
  • 网络Academic;academic module
  1. 学术类IELTS阅读教学的一点心得

    Teaching Experience of Academic Reading in IELTS

  2. 正确理解学术类期刊参与市场竞争

    Correctly Understand Academic Periodicals Taking Part in Market Competition

  3. 学术类科技期刊封面设计的原则及表现

    Principles and representation of cover design of academic science journals

  4. 中外学术类英文版科技期刊现状比较

    Comparative analyses of some Chinese and foreign scientific journals published in English

  5. 学术类期刊评价分析系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of the academic periodical 's analyze and evaluate system

  6. 学术类和非专业培训类阅读的评分等级是一致的;

    The Academic and General Training papers are graded to the same scale .

  7. 学术类科技期刊影响力归一化法评判定量模型的构建

    Establishment of normalization model for quantitatively evaluating impact power of university 's academic journals

  8. 参加学术类雅思考试的考生,口语成绩进步最小。

    People who took the IELTS Academic test showed the least progress in speaking English .

  9. 浅谈学术类文章的写作及其对中国留学生英文写作的挑战

    Academic Writing and the Challenges It May Pose for Chinese Students Studying in Anglophone Universities

  10. 把大学看作教育成就顶峰的观念,贬低了宝贵的非学术类技能。

    The idea that university is the pinnacle of educational achievement denigrates valuable non-academic skills .

  11. 科技社团作为学术类的非营利组织,是创新型国家建设的重要组成部分,深入研究科技社团与政府之间的关系,对于发挥科技社团的作用,服务创新性国家建设具有重要意义。

    As a non-profit organization , the scientific-technical community is an important part in innovative country building .

  12. 高校学报是为高等院校的教学和科研服务的学术类期刊,对其所属高校的发展水平有极强的依赖性。

    Journals of universities are academic ones , whose purpose is to serve teaching and scientific research .

  13. 从学术类期刊文献看我国绿色学校研究的发展状况

    A Survey on the Development of the Research on China Green Schools Based on the Literatures in Periodicals

  14. 我国200种学术类科技期刊文献著录现状调查模糊聚类技术在文献自动分类系统中的应用

    Investigation of References of 200 Sci-tech Periodicals ; Application of Fuzzy Clustering Technology in Literature Automatic Classification System

  15. 但还有其他的用户,学术类的用户、初创企业、评估试用的用户,他们都应该可以自由地取得我们的产品。

    But there are other audiences : academic , start-ups , evaluators , who should have free access to the software .

  16. 而其他一些以非学术类出版物为主要产品的商家如企鹅书屋也藉此次书展进入了中国市场。

    While academic books have traditionally dominated BIBF , other publishers , such as Penguin Books , are entering the Chinese market .

  17. 中国大陆地区学术类雅思考生总体表现与全球平均水平仍然存在一定差距,其中口语技能差距最大。

    The test takers ' total score from the four-part test are below the world average , with the largest gap in the speaking category .

  18. 对中外学术类英文版科技期刊的现状,包括作者、编委组成及编排情况进行了比较分析。

    The situation of authors , editorial board members and the editing styles of some Chinese and foreign scientific journals in English are compared and analysed .

  19. 其原因可能是由于所收集的结论为学术类文章,且为了方便读者阅读,采用该类主位有利于人们在阅读文章时节约时间。

    Since the collected conclusions are in the field of EAP , the applicationof these themes can facilitate the reading and save the readers ' time .

  20. 首先论述了湖南省学术类科技期刊具有基础好、编辑力量强、学术氛围浓、学会活动经常等优势;

    First , it is discussed that deep base , excellent editors , good learned environment , and institute activities for learned science and technology journals in Hunan Province .

  21. 《城市交通》杂志为中国科技核心期刊,是中国城市交通领域唯一的综合性学术类期刊。

    Urban Transport of China is the core journal in China 's science and technology field which is also the unique synthetic academic journal in China 's urban transportation field .

  22. 从内容上看,学生参与最多的是志愿类活动,最低的是学术类活动。

    Judging from the contents of the activities , voluntary activity is the one that most students participate in , while academic activity is the one that least students choose .

  23. 如果考生暂时无法决定是申请留学还是移民,可以参加学术类的考试,学术类的成绩移民局也可以接受。

    If a candidate is undecided whether to apply for overseas study or immigration , they should apply for the Academic module as this is also accepted by Immigration Offices .

  24. 每个考生都参加内容相同的听说考试,但有两类阅读和写作考试供选择,学术类或通用培训类。

    Every one takes the same speaking and listening tests , but there is a choice of two kinds of reading and writing tests , either academic or general training .

  25. 这些海外出版物以学术类为主,以满足国内图书馆与大学充实英语学术类出版物收藏的巨大需求,这也是历届北京国际图书博览会的传统。

    Most foreign companies at BIBF publish academic materials , which are in great demand since Chinese libraries and universities are looking to bulk up their collections of English academic books .

  26. 这些都决定了利用参考文献的评价功能所得到的期刊评价指标只能是一种参考性的评价指标,所以构建科学的学术类科技期刊的评价体系已势在必行。

    Therefore the authors suggest that the scientific evaluation system of Chinese academic journals must be established . How Do Learned Scientific and Technical Journals Get Out of a Difficult Position ?

  27. 学术类文章的写作是学术读写能力的一个重要方面,是各个学术领域的研究者所应具备的基本素质之一。

    Academic literacy is the fundamental quality that scholars should possess in order to get socialized in their disciplinary communities , of which academic writing is one of the most important aspects .

  28. 在学生看来,学术类活动对于创造力的培养和开发作用最为突出,相对而言,志愿类活动对创造性人格发展的贡献最小。

    In the students ' opinion , academic activity has the most outstanding influences on the cultivation and exploitation of creativity , and on the contrary , voluntary activity influences the least .

  29. 通过具体分析和比较,认为学术类科技期刊在进行封面设计时应当遵循科学性原则、艺术性原则和规范性原则,以使期刊外在形式和内在科学内容有机地结合起来。

    On the basis of analysis and comparison , the author proposes the scientific principle , artistry principle and norm principle for the design in order to combine the form and content perfectly .

  30. 在学术类和培训类雅思考试中,上海考生的总得分分别达到了5.87分和5.95分,听说读写能力均居中国内地之首。

    Shanghai , which achieved respective total scores of 5.87 points and 5.95 points in the academic and training categories , led the mainland in the listening , speaking , reading and writing tests .