
  • 网络social development theory;theory of social development
  1. 发展的实践凸显了马克思的社会发展理论。

    Marx 's social development theory is made distinct by the developing praxis .

  2. 科学发展观是对传统社会发展理论的超越和创新

    The Scientific Development Concept Is Surmounting and Innovation to Tradition Social Development Theory

  3. 列宁社会发展理论的基本特质

    The Essential Characteristic of Lenin 's Theory of Social Development

  4. 马克思社会发展理论的科学发展意蕴

    The Connotation of Scientific Development in Marx ' Theory about Social Development

  5. 九十年代社会发展理论研究述评

    Review on Researches on the Theory of Social Development in the 90s

  6. 新经济政策与列宁社会发展理论

    New Economic Policy and Lenin 's Theory of Social Development

  7. 论马克思制度变迁与社会发展理论模式

    On Marx 's Theory of Institution Change and Society Development

  8. 社会发展理论的实践论转向

    Transformation of Practice Theory of the Social Development Theories

  9. 马克思社会发展理论的结构向度

    Structural Dimensions of Marxist Theory of Social Development

  10. 马克思社会发展理论的核心就是人的全面发展。

    The corn of Marxist social develop theory is all-round development of human being .

  11. 发展伦理学:当代社会发展理论的伦理基础

    Ethics of Development : Contemporary the Ethical Foundation of the Theory of Social Development

  12. 科学发展观是社会发展理论的一次历史性飞跃。

    The Idea of Scientific Development is a historical leap of social developing theory .

  13. 当代西方社会发展理论探析

    Analysis on Contemporary Western Theories of Social Development

  14. 马克思非西方社会发展理论的历史转变及其当代价值

    Historical Transformation of Marx ′ s Theory of Non-Western Social Development and Its Contemporary Values

  15. 新的发展观是马克思主义社会发展理论的具体应用。

    The new development viewpoints are idiographic application of the theory of Marxist social development viewpoints .

  16. 体现了我们党对社会发展理论认识的深化。

    Which also embodied our Party that have devoted the understanding of the development of society .

  17. 马克思主义历史跨越理论是马克思主义社会发展理论的重要组成部分。

    Marxist theory of historical skipping constitutes an important part of Marxist theories of social development .

  18. 以自由看待发展是社会发展理论研究的新视角。

    Free look at the development of theoretical research and social development of the new perspective .

  19. 本文主要运用马克思主义对立统一学说和社会发展理论。

    This paper mainly employs the law of unity of opposites and social development theory of Marxist .

  20. 公平与效率问题是现代社会发展理论与实践中的焦点问题。

    The issue of fairness and efficiency is a focal point in theory and practice of modern social development .

  21. 第五部分,以马克思社会发展理论为理论落脚点,对科学发展观进行分析。

    The fifth part analyses the scientific concept of development as the theory of end-result as Marxist social develop theory .

  22. 对于未来,它又包含了明确的价值指向。本文揭示了这一概念的三个历史向度,论证了它对继承和发展马克思主义社会发展理论的贡献。

    It can be concluded that this concept is an inheritance and further development of Marxist theory of social development .

  23. 对马克思社会发展理论的理论界定、历史发展、主要观点等问题作了详细的讨论。

    This passage has detailed discussions of definition , history and development , and main points of Marxist social develop theory .

  24. 因此,无论是对于过去、现在、还是将来研究马克思恩格斯社会发展理论都有重大意义,也十分必要。

    Therefore , Studying the social development theories of Marx and Engels is significant to the past 、 now and future .

  25. 第二部分,科学发展观是唯物史观在中国发展的当代形态。主要探讨了科学发展观是中国特色社会发展理论的最新成果;

    Part two : The scientific conception of development is the new version of the development of historical materialism in China .

  26. 生态伦理学由于它自身存在的理论缺陷,也不能成为可持续发展的社会发展理论的伦理的基础。

    Ecological ethics has so theoretic shortage that it can 't become a moral base of social developmental theory of sustainable development .

  27. 根据以上区分,本文从三个方面展开对可持续发展理论的哲学解读:首先,把可持续发展理论指认为社会发展理论传统范式革命的产物。

    My conclusion is that the sustainable development theory is the positive result of the paradigm revolution of the social development theory .

  28. 社会发展理论变革和创新是引导社会前进的强大力量。

    The reform and the creation of the social development theory are the enormous power leading to the advance of the society .

  29. 需求是马克思主义哲学的重要范畴,需求理论是马克思主义社会发展理论的重要组成部分。

    Demand is an important category of Marxist philosophic and demand theory is an important part of Marxist theory of society development .

  30. 第二、集中分析了马克思的社会发展理论对社会主义革命实践的理论指导作用。

    Second , this article centralism has analyzed Marx 's social development theory the theory instruction function which practices to the socialist revolution .