
  • 网络postmodernism philosophy;postmodern philosophy;postmodernism
  1. 生存命义的现代叙事方案及后现代哲学对它的颠覆

    Modern Narrative Program of the Existing Nature and its Subversion by Postmodern Philosophy

  2. 本文的理论尝试是:试图系统地论证环境伦理学与后现代哲学的内在统一。

    The purpose of the essay is demonstrating the inherent identification of environment ethics and postmodern philosophy systematically .

  3. 而且这种反本质的观点,又是一种标准的后现代哲学语境。

    And the anti-essence view is a standard post-modernist philosophy context .

  4. 后现代哲学的挑战与系统哲学的回应

    The Challenge of Postmodern Philosophy and the Response of Systematic Philosophy

  5. 西方后现代哲学精神的近期扩展

    The Spread of Vision of Postmodern Philosophy in Western since Recent Time

  6. 后现代哲学之源&尼采的现代性批判理论

    The Origin of post - Modernism & Nietzche 's critical theory of Modernism

  7. 后现代哲学思维方式的特征&从自组织动力学的观点看

    The Scientific Connotations in Approaching Postmodernism Mode of Thinking & From a Synergetical Perspective

  8. 后现代哲学全面解构了现代性,同时又以一种建设性的创造精神展示着生态后现代主义。

    Postmodern philosophy comprehensive deconstructed modernity , while demonstrating eco-postmodernism with a constructive creativity .

  9. 马克思颠覆形而上学的思想历程&兼对后现代哲学的一个批判性考察

    The Thought Process of Marx Subverting Tradition Metaphysics & Criticizing and Reviewing to Post-modernism

  10. 浅析后现代哲学的多元论思想

    On Pluralistic Ideology in Post - modern Philosophy

  11. 析后现代哲学的三大特征

    On three Features of the Postmodern Philosophy

  12. 一个后现代哲学语境中的神话&评马克思颠覆了形而上学

    A Myth in Post-Modernist Philosophy Context

  13. 从后现代哲学的向度看,全科医学反对还原论,强调效果历史;

    From the view of post-modern philosophy , it objects deoxidize and emphasizes the history of effect ;

  14. 后现代哲学的自然观

    On Natural-view of Postmodern Philosophy

  15. 对人与自然关系重新解释的西方后现代哲学思潮和中国的传统哲学中的天人合一观,对当今设计观念产生了重大的影响。

    Both the post modern philosophy and the Chinese traditional philosophy will affect designers ' thought deeply .

  16. 但是,在西方学术背景与社会背景下,女性伦理学在享用西方后现代哲学理论成果的同时,也承负着哲学困境所带来的理论和实践上的难题。

    But feminist ethics , using the weapon of post-modernism , faces its own difficulties theoretically and practically .

  17. 网络世界中充分体现了后现代哲学的精神主旨:中心与平面化。

    In the network world , centrality and planarization & the spiritual keynote in post-modern philosophy is fully manifested .

  18. 隐喻:诗性哲学的魅力&从庄子与西方后现代哲学的会通看

    Metaphor : the Charm of Poetic Philosophy Revealed in the Similarity between Zhuang Zi 's Philosophy and Western Postmodern Philosophy

  19. 对主体在现代和后现代哲学中嬗变的分析,可以从理论层面彰显制度对主体的塑造与限制。

    Expatiating on subject 's development , construction and deconstruction can clear the figuration and restriction for realistic institution to subject .

  20. 后现代哲学兴盛以来,身体逐渐成为一个话语中心,备受关注。

    Since the rise of post-modern philosophy , body has gradually turned into a discursive centre , attracting a lot of attention .

  21. 后现代哲学自然观具有一定的积极意义和现实价值,但也存在着理论上的矛盾性和局限性。

    The natural-view of postmodern philosophy have certain positive significance and realistic values , but it also have some theoretical contradictions and limitations .

  22. 尽管这一旧问题在不同历史阶段的合法性危机中,拥有自己不断转型的新形态,但是随着后现代哲学咄咄逼人的批判、颠覆和解构,主体性是走向黄昏还是向黎明迈进?

    In the midst of the aggressive animadverting , subverting and dissolving of post-modern philosophy , will subjectivity go towards dusk or twilight ?

  23. 换言之,成为一种在现代存在主义哲学,特别是在解构主义等后现代哲学指导下的新的思想体系和文化体系了。

    In other words , the relationship of man and God has become a new thought system and culture system with the guidance of post-modern philosophy .

  24. 西方哲学自文艺复兴以来,呈现出三个发展阶段,即近代哲学、现代哲学和后现代哲学。

    After the Renaissance , the development of western philosophy can be divided into three stages : recent philosophy , modern philosophy and post modern philosophy .

  25. 在后现代哲学的否定性、多元化和差异性思维方式影响下,教育叙事研究体现出鲜明的后现代特征。

    Under the influence of the thinking mode of post-modern philosophy in its negativity , plurality and otherness , educational narrative study has shown obvious post-modern characteristics .

  26. 探索建构性的后现代哲学,必先摆脱从前哲学所构作的一些基本框架,以新的方法、新的思路来思考。

    To explore the constructive postmodern philosophy , we should cast off some basic frameworks set by the former philosophy first and consider in new method and thinking .

  27. 后现代哲学思潮是在艺术界及思想界产生的一种西方思潮,对台湾的教育发展产生了极大的影响。

    Postmodernism is a western ideological trend in the art circle and thinking public , which had a tremendous impact on the development of the education in Taiwan .

  28. 另外,在案件事实认定方面,后现代哲学提出了一系列的挑战,案件事实认定的知识论基础发生了改变。

    Besides , in this aspect , the post-modern philosophy makes a series of challenging , and the basis of knowledge in finding truth have changed a lot .

  29. 和谐是客观自然存在的规律。在此基础上,指出了和谐概念的新特点:在后现代哲学中,和谐的本质可以诉求于客观世界生存价值的多样性、生存价值趋向的多元化。

    Harmony thought in post-modern philosophy has new characters : the nature of harmony is dependent on the variety of existence value , and diversifications of existence value trends .

  30. 本文作者认为,信息技术的发展的确与后现代哲学思潮的出现有着密切的关系,但这并不意味着信息方式理论就能取代马克思的生产方式概念。

    The author points out that the development of information technology does not means that the theory of the mode of information may replace Marx 's mode of production .