maintain and verify database integrity .

  4. 通过feed制作并更新设备表、管线表和图纸控制文件。

    Create and maintain the equipment list , line list and drawing control documentation throughout the feed .

  5. 要使用控制文件,选择Uploadcontrolfile选项,找到并选择您创建的文件。

    To use the control file , select the Upload control file option , and browse to select the file you created .

  6. 并对XML技术与数据库技术在航电设计中的区别与联系,以及XML在接口控制文件(ICD)编制、管理和分发中的应用进行了论证。

    And their applications in the interface control documents ' compilation , management and distribution .

  7. MAC,过程数据控制文件CALCONTRAL。

    Mac , process control macro file named cal_control .

  8. 有了站点组,就不必分别控制文件和文件夹的权限,也不必为本地组和web用户列表保持同步而操心。

    With site groups , you do not have to control the file and folder permissions separately , or worry about keeping your local groups synchronized with your list of web users .

  9. 到这时,用户可以编写shell脚本,在变量中存储信息和导出信息,控制文件描述符,控制信号处理,使用for循环和case语句,以及其他大量功能。

    Now , users could write shell scripts ; store and export information in variables ; control file descriptors ; control signal handling , for loops , and case statements ; and so much more .

  10. 对于更复杂的卸载,您可能还需要构造一个控制文件,然后使用-f选项将它传递到DB2HighPerformanceUnload命令行。

    For more complex unloads , you might be required to construct a control file and then pass it to the DB2 High Performance Unload command line with the – f option .

  11. 最简单的做法是使用XMLUnit在逻辑上对比运行时XML文档和预定义的有效控制文件。

    The simplest thing to do is use XMLUnit to logically compare run-time XML documents with predefined , valid control files .

  12. TAMOS是作为一系列UNIX或Linux操作系统的后台进程、内核扩展以及控制文件实现的。

    TAMOS is implemented as a series of daemons , kernel extensions , and control files for either the UNIX or Linux operating system .

  13. 控制文件告诉Debian包代码如何处理应用程序。

    The control file is the one which tells the Debian package code how to handle the application .

  14. 针对数据传输的安全性、数据传输效率、及时的信息反馈等问题,提出了以四个控制文件为中心的FTP数据传输模型。

    According to the data transfer requirements , which focus on security , high efficiency and timely information feedback , a 4-control-file-centered FTP data transfer model is presented .

  15. od提供了若干选项,比如-A选项可以控制文件偏移的基数,而-t选项可以控制显示的文件内容的形式。

    There are several options for od , such as the-A option to control the radix of the file offsets and-t to control the form of the displayed file contents .

  16. 通过对Oracle数据库物理结构和逻辑结构的分析,给出了Oracle控制文件、数据文件和日志文件的文件格式,同时给出了一个文件级的Oracle数据库数据恢复方法。

    This paper presents not only a method to recover data from damaged Oracle database but also details analysis of control file , data file and log file through analyzing logical and physical structure of Oracle database .

  17. 最后,控制文件应该被置于名为DEBIAN的目录下,如同我们将在下一节中讨论的那些脚本一样。

    Finally , the control file should be located under a directory named DEBIAN , as should the scripts we discuss in the next section .

  18. 通过仿真软件的二次开发,在仿真软件的控制文件中建立了跨进程消息代理,利用该代理与PLM服务器连接,实现了仿真软件与PLM系统之间的通讯。

    In terms of secondary development of simulation software , a cross-process message agency to connect with PLM server is built , the connection between simulation software and PLM system is realized .

  19. 本文在模型结构剖析的基础上讨论了SWAT模型的内部运行结构,列举实例给出了运行控制文件的写法。

    In this paper , the inner running structure of SWAT was discussed based on the analysis of its components , and the core configuration file using for running model was presented with an example .

  20. 要详细了解标签和UUIDs,请参阅配套文章学习Linux,101:控制文件系统的安装和卸载中的“标签、UUID和链接”小节。

    See the section on " Labels , UUIDs , and links " in the companion article Learn Linux , 101 : Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems in this series for more details on labels and UUIDs .

  21. 检查点(CKPt)&将数据文件头和控制文件头与当前重做日志和检查点数同步。

    CheckPoint ( CKPt ) & Synchronizes the headers of data files and control files with the current redo log and checkpoint numbers .

  22. 所有特殊特性都应确定过程控制文件,包括图纸、FMEAS、控制计划。

    All of the identify special characteristics shall identify process control documents including drawings , FMEAs , control plans .

  23. 该设置控制文件系统的缓存大小。

    This setting controls the size of the file system cache .

  24. 您需要为软件包创建一个控制文件。

    You 'll need to create a control file for your package .

  25. 应用程序开发工具可以帮助定义控制文件。

    Application development tools aid in defining the control file .

  26. 批处理作业控制文件生成器设计

    The Design of Control File Generator for Batch Job Processing

  27. 比如,你可以这样写控制文件。

    In word processing , a file that is used to control .

  28. 正在将控制文件数据传输到迁移上下文

    Transferring the control file data into the Migration context

  29. 控制文件在信息管理系统中的作用及构造方法

    The Action and the Method of Structure of the Control File in MIS

  30. 使用以前的控制文件,因为它已经被覆盖了。

    Use the same control file as before , because it is overwritten over .