
xué wèi kè chénɡ
  • degree course
  1. 33岁时,他在伦敦皇家艺术学院注册学习玻璃制作学位课程。

    At 33 he enrolled in a glass-making degree course at London 's Royal College of Art

  2. 基于建构主义的医学硕士研究生学位课程设计

    Degree Course Design for Master Students in Medicine Based on Constructivism

  3. 我希望攻读化学学位课程。

    I 'm hoping to do a chemistry degree .

  4. 新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。

    The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel .

  5. 该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。

    The course is more practically based than the Masters degree

  6. 该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

    The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics .

  7. 这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。

    This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers .

  8. 学位课程不讲授这个课题。

    The topic is not taught in degree courses

  9. 可以通过国际互联网获得学位课程的学习资料。

    The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet 's world wide web .

  10. 我的学校并没有像那些更受欢迎的大学一样预先包装好,所以我们只能自己照顾自己,弄清城市生活,并努力完成没有人支持我们取得成功的学位课程。

    My school didn 't come pre-packaged like the more popular options , so we were left to take care of ourselves , figuring out city life and trying to complete degree programs that no one was championing for us to succeed in .

  11. 纳米学位课程在学生中迅速流行开来,因为他们不想承受读大学学位要面对的沉重的学生贷款负担。

    Nanodegree courses are fast gaining popularity1 among students as they look to avoid the heavy debt burden that usually accompanies a degree program .

  12. 如今,100多所院校获准提供mba学位课程。

    Today more than 100 universities have been approved for MBA degrees .

  13. 至2013-2014学年,在线MBA学位课程的数量占总MBA课程数量的11%。

    By 2013-14 , online degrees accounted for 11 per cent of the total .

  14. 该校已经成立了旨在进行跨学科数据研究的e-科学学院(eScienceInstitute),并开设了新的大数据博士学位课程。

    The university has opened the eScience Institute for studying data across disciplines and has a new Ph.D. program in Big Data .

  15. 除了IE商学院(规定学习时间最长为18个月),学员平均可以用5年左右的时间来完成学位课程。

    Apart from IE , which imposes an 18-month time limit , participants have on average about five years to complete their degrees .

  16. 在蒙特利尔,QC,麦吉尔大学建筑学士学位课程和研究生课程的学校都认可。

    In Montreal , QC , McGill University 's School of Architecture 's undergraduate program and graduate program 's are all accredited .

  17. 中国的MBA教育已将管理经济学列为其学位课程,但其学科体系的构建基本承袭了西方的学术传统。

    The Education of MBA in China has already taken management economics as its academic class , while the construction of the subject system almost follows the western academic tradition .

  18. 这所机构名为全球创新学院(GlobalInnovationExchange),是华盛顿大学和中国一流的研究型院校清华大学合作成立的,将在2016年秋季开学,开设技术创新相关的硕士学位课程。

    The institute , the Global Innovation Exchange , is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of China 's leading research universities , Tsinghua University . It will open in fall 2016 with a master 's degree program in technology innovation .

  19. 许多职业学校和社区学院都已提供了此专业的学位课程,其中一部分还能同时获得美国汽车维修资格认证协会(ASE)的证书。

    Vocational schools and community colleges offer degree programs in this field , often leading to certification by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ( ASE ) .

  20. 排名前三的欧洲EMBA学位课程都是合办的,两个涉及LBS,另一个涉及Insead,这进一步突显合办课程地位上升。

    The top three European degrees in the EMBA ranking are collaborations , two involving LBS and one Insead , which further underlines the rise of joint programmes .

  21. 商科联盟国际商学院(Skema)等学院甚至向美国出口此类学位课程。

    Schools such as Skema are even exporting the degree to the US .

  22. 该校的一个学位课程是与中国同济大学(TongjiUniversity)合办的,另一个是与在法国和新加坡设有主校区的巴黎高等经济商业学院(Essec)合办的。

    One of the school 's degrees is run in collaboration with Tongji University in China , the other with Essec , which has main campuses in France and Singapore .

  23. 尽管库商学院(Fuqua)、凯洛格商学院(KelloggSchool)及密歇根大学罗斯商学院(MichiganRoss)等大牌美国商学院使此类新型商务学位课程走红,但其他人更担心这些课程对其他课程造成的涟漪效应。

    While big-brand US schools such as Fuqua , Kellogg and Michigan Ross chart the popularity of this new breed of business degrees , others are more concerned about the knock-on effect on other programmes .

  24. 他还称高校不能仅仅依赖现存的A-Level水准证书来选拔人才,因为它并不能保证学生可以通过大学学位课程。

    He also added that colleges can no longer rely on the existing A-level to identify the best candidates because A-levels are failing to prepare students for degree courses .

  25. 尽管在线MBA课程能够覆盖全球,但根据美国管理学研究生招生理事会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil)——GMAT考试的主办者——的数据,2014年向在线及远程MBA学位课程发送成绩的考生中,有87%来自美国。

    Despite the global reach of online MBAs , figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council , which runs the standard entry GMAT exam , show 87 per cent of test-takers sending scores to online and distance MBA degrees in 2014 were from the US .

  26. 全日制学位课程和高管学位课程之间的一大差别是,由于在课程之外还有其它工作,学员必须非常清楚自己从EMBA课程中收获什么益处。

    One of the big differences between the full-time and executive degrees is that participants have to be very clear about the benefits they will receive from the EMBA because of their other commitments .

  27. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的MBA课程连续第二年排名榜首,但这所法国商学院没有保住EMBA的榜首位置,它与中国清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)合办的双学位课程,被LBS与其他商学院合办的一个课程击败。

    Insead 's MBA is top for a second year but the French school lost its first place on the EMBA table after its dual degree with China 's Tsinghua University was beaten by a joint programme run by schools including LBS.

  28. Schach是肯塔基大学的景观建筑学教授,她是目前学士学位课程的副院长。

    Schach is presently associate dean of undergraduate studies at the University of Kentucky , where she is a professor of landscape architecture .

  29. 在英国,e-Skills表示,IT相关的学位课程中,只有15%的学生是女性。

    In the UK , just 15 per cent of students on IT-related degrees are female , according to e-Skills .

  30. 茱莉亚学院(JuilliardSchool)周一宣布,准备推进在中国的扩张计划。学院已“初步获得批准”,与中国的几家合作伙伴一起,在天津兴建一所可以提供硕士学位课程的学校。

    The Juilliard School announced on Monday that it was moving forward with plans to expand in China , saying that it had received " preliminary approval " to build , with several Chinese partners , a school in Tianjin that would offer a master 's degree program .