
xínɡ wéi shēnɡ wù xué
  • behavior biology
  1. 网站描述:这是内布拉斯加州行为生物学研究组的网站。

    Description : This is the website of the Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group .

  2. 粗鞘双条杉天牛交配行为生物学及雌性识别信息素研究

    Study on the mating behavior and the female recognition pheromone of China-fir borer

  3. 如何准确测定蜂王交配次数和雄蜂母系来源,是研究蜜蜂亚家系行为生物学的关键。

    The determination on the mating frequency of queens and maternity of drones is exactly among the key factors to understand the behavioral and biological characters of honeybee sub-family .

  4. 垂体腺瘤卒中相关行为及生物学危险因素:Logistic多元回归分析

    Related behavior and biological risk factors of pituitary apoplexy : Logistic multiple regression analysis

  5. 转基因植物释放Bt毒素的土壤环境行为与生物学效应

    Environmental behavior and biological effects of Bt toxins released from Bt-transgenic plants in soil

  6. 结论自杀死亡者海马各区5-HT2AR表达明显增高,海马5-HT2AR表达的增高可能是自杀行为的生物学标记。

    Conclusion The expression of 5-HT 2A R in hippocampus is significantly higher in suicide victims than in controls . The high expression of 5-HT 2A receptors may be a biological marker of complete suicide .

  7. 红壤铜污染的物理化学行为和生物学表征

    Physicochemical and Biological Characterization of Copper Contamination in Red Soils

  8. 超氧化物歧化酶中微量元素的化学行为和生物学功效

    Chemical Behavior and Biological Effect on Trace Elements among Three Superoxide Dismutases

  9. 韵律行为是生物学上的一种普遍现象。

    The rhythmical behavior is a pervasive biological phenomenon .

  10. 动物求偶喂食行为的生物学功能与进化

    Biological Functions and Evolutions of Courtship Feeding in Animals

  11. 鸟类的求偶行为及其生物学意义

    Birds ' Courtship Display Behaviour and Its Biological Significance

  12. 对社会合作行为的生物学解释;

    A biological interpretation of social behavior ;

  13. 试论人类行为的生物学本质

    Biological significance of human behavior

  14. 要求学生掌握生理心理学的基础知识、理解行为的生物学基础。

    Students should know the basic knowledge of biological psychology , understand the biological base of behavior .

  15. 研究者们运用他们对疾病的研究结果来分析人类行为的生物学原理。

    The scientists were able to use their study of diseases to identify the biological roots of human behaviour .

  16. 俄勒冈大学研究人员在昨天的科学杂志上公布的研究结果称找到了利他行为的生物学基础。

    University of Oregon researchers published a study yesterday in Science magazine that finds a biological basis for altruistic behavior .

  17. 邓巴在书中不仅探讨了人类做出浪漫行为的生物学原因,还将这些原因与起到推波助澜作用的心理、历史、社会和进化环境等因素更为紧密地联系起来。

    In this book he bridges the gap between the biological explanations for humans ' romantic behaviour and the psychological , historical , social and evolutionary contexts that help to shape it .

  18. 人类行为的社会生物学假定及生态经济学的重建

    Sociological and Biological Hypothesis of Human Behavior and Re-establishment of Eco-economics

  19. 鸣禽发声学习行为的神经生物学机制

    The neurobiological mechanism of song control and learning in songbirds

  20. 分析子宫内膜与腹膜粘附的细胞学行为及分子生物学表现。

    To analyze the cellular and biomolecular features in adhesion of endometrium to peritoneum . 3 .

  21. 本文对近年鸟类控制发声学习行为的神经生物学机制的进展作了较为全面的介绍。

    This article reviews the latest progresses about neurobiological mechanism of song learning and control in songbirds .

  22. 威尔逊通过社会生物学的研究,指出动物的社会行为有其生物学的基础。

    Edward Osborne Wilson pointed out that the social behavior of animals has the foundation of biology by Sociobiological studying .

  23. 褐飞虱起飞行为与自身生物学节律、环境因素同步关系的初步研究

    The take & off behavior of brown planthopper ( nilaparvata lugens stal ) and its synchronous relations to the biological rhythm and environmental factors

  24. 混沌作为一种复杂的非线性运动行为,在生物学、物理学、化学、工程学和信息学等领域得到了广泛的研究。

    Chaotic systems are well known for their very complex nonlinear systems , and have been intensively studied in various fields such as biology , physics , chemistry , engineering and information .

  25. 目的探讨创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)样精神与行为异常的神经生物学机制。

    Objective To explore the neurobiological bases in the pathogenesis of the lasting emotional behavioral disorders following posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) .

  26. 目的:观察脑震荡(Brainconcussion,BC)大鼠毒蕈碱型M1、M2受体和烟碱型N受体的变化规律,进一步了解BC大鼠认知行为障碍的神经生物学基础。

    Objective : To observe the changes of Ml , M2 and N acetylcholine receptors following brain concussion ( BC ) in rats and research the neurobiology mechanisms of cognitive behavioral deficits after BC .

  27. 他们的报告发表在《行为生态学和社会生物学》杂志上。

    Their report is in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology .

  28. 这些结果说明,不同蜜蜂幼虫信息素对中华蜜蜂工蜂发育和采集行为具有不同的生物学效应。

    The results suggest that different brood pheromones of honeybee have different biological effects on development and foraging behavior of Apis cerana cerana workers .

  29. 人类的行为并不是纯粹生物学意义上的行为,人类是具有社会性的有机生命体,我们的行为无时无刻不显示出我们对是非善恶的判断。

    Human behavior is not the behavior that is a purely biological sense , humans are social organic lives , and our behavior shows that what we judge is right or wrong .

  30. [结论]CK+细胞表达水平与患者临床生物学行为及瘤细胞生物学特性关系十分密切;

    [ Conclusion ] The correlation were very intimate between the expression level of CK + cells and clinical behavior as well as biology characteristic of tumor cells in patients with lung carcinoma .