
  • 网络Societal Expectations;social expectation;socially desirable responding;social desirability
  1. 建议某些在国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)成立之初曾经不错的方面现在必须修改,以适应新的科学和社会期望。

    Nevertheless , certain aspects of what has served NSFC well from its inception must be modified to adapt to new scientific and societal expectations .

  2. 一直以来,社会期望男人应该是赚钱养家的主力,所以男人应该比女友/老婆赚得多。

    Societal expectations tell us that men should be the breadwinners and therefore should be earning more than the women in their life .

  3. 这场运动的积极倡导者,保罗·宾迪曼(PaulBindrim),是一个标新立异的心理学家。他相信裸体让人摆脱由服装带来的社会期望,并直接应对最私密的情绪。

    At the forefront of this movement was Paul Bindrim , an offbeat psychologist who believed nakedness allowed people to shake off the social expectations created by clothing and to deal directly with their most private emotions .

  4. 儿童抑郁与儿童社会期望的相关研究

    Relationship between children 's depression and children 's social desirability

  5. 社会期望包括制度性期望和道德性期望。

    Social expectation includes institutional expectation and moral expectation .

  6. 结论1不同专业大学生的社会期望存在显著差异;

    Expecting Skill Conclusion The university students of different specialities have different SD levels ;

  7. 社会期望可以改变这一星期。

    Social expectations may change this week .

  8. 彩票涉业角色的成熟是彩票业实现社会期望的保证。

    The maturation of the lottery related roles is premise of attaining the social expectation .

  9. 聋哑儿童的社会期望值存在非常显著的性别差异;

    There were significant differences of Children 's Social Desirability between male and female Deaf-mute Children ;

  10. 孙力(化名)确实感受到社会期望所带来的压力。

    Sun Li ( not his real name ) actually feels the pressure of social expectations .

  11. 这一现象与人们的社会期望越来越不相符,已经成为了严重的社会问题。

    This phenomenon is incompatible with the expectation of community and has become a serious social problem .

  12. 或者朋友们正在做的事情,或者这个社会期望你做的事情。

    or the thing that all your friends are doing , or that society expects of you .

  13. 小学高年级儿童的攻击行为、社会期望及归因方式比较

    Aggression Behavior , Social Desirability and Attribution Pattern for Middle / High Grade Students of Primary School

  14. 不同社会期望值聋哑儿童的父母教养方式的存在显著差异。

    There were significant differences on Parental Rearing Patterns among children with different Children 's Social Desirability ;

  15. 父母教养方式与儿童社会期望相关性研究

    Expecting Skill A Study on the Interrelation of Parents ' Rearing and Educating Patterns and Child Social Desirability

  16. 权力距离-在何种程度上存在的社会期望的水平的差异权力。

    Power distance-The degree to which a society expects there to be differences in the levels of power .

  17. 然而,在教育教学实际中,教师角色与社会期望还有一些差距。

    But in teaching reality , there is some distance between teachers ' roles and the expectation of society .

  18. 会计信息也因此成为信息使用者关注的焦点,社会期望真实有效的会计信息。

    So , accounting information tops the concerns of information - users and the society expects it genuine and effective .

  19. 面对社会期望和教育改革,高校教师的心理压力日益增强。

    Facing social expectation and education reform , teachers of institutions of higher learning have more and more psychological pressure .

  20. 自我控制是指个体自主调节行为,使其与个人价值和社会期望相匹配的能力。

    Self - control means an ability that one regularizes self - action for individual value to agree with social expectance .

  21. 在中国,虽然传统价值观依然根深蒂固,但是越来越多的女性正在挑战社会期望,坚持单身主义。

    In China , where traditional values are still strong , more and more women are defying social expectations and staying single .

  22. 并进一步研究该情境下受暗示性与社会期望、自尊、心理控制源以及视觉想象生动性的关系。

    In addition , the researchers investigated the relationship of suggestibility with social desirability , self-esteem , focus of control , and visual v.

  23. 研究生作为具有较高文化层次、自我和社会期望较高的青年群体,他们对幸福感的要求也比较高。

    As a postgraduate student with high cultural level , self and social expects higher youth groups , their happiness requirement is high .

  24. 批评者说:“那就别化妆嘛!”但基本上没有人敢无视这种社会期望。

    Critics might say , " Just don 't wear makeup ! " But few people can afford to ignore society 's expectations .

  25. 高校教师这一职业承受着较高的社会期望,承担着为国家培养专业人才的重任。

    The career of college teacher bears fairly high social expectation and undertakes the important mission of educating professional talented people for our nation .

  26. 对自我发展的向往以及签证新政的出台使得他们放下国内的“社会期望”,选择了一种漂泊动荡的生活。

    Their nomadic lifestyle is encouraged by revised visa policies and their desire to develop themselves , usually free from social expectations back in China .

  27. 团队工作的最佳方式是什么-软件开发团队的社会期望、组织标准、报酬、自组织、决策制定和愿景?

    What 's the optimal way of working together-Social aspects of software dev teams , organizational alignment , compensation , self-organization , decision making , vision .

  28. 我们提供了一个电价设计算法,该算法能使社会期望福利最大化,并满足激励相容和个体理性约束。

    We develop a pricing algorithm , which maximizes the expectations of average social welfare , and meets incentive compatibility and individual rationality constraints as well .

  29. 体育院校定位要依据中国国情要求、社会期望和要求、地方特色和学校自身的要求,科学合理构建体育院校定位的内容;在体育院校定位中要注重体育特色定位;

    The sports institute localization must rest on the Chinese national condition request , the social expectation and request , the place characteristic and school own request .

  30. 众多教师反映现在教师压力太大&升学压力过重,工作强度太大,社会期望太高。

    Many teachers say they are experiencing too much stress : too heavy workload , too much burden in students'entering higher school , too high social expectation .