
  • 网络dance language
  1. 文字出现之前就存在舞蹈语言了。

    Before there was the written word , there was the language of dance .

  2. 论舞蹈语言的节奏美

    On the Rhythm Esthetic Feeling of Dance Languages

  3. 人们认为,除了古典芭蕾以外、还有其他舞台舞蹈语言特别是现代舞蹈语言发展的余地。

    It is believed that there is room , and need , for other theatrical dance-languages-modern one especially besides that of classical ballet .

  4. 它以高度凝炼、形象鲜明的舞蹈语言和凡超的技艺将“海燕”与“海浪”的形象融为一体,体现出一种搏击风浪的无畏气概。

    It combined perfectly the images of seagulls and sea waves by concise and distinct dance steps and superb skills , showing the dauntless spirit that fights against storms .

  5. 林怀民的舞蹈语言展现在舞者奇妙的身体控制之中:你看到贯穿舞者全身的运动旅程,看到肌肉和姿态迷人的展示。

    Lin 's dance-language feeds off his artists ' tremendous physical control : you watch a simple movement journey through the dancer 's body and see a fascinating play of muscle and pose .

  6. 以《中国妈妈》的主题动作为例谈舞蹈动作语言的运用

    To Discuss the Application of Dance Language with the eme Movement of " Chinese Moms " as an Example

  7. 对电脑、舞蹈、语言或者其它科目有深度的兴趣是好的,但那却不可以牺牲广度的学习。

    It 's fine to take a deep interest in computers , dance , language or any other discipline , but not if it jeopardizes breadth .

  8. 舞蹈中的语言艺术

    The Language Skill in Dance

  9. 依据:安代疗法是集心理疗法,音乐舞蹈疗法,语言疗法为一体的综合性疗法。

    BASIS : Andai therapy is a psychological therapy , music and dance therapy , speech therapy as an integrated therapy .

  10. 而不同之处在于艺术表现形式上,舞蹈是肢体语言,文学是文字语言。

    The two are also different in their formal artistic expression , with dance using body language and literature using word language .

  11. 卡洛琳:她必须有音乐、歌唱、绘画、舞蹈以及流行语言方面的知识,才配得上这个字,还有一些她的气质以及走路的仪态。

    Caroline : She must have a knowledge of music , singing , drawing , dancing and the modern languages to the word . And something in her and manner of walking .

  12. 体育舞蹈技术课非语言性教学法能够实现语言教学法所不能达到的教学效果。

    Non-language teaching can achieve a good effect which language teaching method can not achieve .

  13. 舞蹈课教师教学语言有特定内涵,在教导中有特定功能。

    Dancing master 's capacity for language of teaching is of specific connotation , which functions especially in dance teaching .

  14. 舞蹈诗用凝炼语言、充沛的情感、丰富的想像、巧妙的构思和深邃的意境体现了诗的特质。

    The dancing poem achieves its poetic essence by its concise language , sufficient emotion , rich imagination , skillful design and profound artistic conception .

  15. 片子的意图并非针对此事件引起更多辩论,而是希望提出舞蹈作为一种语言形式在社会问题讨论中的呈现意义。

    The intention here is not necessarily to make further comments on the issue but to propose dance as a plausible voice in social debate .

  16. 虽然如此,我们终于达到这样的认识;景和剧情不过被当作一种幻象,而唯一的“现实”正是歌队,它自动产生这幻想,而以舞蹈、音乐、语言等一切象征手段来歌颂它。

    We now realize that the stage with its action was originally conceived as pure vision and that the only reality was the chorus , who created that vision out of itself and proclaimed it through the medium of dance , music , and spoken word .

  17. 关于高职舞蹈教学的思考&谈舞蹈语言、舞蹈形象及舞蹈意境

    The Thought on Dance Teaching in High Vocational College

  18. 大众舞蹈这种生活中的舞蹈,对于舞蹈的动作语言以及审美特征都起到了一定的影响。

    This dance of life dance public , for the action of the language , and dance aesthetic characteristics have played a certain effect .

  19. 目前,舞蹈工作较注重工作实践,理论研究相对比较落后,尤其对舞蹈语言的理论研究更少。

    At the present time , the dancing art focuses on dancing practice while the study on theory relatively lag behind .