
  • 网络Academic Misconduct;scientific misconduct
  1. 从今年起,教育管理部门将对本科毕业论文进行抽检,以打击剽窃、代写及其他形式的学术不端行为。如何抽检?

    Starting this year , Chinese education authorities will institute random , ghostwriting , and other forms of academic misconduct .

  2. 高校学术不端成因及其治理研究

    Study on the Cause and Treatment of Academic Misconduct in Universities

  3. 学术不端行为:学术期刊编辑的认识误区与防范策略

    On Academic Misconduct : Journal Editors ' Misunderstandings and Prevention Strategies

  4. 关于高校体育科研工作者学术不端行为的成因及对策研究

    Research on the Reasons of Academic Misconduct of College Sports Researchers

  5. 这是中国为打击学术不端行为的一项新举措。

    It is the latest effort to tackle the problem .

  6. 学术不端行为就是激烈竞争环境下的催生物。

    Academic misconduct is the hastened product in the fierce competition environment .

  7. 华盛顿大学比较妥善地解决了这几个方面的问题,为遏制学术不端行为提供了有力的制度保证。

    Meanwhile , George Washington University solves these problems properly .

  8. 当前我国学术不端行为的成因及对策研究

    Reasons and Solutions Study on Academic Dishonourable Behavior in China

  9. 各大高校也更加严肃地对待学术不端行为。

    Universities are also taking a more serious stance on academic misconduct .

  10. 高校学报杜绝学术不端行为的对策建议

    Proposal of How Journal of Colleges and Universities to Eliminate Academic Misconduct

  11. 审查力度加大;检测技术进步;学术不端行为增加。

    The rise of retractions in science – more misconduct or stiffer scrutiny ?

  12. 学术不端案例被媒体报道后,引起社会各界的关注。

    Academic misconduct Case was revealed aroused community concern .

  13. 学术不端行为及其实时在线检测系统的应用

    Academic Misconduct and Application of Real-time Online Checking System

  14. 我国应建立统一专门性学术不端行为惩戒机构体系。

    A standardized professional mechanism for punishing academic misconduct should be set up .

  15. 学报编辑如何防范学术不端行为

    Journal Editors ' Countermeasures Against Misbehavior in Academy

  16. 浅谈高校学术不端行为的成因与对策

    Causes of Academic Misconducts at Universities and Countermeasures

  17. 当下学术不端行为严重,扰乱正常的学术秩序。

    Currently , academic misconduct is serious and it disrupts the normal academic order .

  18. 惩治学术不端行为,净化学术研究环境

    Punish Academic Misconducts , Purify Academic Research Environment

  19. 美国国家科学基金会对学术不端行为的法律规制

    Research on NSF Regulating Research Misconduct by Law

  20. 正确看待科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统检测结果用文献计量学方法浅析循证医学对医学期刊的影响

    Analysis of AMLC check results Influence of EBM on medical periodicals : a bibliometric analysis

  21. 期刊界遏制学术不端行为的措施简论&以法学期刊的视角

    Containment measures of academic misconduct in academic journal society & In view of the law journals

  22. 学术不端行为的模型化研究

    Modeling studies on scientific misconduct

  23. 总之应采取自律与他律相结合的方式来预防与治理学术不端行为。

    In conclusion , we should adopt combination of self-regulation and heteronomy to prevent and defeat scholastic misconducts .

  24. 此外,科学传播与反对学术不端行为还具有一致的内在价值。

    In addition , there is the same intrinsic value between activities of Science Communication and boycotting academic misconduct .

  25. 与此同时,要确证学术不端的案例,我们必须遵循合法和适当的调查程序。

    However , to substantiate a case of scientific misconduct , a legitimate due process of investigation must be followed .

  26. 基于组织因素的高校学术不端行为影响因素的敏感性分析

    The Sensitivity of Organizational Factors Influencing Academic Improper Behaviors of Researchers in Colleges and Unverssities : A Perspective of Factors

  27. 这一点,加上惩罚措施相对缺失,触发了各种各样的异常行为和学术不端行为。

    This together with the relative lack of punishment have led to all kinds of incentives for aberrant and unethical behavior .

  28. 学术不端行为高发、科研学术风气败坏以及部分学人对此的麻木,甚至视其为常态化的现实,给学术界敲响了警钟。

    The reality of high-frequency of academic misconduct and some scholar numb have sounded the alarm regarding this to the academe .

  29. 最近,一所顶尖的中国大学因为一名教授的学术不端行为而开除了他,这是近年来第一次。

    For the first time in recent years , a top Chinese university has fired a faculty member for academic misconduct .

  30. 不过,科学传播也有其负面作用,已成为学术不端行为的诱因之一。

    However , there are negative effects of Science Communication , and it has become one of the incentives of academic misconduct .