
  • 网络Post modernization;Post-modernization
  1. 起源于西方的现代化发展至今,大致经历了三个阶段:前现代化阶段、现代化阶段及后现代化阶段。

    With a western origin , modernization has experienced 3 stages up till now : pre-modernization , modernization and post-modernization .

  2. 现代、现代化、后现代化这些名词有一定联系,但其具体含义又有所不同。

    The terms & modern , modernization and post-modernization are closely connected with each other though they have their own distinctive features .

  3. 现代化的限度与后现代化之路

    Limitation of Modernization and Road to Post - modernization

  4. 发达资本主义国家的后现代化

    The Post - modernization in the Developed Countries

  5. 中国传统体育文化在后现代化社会中的价值

    The Value of Chinese Traditional Sport Culture to the Harmonious Development of the Post-modernized Society

  6. 人文主义与后现代化主义之兴起及西方新区域地理学之发展

    Humanism , the Rise of Postmodernism and the Development of New Regional Geography in the West

  7. 一方面,后现代化国家无一例外地渴望拥抱现代性,将现代性设计作为自己富强的动力;

    One hand , all the post-modern countries are embracing modernity as their power for prosperity .

  8. 现代化与后现代化的两难抉择&当代新儒家的理论困境及其出路

    On the Dilemma of Modernization and Post & modernization-The Theoretical Dilemma and Outlet of Contemporary Neo-Confucianism

  9. 文化符码的侠女形象在华语文化的后现代化与全球化过程中,无疑是一个相当显著而又常被忽视的现象。

    The cultural symbol of the chivalrous lady is doubtlessly a remarkable and yet oftentimes ignored phenomenon in the globalization of Chinese culture in the post-modern period .

  10. 并且探讨了一元化领导体制的形成对建国后现代化建设在制度方面的奠基作用。

    Furthermore , the essay discusses that the form of the centralized system of leadership fundamentally acts on the regulation in the modernized constructions after the foundation of PRC .

  11. 动力线框机械,程序,编码式的特征,注定会传递给观众一种后现代化,工业化的质感。

    Dynamic wireframe has the characteristics of the machinery , procedures , and coding style , destined to be passed to the audience a texture of the modern industrial world .

  12. 中国的成衣设计研究因为自身国情与发展方式的不同,后现代化设计给传统的伦理观念带来了冲击,悠久的历史积淀又给后现代设计提供了新的异域化的灵感。

    Postmodernism design brings the impact on the traditional ethics idea , and at the same time the long history art accumulation provides the new exotic inspiration for the postmodernism design .

  13. 告别经典现代化和后现代化模式,选择新现代化发展战略,是长三角地区发展战略的新定位和新目标。

    To bid farewell to the classical modernization and post-modernization and select neo-modernization development strategy is the new niche and new goal of the development strategy in the Yangtze River Delta .

  14. 30多年来中国发展取得巨大成就,进入新世纪后现代化建设迈出重大步伐,靠的是改革开放。

    It is reform and opening-up that has delivered the remarkable progress in China 's development over the past 30-odd years and its significant strides forward in modernization in the 21st century .

  15. 第二阶段是70&80年代的后现代化研究,包括对经典现代化理论的批评和发展,以及后现代主义和后现代化理论的兴起。

    The second was the post-modern studies in the 1970s-1980s mainly in the developed countries , including the criticism and developing of the classical theory , and the emerging of the post-modern ism and post-modernization theory .

  16. 与内源型现代化国家相比,中国的现代化有着激进性特征,同时,作为从计划经济向市场经济转型的后现代化国家,中国又具有渐进性特点。

    Compared with the countries of intrinsic modernization , China has radical characteristics , at the same time , as a post-modern country experiencing the transition from planned economy to market economy , China is also incremental .

  17. 主要体现在他用个人自由主义的表达方式对前人的叙述和主流思想进行颠覆;电影作品中饱含鲜明的个人符号和情感色彩以及充满后现代化的影像表现手法。

    Mainly reflected in subverting the previous statements and the mainstream thought by using his personal expression of liberalism ; the distinctive personal symbol and emotional color and full of modern imaging technique of expression which exist everywhere in his films .

  18. 现代化研究已有60多年历史,产生了许多理论,例如,经典现代化理论、后现代化理论、生态现代化理论、反思性现代化理论、多元现代性理论和第二次现代化理论等。

    There are more than 60 years history and many schools of modernization research , such as classical modernization theory , post-modernization theory , ecological modernization theory , reflexive modernization theory , multiple modernities theory , second modernization theory and so on .

  19. 文章认为,实现我国农业现代化,必须按照先市场化、再产业化、后现代化的逻辑顺序,由低级向高级逐步推进。

    The article remarks that in order to modernize our country 's agriculture , it is necessary to set things to market , then to industrialise and , in modern logical order , to promote step by step from lower levels to higher ones .

  20. 可持续发展中的后农业现代化

    Agricultural cooperation between Chinese mainland and Taiwan after entry into WTO Post-agricultural Modernization with Sustainable Development

  21. 反思建国后转变现代化方式的教训,是为了总结经验,而不是要否定革命。

    To rethink the lessons of transition pattern of modernization after establishing the PRC is not to deny revolution but to summarize experiences .

  22. 后农业现代化,就是在农业现代化之后扬弃其化学污染和和生态掠夺的内涵,通过自然回归,走生态农业、生物农业、有机农业、绿色农业的新路。

    Post-agricultural modernization means that we should throw away the nature of chemical pollution and the rob of ecology after the agricultural modernization and go on ecological 、 biological and organic agriculture by natural regression .

  23. 论文从统一初期的越南社会经济状况入手,以越南革新为主线,通过历史和现实的双重角度来考察统一后越南现代化建设的实践内容和成效。

    This thesis starts with the social economic situation of Vietnam at initial stage of unification , regarding innovation in Vietnam as the masterstroke , also inspecting the practice content and effect of Vietnam modernization construction after unification by way of double angle of history and reality .

  24. 加入WTO后对发展现代化交通的思考

    Thinking about developing modern transportation after we have joined WTO

  25. 辛亥革命胜利后,娄底现代化有了一个自由发展的大环境。

    After 1911 Revolution victory , the Loudi modernization had a free development environment .

  26. 其次,革命后埃及加快现代化进程的经济政治动员,客观上要求威权主义政府的强力推动;

    Secondly , government of authoritarianism was imposed by political and economic demands for promoting modernization after the revolution .

  27. 本文主要研究后发展国家现代化过程中的国内冲突。

    This dissertation focuses on the internal conflicts that late development countries tend to encounter during their process of industrialization .

  28. 单位体制是中国在革命后社会的现代化进程中诞生出来的一种社会调控体系。

    Dan Wei system is a social regulating and administering system developed in the process of modernizing Chinese society after revolution .

  29. 中国作为后发的现代化国家,西方发达国家中产阶级的文化趣味已经有了标准的中国版,这个标准就是《时尚》提供的标准;

    The cultural taste of middle class in the West has become the standard of this class in China , which is provided by Fashion .

  30. 造成消极颓废生活方式的原因有:市场经济对生活方式的消极影响;外源性后发展国家现代化进程中遇到的矛盾和难题;

    Negative influences come from the market economy in the making , underdevelopment of its modernization as well as the transformation of the social structure as a whole .