
  • 网络Learning type;Types of learning;Learning style
  1. 如何按照医生的学习类型来驱动继续教育的设计

    How Can Physicians ' Learning Styles Drive the Planning of the Continuing Medical Education

  2. 我们相信,我们能够通过设置课程的形式以吸引各种不同的人格类型和学习类型,从而创建一个更好的学习环境。

    We believe that we were able to create a better learning environment for students by instituting a course approach that appeals to a wide variety of personality types and learning styles .

  3. 主要有三种不同的学习类型:视觉、听觉和动觉。

    There are mainly three different learning types : Visual , Auditory and Kinesthetic .

  4. 现在,你可能想知道什么是学习类型,以及如何找到你的学习类型。

    Now , you may wonder what a learning type is and how to find yours .

  5. 你也可能是几种学习类型的混合,但大部分人都只属于一种学习类型。

    You can be a combination of learning types , but most people have one main type .

  6. 也许你认为这是因为学科难度不同,但真正的原因是我们的学习类型不同。

    Maybe you think it 's because of the different difficulties of subjects , but the real reason is that our learning types are different .

  7. 护理学专业学生学习类型与学习成绩的比较

    Study on Study Type and Learning Record of Nursing Students

  8. 第三种,也是最后一种学习类型,叫做作操作性条件作用,或是工具性条件作用。

    The third and final type of learning is known as operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning .

  9. 学习类型、认知加工和教学结果&当代著名教育心理学家理查德·梅耶的学习观一瞥

    Types of Learning , Cognitive Processing and Instructional Outcomes A Brief Glimpse of R. Mayers Perspective of Learning

  10. 而混合式学习类型的多样化限制了这些策略和模式在实践中的应用。

    However , the diversity of blended learning sets a limit on the application of these strategies and designs .

  11. 知道你属于哪种学习类型的人的好处在于&你能运用最适合自己的学习方式进行学习活动。

    The advantage of knowing what kind of learner you are is that you can then study in the way that best suits your learning style .

  12. 结论应根据医学免疫学与微生物学的学科特点及学生的不同学习类型采用合适的教学方法,调动学生学习的主动性,提高教学效果。

    Conclusions According to the subject characteristic of medical immunology and microbiology , and study type of student adopting suitable teaching method for achieving the teaching goal and raising teaching effect .

  13. 对这268名学生的学习类型、非智力因素、环境因素等方面进行了诊断分析。

    As a result , the number of physical learning disabilities is 268 . I had a diagnosis on these students from study type , unintelligence factor . environment factor and so on .

  14. 目的通过了解、研究护理学专业学生的学习类型,使教师加强教学的针对性,学生加强学习的主动性,以提高教学质量和学习效率。

    Objective Passes through understanding and research that study type of nursing students , makes teacher strengthen teaching and the students reinforced initiative of study , in order to raise teaching quality and learning efficiency .

  15. 首先,探求古代传统文化的思维特点。其次,基于认知科学对中医学理论知识进行分类,探究中医学知识的学习类型及认知方法。

    First , search ancient times traditional culture thought characteristic . Next , carried on the classification based on the cognitive science to the traditional Chinese medicine theory knowledge , the inquisition traditional Chinese medicine knowledge study type and the cognition method .

  16. 在本文中,您将学习各种类型的验证,基于文件和基于LDAP的安全性,以及如何实现SSL安全性。

    In this article , learn about different types of authentication , file-based and LDAP-based security , and how to implement SSL security .

  17. 开发区在嵌入全球价值链的过程中,存在基于外生性嵌入的OEM型和基于内生性嵌入的内源型两种学习场类型。

    In the process of embedding global value chains , the two types of learning field ( the OEM-type based on external embeddedness and the endogenous-type based on the internal embeddedness ) co-exist in the development zones .

  18. 同时,本研究探讨了英语学习动机类型与英语学习成绩之间的相互关系。

    Besides , correlation between motivation types and English achievement is examined .

  19. 论人的学习基本类型与机制

    On the basic types and mechanism of human learning

  20. 中学生英语学习动机类型调查研究

    An Investigation into Motivation Types in English Learning among Chinese Middle School Students

  21. 基于工作相关学习的类型与能力提高机理研究

    The Analysis on the Types of Workplace Learning and the Mechanism of Competency Improvement

  22. 调查内容主要是学习动机类型、动机强度和教学活动。

    The main contents investigated are motivation types , motivation intensity and pedagogical activities .

  23. 英语专业学生的翻译学习动机类型与组成翻译能力的各次级能力之间具有相关性。

    There are correlations between the types of translation learning motivation and translation sub-competences .

  24. 研究以问卷的形式调查了32名受试者的外语学习动机类型和强度。

    A questionnaire is used to investigate the motivation types and intensity of 32 subjects .

  25. 师范生免费教育政策下的英语专业学生英语学习动机类型

    English-Learning Motivation of English Majors under the Policy of Free Education for Students Majoring in Teaching

  26. 中国大学本科生英语学习动机类型

    Motivation Types of Chinese College Undergraduates

  27. 首先,中亚留学生主要汉语学习风格类型是触觉型、视觉型、序列型和合作型。

    First of all , their major learning styles are haptic , visual , concrete-sequential and group .

  28. 还用对应分析法失误类型来展示和学习者类型之间的关系。

    Correspondence analysis was run to show how error types and learner types were related to one another .

  29. 英语学习动机类型与动机强度的关系&对大学本科生的定量考察

    The Relationship Between Types of English Learning Motivation and Motivational Intensity & A Quantitative Investigation on Chinese College Undergraduates

  30. 其次,对比农民工子女和城市孩子在学习动机类型和强度上的差异。

    The second part is the discrepancy between students from rural area and city on English learning motivation type and intensity .