
shōu yǎnɡ ɡuān xi
  • adoptive relation;relation of adoption
  1. 收养关系的解除,适用收养时被收养人经常居所地法律或者法院地法律。

    The laws at the habitual residence of the adoptee at the time of adoption or at the locality of the court shall apply to the termination of the adoptive relation .

  2. 第二十六条国家保护合法的收养关系。

    Article 26 The state shall protect lawful .

  3. 养子女和生父母间的权利和义务,因收养关系的成立而消除。

    The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption .

  4. (二)调解维持收养关系的案件;

    Cases in which adoptive relationship has been maintained through conciliation ;

  5. 婚姻状况、亲属关系、收养关系;

    Marriage status , kindred relationship , adoption relationship ;

  6. 调解维持收养关系的案件。

    Adoption cases settled through mediation .

  7. 抚养人与被抚养人的关系不适用收养关系。

    The adoptive relationship shall not apply to the relationship between the supporter and the supported .

  8. 家庭是以婚姻、血缘或收养关系为基础的一种社会生活组织形式。

    The families based on marriage , blood or adoptive relationship are organized forms of social life .

  9. 人事诉讼制度是有关婚姻关系、亲子关系以及收养关系等身份关系的一种特殊民事诉讼制度。

    Personal Status litigation is the marriage , adoption parenthood , and as a special system of civil proceedings .

  10. 论跨国收养关系中儿童最大利益原则及其在中国的适用

    The Application of the Principle of the Best Interests of the Child in the Relationship of the Intercountry Adoption

  11. 你和你的妃耦是一种同居关系,你和你的妃耦有血缘、收养关系吗?

    If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship , are you related to your by blood or adoption ?

  12. 它具有广泛的代表性和普遍性,是一部新的调整跨国收养关系的国际法律规范。

    It has broad representation and universality , and it is a new international legal norms in adjusting the relationship of Intercountry Adoption .

  13. 收养关系当事人各方或者一方要求办理收养公证的,应当办理收养公证。

    If the adopter or the person placing out the child for adoption wishes that the adoption be notarized , the adoption shall be notarized .

  14. 属收养关系的,还需提交收养证明。外国有关机构出具的上述证明需经中国驻该国使、领馆认证。

    The above-mentioned certificates as issued by a foreign agency shall be subject to the authentication of the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country concerned .

  15. 这一章从日本新人事诉讼法的基本框架入手,先介绍分析了人事诉讼法的四个部分:总则、婚姻关系、亲子关系、收养关系。

    This chapter from the Japanese personnel legal framework to introduce change , the personnel of the four parts : general , marriage , adoption and parenthood .

  16. 我将他当做自己的父亲,既不是因为血缘关系,也不是因为收养关系,甚至也不是因为他出现在我的童年中。

    It is not by birth or adoption that I consider this man to be my father ; it isn 't even through his presence in my childhood .

  17. 养子女与生父母及其他近亲属间的权利义务关系,因收养关系的成立而消除。

    The rights and duties in the relationship between an adopted child and his or her parents and other close relatives shall terminate with the establishment of the adoptive relationship .

  18. 家庭是以血缘、婚姻或收养关系为基础组成的社会群体,是对个体影响最早最持久的社会单位。

    Family is a social group , based on blood , the adoptive relationship or marriage . And it is the society unit that has the earliest and most lasting impact on individual .

  19. 在扶贫项目中应用参与式方法的实践与体会追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费以及解除收养关系案件的一方当事人死亡的。

    Practice and Reflection on Participatory Poverty Alleviation ; Where the litigant of one party dies in a case involving the claiming of alimony or costs of support or upbringing , or termination of relations of adoption .

  20. 涉外收养关系是指在收养的当事人,或者收养的内容,或者收养的法律事实等因素中包含有涉外因素的收养关系。

    Adoptive relationship refers to the adoption of the parties , concerning foreign affairs or the adoption of the content , or the adoption of legal fact that factors such as foreign-related factors are contained in the adoptive relationship .

  21. 该收养关系是畲汉之间长期互动以及畲族洒脱的民族性格所孕育的畲汉之间的互惠行为,它有利于族群间的良性互动和人格的健康与社会的和谐。

    A mutually benefiting practice resulted from the age-long communication between She and Han people as well as from the She people 's unrestrained ethnic character , the adoption is in favor of the cross-racial interaction , the personality health and the social harmony . relation . I is presented .

  22. 近关系收养和远关系收养是根据收养者和被收养者之间共同属性多少,以及收养关系与核心家庭关系的近似度来进行区分的。

    The close and remote relationship adoptions are discriminated by common attributes between the adopter and adoptee , and by the degree of approximation between the adoptive relations and core family relations .

  23. 由于婚姻或收养产生的亲密关系;没有血缘关系。

    Kinship by marriage or adoption ; not a blood relationship .

  24. 同样,具体到收养与被收养关系,作为一种社会性的契约,其成败得失关键仍在于各方意愿是否真实。

    Similarly , specific to adoption and adoption , as a social contract , the key to its success or failure of the parties are still in the true wishes .

  25. 我国现行收养制度由于收养关系建立的随意性、收养效果的不稳定性等弊端,不能充分体现收养制度的本来目的。

    The present system of adoption in our country cannot fully embod the riginal purpose due to the establishment of adopting relationship at will and instability of the effects of adoption ;

  26. 建立我国特别收养制度很有必要,主要应解决如下问题:限制特别收养关系主体范围,严肃特别收养关系成立的形式,强化特别收养关系的效果。

    Therefore , it is essential to set up a special adopting system in our country and the following major problems should be solved : limiting the main sphere of special adopting relationship , maintaining its legal form and reinforce its effect .