
xínɡ wéi ɡuī fàn
  • code of conduct;propriety
  1. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。

    The sport has a strict code of conduct .

  2. 孔子把礼发展为一种社会行为规范。

    Confucius at the development of a social code of conduct .

  3. 协会的所有成员都遵守一套严格的行为规范。

    All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice

  4. “这种信息不应使不良行为规范化,而需要使它边缘化,例如‘即使一个人再多买一辆SUV,也会降低我们不依赖能源的能力’这样的声明。”

    " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "

  5. 加入WTO后政府经济行为规范

    Norm of Government Economic Behavior after China Affiliating WTO

  6. UPNP基础结构以及行为规范的描述

    The study about basic structure and behavior criterion about UPNP

  7. 行为规范(BS)主要从操作所需要或产生的业务数据方面描述服务(特别是其操作)的业务语义。

    The behavior specification ( BS ) describes the business semantics of the service in particular its operations , mostly in terms of the business data required by and produced by the operations .

  8. SDL是CCITT推荐的用于描述实时系统软件的功能和行为规范的标准语言。它可以用于软件生命周期模型中的许多阶段。

    SDL recommendated by CCITT is an international standard language which is used in the function and behaviour specifications of real-time system software in several phases of software life-cycle .

  9. 诚信全称诚实信用,是具有约束力的商业道德和行为规范,以信义(Fides)为要素,是对欺诈(fraudation)的否定。

    Good faith is combination of honesty and credit and is regarded as binding business ethics and conduct code . It takes fides ( Bona fides ) as essence and defies fraud .

  10. 公路工程建设中业主、监理、承包商的行为规范探讨

    The Analysis of Conduct Standardization of Owner , Supervisor ard Contractor

  11. 电力企业行为规范初探

    A Preliminary Investigation into Behavior Criterions in Electric Power Enterprises

  12. 具体方法如下:行为规范作为类型

    The detailed methods as follows . BEHAVIORAL SPECIFICATIONS AS TYPES

  13. 房地产业多方行为规范博弈机制设计

    Mechanism Design for Standardizing Many Behaviors in Real Estate Market

  14. 行政道德是政府工作人员必须遵守的道德行为规范。

    Personnel working in the government must observe administrative morals .

  15. 军队国有资产保全与财务行为规范化

    On the protection of military fixed assets and the regulation of financial behavior

  16. 谈《网上参考咨询服务咨询员行为规范》制定的若干原则

    Several Principles about Instituting Rules of Digital Reference Service

  17. 建立和维护国际新秩序的现实依据和行为规范&对十六大报告国际形势和对外工作部分的学习体会

    The Real Basis and Action Standard to Establish and Safeguard International New Order

  18. 略论国家公务员的政治行为规范与职业道德行为规范

    Discussion on Norms of Behavior in Politics and Professional Ethics of State Civil Servants

  19. 最终,理解并遵守您所在公司的行为规范要靠员工自身的努力。

    Ultimately we rely on you to understand and comply with your Company procedures .

  20. 土地市场发展过程中政府行为规范问题探究

    Land Market Development and Regulation of Government Actions

  21. 诚信作为行为规范有其伦理学的理论基础。

    As the code of behavior , honest-trust has its theoretical foundation of ethics .

  22. 律师执业行为规范的思考

    Reflections on the Code of Practice for Lawyers

  23. 道德是以一种行为规范选择生活的方式。

    Morality is choosing to live one 's life by a code of behaviour .

  24. 礼的起源即是人类社会贵贱有等,长幼有差的行为规范的起源。

    The origin of rite is the origin of behavioral norm in human society .

  25. 宣扬道德标准及行为规范。

    Promote ethical rules and behaviour norms .

  26. 会计行为规范与责任教育

    Accountants Behavior Norms and Responsibility Education

  27. 浅论体育的竞争与道德行为规范

    On Sports Competition and Moral Criteria

  28. 仲裁员的行为规范是仲裁员独立、公正地进行仲裁的重要指南。

    The conduct standards of arbitrators is an important guide for arbitrators to arbitrate independently and justly .

  29. 而正是从这些一般的行为规范上我们才更能看出佛教渗入中国文化的深度。

    From all these , we can see the breadth and depth of the infiltration of Buddhism .

  30. 从而认可了人类在某一领域共同行为规范的合理性,同时论证了多元民族文化存在和发展的合理性。

    In the meantime , it proves the reasonableness of plural national cultures ' existence and development .