
  • cultural diversity;Culture Diversity;cultural variety
  1. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  2. 第四部分则以保护文化多样性为目的,对改革TRIPS协定进行一定的探讨,并分析得出了对我国知识产权保护制度的三点启示。

    The fourth part is the reforms of TRIPS Agreement . In order to protect the cultural diversity , we must carry out certain reforms of the TRIPS Agreement . At the same time there are three inspirations of the intellectual protection system to our country .

  3. 社会人类学主要关于文化多样性。

    Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture .

  4. 中华民族传统体育&在休闲时代体现文化多样性

    The Chinese folk games : incarnate Cultural Diversity in leisure development

  5. 他们进入中学这一更富于文化多样性的场景,可能面临较复杂的心理适应问题。

    Thus they may encounter more complicated problems of psychological adaptation .

  6. 中国近现代技术发展具有明显的文化多样性特征。

    This was more evident in modern times with its popularity .

  7. 武汉城市文化多样性保护研究

    Study on the Protection of Diversity of Wuhan City Culture

  8. 文化多样性与现代教育&答中央电视台记者白英问

    Cultural Diversity and Modern Education & Answers to CCTV Reporter BAI Ying

  9. 文化多样性与云南的多民族和谐社会建设

    The Culture Diversity and Yunnan 's Construction of Harmonious Community

  10. “水与文化多样性”的课题,已经成为全球社会从不同学科和视角所关注的热点之一。

    " Water and cultural diversity " has become a global topic .

  11. 墨尔本最本质的特征是文化多样性。

    Melbourne 's most defining characteristic is its cultural diversity .

  12. 教育应该促进文化多样性下的可持续性。

    Education should promote sustainability within a diversity of cultures .

  13. 文化多样性与人类生存环境问题

    Cultural Diversity and the Problems of the Human Living Environments

  14. 略论中国近现代技术发展的文化多样性

    Cultural Diversity in the Development of Modern Technology in China

  15. 跨国战略联盟企业文化多样性是客观存在的,企业文化多样性既是跨国战略联盟竞争优势的源泉,又是跨国战略联盟竞争劣势的源泉。

    Chapter three . The Corporate Culture Diversity in International strategic Alliance .

  16. 渗透与交融:谈生物多样性与文化多样性

    Infiltration and Blend : On Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity

  17. 论英语全球化背景下的文化多样性问题

    Reflections on Multiculturalism under the Worldwide Spread of English

  18. 论民族文化多样性与生物物种多样性的耦合关系

    On the Coupling Relationship between Cultural Diversity and Bio-Diversity

  19. 文化多样性与野生动物保护的冲突:挪威野狼管理述评

    Cultural Diversity and Wildlife Protection : a Comment to Wolf Management in Norway

  20. 生物多样性危机与文化多样性危机是当今全球面临的两大危机。

    The biodiversity crisis and cultural diversity crisis are the two global crisises .

  21. 文化多样性是人类社会存在的普遍特征。

    Cultural multiplicity is the universal characteristic which exists in the human society .

  22. 对北美文化多样性与教育的反思

    Rethinking on the Multi-culture and Education of North America

  23. 文化多样性体现在两方面:文化多样性和民族多样性。

    Cultural diversity is reflected in two aspects : cultural diversity and ethnic diversity .

  24. 语言生态观把语言多样性与生物文化多样性的相关性作为基本的理论原则。

    Language ecology theory views language diversity and bio-cultural diversity as its basic principle .

  25. 只有这样我们才能促进本国文化多样性的繁荣发展。

    Only this can we reach cultural diversity and prosperity in the new century .

  26. 文化多样性的弘扬与知识产权保护

    Advocating the Cultural Diversity and Protecting Intellectual Property

  27. 文化多样性与翻译的使命

    Promoting Cultural Diversity as a Mission of Translation

  28. 结果:国际上对生物多样性和文化多样性立法已有先例;

    RESULT : There were internationally precedents of legislation on biodiversity and cultural diversity ;

  29. 历史与地理的双重聚合,造就了这片土地的文化多样性。

    The dual congregation of history and geography makes the cultural diversity in this region .

  30. 旅游开发使民族文化多样性的保护日显重要。

    The protection of cultural variety of nationalities seems increasingly important with the tourism exploitation .