
  • 网络control unit;ECU;MCU;tcu;PCU
  1. 汽车控制单元和分立电子元件的重要性

    The Importance of ECU and Discrete Components

  2. 完成了电子控制单元的软硬件系统设计,利用自行设计的数据采集系统,对电液操纵控制系统进行基本功能测试和性能的试验,测试和试验的结果达到了系统的要求。

    Design of hardware and software of ECU is done , and basic function and performance of the control system is tested with the designed data acquisition system on the bedstead .

  3. 基于Internet的嵌入式远程控制单元

    Embedded Remote Control Unit Based on Internet

  4. 基于XML的控制单元以太网接入实现

    Implement XML Technique in Connecting Control Unit to the Ethernet

  5. 虚拟数字存储示波器控制单元FPGA

    Implementation of a Controlling Part for Virtual Digital Storage Oscilloscope by FPGA

  6. 通过标准的智能网络现场控制单元,各种分散的仪表、传感器就能方便地直接连入Internet。

    Through the intelligent network control unit , disperse instrument and sensor can conveniently be directly connected to the Internet .

  7. 该运动控制器是步进电机的下位控制单元,它与PC机构成主从式控制结构,之间通过USB总线进行连接。

    The controller and PC constitute a principal - subordinate control structure .

  8. 中间层由带以太网接口的现场控制单元设备PLC组成;

    The middle layer is composed of the field control unit device PLC with Ethernet interfaces .

  9. 安全模块IPV6输出/输入包处理控制单元FPGA设计与实现方案。

    The design and implementation scheme of FPGA in the security module .

  10. LCD控制器中央控制单元的设计

    The Design of Central Control Unit of LCD Controller

  11. 设计了下位机控制单元的实现方案,包括外部扩展的显示模块(LED)、红外遥控模块、通信模块等的设计方法。

    Design the realizing methods of controller unit , including LED display module , communication module , infrared remote controller module , etc.

  12. 最后给出我们的应用实例会议电视多点控制单元(MCU)。

    An example of MVIP application-the design of MCU of video conference is given .

  13. 方案以ARM芯片为中央控制单元,以FPGA芯片控制底层数据逻辑。

    The design used ARM chip as the central processing unit , used FPGA chip to control bottom data logic .

  14. 基于RTP速率控制单元的无线视频传输控制

    Transmission Control with RTP Rate Control Unit for Wireless Video Streaming

  15. 实验证明,基于FPGA的多通道控制单元可以对多个通道进行高速数据采集;

    The experiment substantiated , multi channel sampling control unit on FPGA can high speed sample data to a lot of channel ;

  16. 本文的开发为汽车ABS液压控制单元性能测试提供了简洁方便的测试方法和准确可靠的测试数据。

    The research achievements afford a simple method , strictly and credible testing data of automobile ABS hydraulic cell .

  17. 用于FAI电喷系统电子控制单元(ECU)的开发工具

    ECU Development Tools for the FAI Electronic Fuel Injection System

  18. 基于PCC的水轮机组现地控制单元的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Local Controlling System of Generator Bases on PCC

  19. 汽车电子控制单元ECU的设计

    The Design of Automotive Electronic Control Unit

  20. 监测记录仪的硬件设计主要包括收音电路、采集电路、CPU控制单元、人机接口单元和通信接口;

    The hardware design of it mainly includes circuit of radio reception signal sampling circuit the CPU control unit man-machine conversation and communication interface ;

  21. 介绍了一种以DSP为核心的成像系统中,FPGA作为主要控制单元,用DSP控制实现了黑白全电视信号图像数据采集。

    In imaging system , FPGA is used as a main logic unit , and DSP control to realize the data acquisition for black white video signal .

  22. 正是在这种背景下,我们设计了H.323协议下支持可视电话多点会议的MCU(多点控制单元)。

    Under this background , we designed this H.323 based MCU to support multipoint conference for videophone conference system .

  23. 通过实际AMT控制单元开发应用,验证了标定系统的性能。

    The functions of the system are tested in the application of a AMT control unit development .

  24. 通过分析目前磁力起动器所存在的缺陷,以PLC为中央控制单元,设计了一种新型智能化组合磁力控制站测控系统。

    By analyzing the limitations of magnetic-switchgear at present , a novel intelligent combined switchgear measurement and control system is developed based on programmable logic controller ( PLC ) .

  25. 硬件主要由交流异步电动机、控制单元(DSP芯片)、功率驱动单元、位置反馈单元和接口通讯单元组成。

    Its hardware consists of a induction motor , the control unit ( the DSP chip ), the power unit , the position feedback unit and the communication unit .

  26. 讨论了内涵于系统结构中的终端系统结构和通信网络结构,并对多点控制单元MCU作了深刻的剖析。随后,论述了视频会议系统的组网结构。

    Then the paper discusses the terminal system structure and network structure of system structure , and deeply analyzes the multi-point control unit MCU .

  27. 在通信控制单元中采用VxD技术,能实现Windows下的实时中断控制和对硬件的实时处理。

    With the VxD technology under Windows , the real time interruption control and real time hardware handling can hence be realized .

  28. 采用ECU控制单元的火炮驱动系统可以实现速度感应控制,提高机械的工作效率。

    It is possible to achieve speed induced control by ECU and to enhance the efficiency of driving system .

  29. 控制单元由程序存储器ROM、指令译码器、地址生成模块、程序计算器PC组成。

    The control path contain Instructor ROM , instructor register , instructor decode unit , address creating module and Program Counter ( PC ) module .

  30. 数据采集系统硬件由采集控制单元、数字万用表、计算机和直流电源组成;系统软件是基于Visualc++6.0的程序。

    The hardware of the system consists of sampling control unit , digital multimeter , computer and power source , and the software of the system is developed based on Visual C + + 6.0 .