
xínɡ zhènɡ zhǔ tǐ
  • Administrative subject;subject of administration
  1. 论新公共管理运动对行政主体理论的冲击

    On Impact of New Public Management upon Theory of Subject of Administration

  2. 论行政主体义务在行政法中的地位

    On the Status of Obligations of the Subject of Administration in Administrative Law

  3. 行政主体伦理建设中的几个问题

    On Issues of the Construction of Administrative Main Body 's Ethics

  4. 行政主体责令承担民事责任的法律属性

    On the Legal Nature of Civil Liability Imposed by Administrative Bodies

  5. 论我国公立高等学校行政主体法律地位

    The Administrative Subject Law Status of the Public University in China

  6. 当代中国行政主体理论的生成与变迁

    Reflection and Rebuilding of the Administrative Body Theory of China

  7. 这些组织很难用行政主体来涵盖。

    The organization is difficult to use the administrative subject to cover .

  8. 行政主体主要是指相关政府管理机关。

    Administration legal main body is related government regulatory body .

  9. 浅析高等学校的行政主体资格

    On the Qualification of Higher Education Establishment 's Administrative Entity

  10. 在作为义务方面,抽象的作为义务必须特定化才能要求行政主体承担赔偿责任。

    The obligation should be specific to satisfy the requirements of the liability .

  11. 试析行政主体的概念

    A Reflection on the Concept of Main Executive Body

  12. 行政主体的义务范畴研究

    Research on the Obligation Category of the Administrative Subject

  13. 关于税务行政主体界定的分析&兼论《征管法》对税务行政主体的规定试论行政指导的程序规制

    On Analysis of Tax Administrative Body On The Procedural Regulation of Administrative Guidance

  14. 新公共管理视角下的行政主体研究

    A Research on the Administrative Subject from the View of New Public Administration

  15. 行政主体是行政法学中的基本概念。

    The subject of administration is a basic concept in the administration law .

  16. 行业组织的行政主体资格探讨

    The discussion on industrial associations ' becoming administrative subject

  17. 论公法人的行政主体地位

    On the Administrative Subject Position of Public Corporation

  18. 行政主体义务设定的失衡及价值选择

    The Imbalanced Creation of Obligations for the Subjects of Administration and its Value Options

  19. 档案行政主体合法性问题

    About Legality of Main Body of Archival Administration

  20. 社会保障请求权的义务主体是行政主体。

    The obligations ' subject of the social security claim is the administrative subject .

  21. 税务行政主体执法规范化的思考

    Research on the Standard of Tax Affairs Administration

  22. 行政主体理论之我见

    My Opinion about the Theory of Administrative Subject

  23. 行政主体之再思考

    A Rethinking About the subject of Administration

  24. 试论行政主体的再界定

    Trying to Redefine the Subject of Administration

  25. 行政主体享有统治者特权;

    Second , the administrative subject is entitled to the privilege enjoyed by the ruler .

  26. 关于行政主体理论的实践冲突

    Practical conflict of Theory of Administrative Subject

  27. 公共行政主体的德性问题研究

    Research on Public Administrators ' Virtue

  28. 行政主体防灾减害义务的法律构建研究

    On the Legal Construction of the Subject of Administration 's Duty of Disaster Prevention and Reduction

  29. 这与行政主体理论在我国提出的特殊背景有关。

    This is the main theory in the administration of our country made a special background .

  30. 行政主体缔结行政契约必须具有缔约能力,必要时须经有关部门批准。

    The subject should have the capacity of contract , and has to get the official ratification .