
shè huì fēnɡ qì
  • Social climate;general mood of society
  1. 社会风气·荣辱观·羞耻感

    The General Mood of Society , Outlook of Honor or Disgrace and A Sense of Shame

  2. 论社会风气与精神文明建设的内在关系

    The inherent relationship between the general mood of society and the building up of spiritual civilization

  3. 每所大学关于社区价值观、社会风气和行为的讨论都应该包括对学生自主和自我调节的发展重要性、安全性和自我发现的必要张力的认识。

    Every college discussion about community values , social climate and behavior should include recognition of the developmental importance of student autonomy and self-regulation , of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery .

  4. 浅论宋代商业的兴盛对社会风气的影响

    Influence on Ethos by the Prosperous Trade in the Song Dynasty

  5. 第三,是受不良社会风气的影响。

    The third one is the infection of vogue of badness .

  6. 这些都在一定程度上有助于抑制赌风的无限蔓延与社会风气的净化。

    To a certain extent , helped to purify social spirit .

  7. 澳大利的亚社会风气所谓的“哥们情谊”是很难定义的。

    It'Australia 's ethos of'mateship 's a slippery thing to define .

  8. 试论商品经济对宋代社会风气的影响

    The Influence of Commodity Economy on Social Mood in Song Dynasty

  9. 我们应该努力维护公共道德,改进社会风气。

    We should strive to safeguard public morals and improve social climate .

  10. 端正党风,是端正社会风气的关键。

    Improving Party conduct is the key to improving general social conduct .

  11. 社会风气:在制度德性的变革中转变

    Social customs : the change with the institution morality reform

  12. 神仙观念对社会风气也有影响。

    The fairy idea also there was influence to the social values .

  13. 败坏党的名声和社会风气

    Tarnish the reputation of the Party and degrade social conduct

  14. 略论西安地区社会风气的历史变迁

    The Historical Changes of Social Atmosphere in Xi'an Region

  15. 社会风气的影响,社会舆论和不良的社会风气对就业市场形成干扰;

    The ill social ethos interfere with the development of the talent market ;

  16. 诚信失缺还会影响社会风气,直接破坏国家的法制基础。

    The trustworthiness lose to lack and would still affect the social values .

  17. 作家在成长过程中受到政治环境、思想环境及社会风气的影响,其作品中会留下时代的烙印;

    Writers always are influenced by political and ideological environment of their life time .

  18. 维护社会风气与公正等。

    Maintaining the social ethos and justness , etc.

  19. 一些国人的疑问是我们的社会风气会不会受到影响?

    Some of us wonder : Will it change the ethos of our society ?

  20. 要与实现党风和社会风气的根本好转结合起来;

    With the better shift in realizing the style of our Party and society ;

  21. 我们的法规赞成离婚&我们的社会风气则不然。

    Our legislation favours divorce-our social customs don 't.

  22. 从广义的角度来说,家庭教育也为社会风气奠定了基础。

    From the broader point , family education laid the foundation for social trends .

  23. 正因为这样的社会风气,像阿涅西这样的数学家才能活跃在当时的社会舞台上。

    It was in this climate that a mathematician such as Agnesi could flourish .

  24. 当代中国不良社会风气之一便是不良人际关系。

    In present China , unhealthy interpersonal relationship is one of the harmful social atmospheres .

  25. 社会风气变得更认可通过法律途径行事。

    The culture has evolved to be more accepting of legal ways of doing things .

  26. 而中国和印度恰恰可能会形成这样一种社会风气。

    It is just possible that China and India may be reaching that point now .

  27. 社会风气不鼓励男孩向他人展示脆弱的一面。

    Society discourages boys from showing vulnerability .

  28. 这就是为什么过去五年里,辞职成了一种社会风气。

    This is why quitting has become a social norm over the last five years .

  29. 其三,才子佳人小说的兴盛还与明末清初这一时代的社会风气密切相关。

    And last , the close connection with the special social ethos of this period .

  30. 如果敏捷的俏皮话与社会风气有关,那么你的话就是正确的,先生。

    If quick wits come of climate , it is as you say , sir .