
zōnɡ hé fánɡ zhì
  • integrated control;comprehensive control
  1. 毛竹枯梢病综合防治技术的研究

    Studies on the Comprehensive Control Techniques of Moso Bamboo Stagheaded Disease

  2. 大豆根腐病的发生及其综合防治策略

    Occurrence of Soybean Root Rot Disease and Its Comprehensive Control Strategy

  3. 转基因抗虫杂交棉F2代虽然存在着抗性分离,但通过适当的综合防治措施,可以防止害虫的危害。

    Although resistance separation exists in transgenic pests resistance hybrid F2 , Pests damage might be avoided through suitable comprehensive protection measures .

  4. 结论:HIV感染的传播途径非常明确,因而其传播是完全可以预防的。早期预防,早期诊断,加强治疗,实行综合防治措施,有助于控制HIV感染的流行。

    Conclusions : Implication of effective preventive measures , early diagnosis and intensive treatment are important in the control of HIV / AIDS in China .

  5. 转BT基因抗虫棉田昆虫种群动态及综合防治研究

    The Study for Tendency of Community and Copositive Measure of Prevention or Cure on Insect in BT Transgenic Cotton Field

  6. 有害生物综合防治(IPM)在白蚁防治上的应用

    IPM and its Application on Controlling Termite

  7. 应针对产ESBLs菌感染的危险因素进行综合防治。

    Comprehensive prevention and control measures aiming at risk factors for infection with ESBLs-producing strains is necessary .

  8. 利用GIS技术对县级农业资源进行调查,筛选出有机水稻生产区和抑制水稻病虫害发生、发展的最佳综合防治方法。

    Using GIS techniques to investigate the agricultural resources in county level , screening out the regions for organic rice production and the best comprehensive methods for controlling the emergence and development of diseases and insects in paddy fields .

  9. 目的了解山东省艾滋病综合防治示范区艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况和流行因素分析。

    Objective To understand the current epidemic situation and high risk factors of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) infection among paid blood donors living in Shandong provincial China Comprehensive Response ( CARES ) Project Areas .

  10. 目的以社区健康服务中心为基本研究单元,应用数据包络分析法(DEA)开展社区高血压综合防治效果评价。

    Objective Based the community health service , using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) to evaluate the effect of current model of comprehensive prevention and control community-based for hypertension in Shenzhen city .

  11. 【目的】揭示侵染中国甘蔗及玉米的甘蔗花叶病毒(Sugarcanemosaicvirus,SCMV)的遗传多样性,为抗病品种培育及病害综合防治提供依据。

    【 Objective 】 The study was conducted to reveal genetic diversity of Sugarcane mosaic virus ( SCMV ) isolates infecting sugarcane and maize and to provide theoretical references for resistance breeding and integrated management of mosaic disease in China .

  12. 目的:报道河南省204例人类免疫缺陷病毒1(HIV1)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)患者的临床表现和治疗概况,为进一步计划HIV/AIDS的综合防治措施提供依据。

    Objective : To report the clinical manifestation and treatment of 204 HIV / AIDS patients in Henan province , providing scientific basis to work out a National Guidelines for the prevention and control of HIV / AIDS in China .

  13. 报道毛竹基腐病(Arthriniumphaeospermum)综合防治技术的研究结果:(1)40%拌种双和70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂对病菌的生长有极强的抑制力;

    This paper reports the following results of study on the integrated control of Moso bamboo foot rot caused by Arthrinium phaeospermum : ( 1 ) 40 % compound of seedvax and thiram and 70 % thiophanate methyl WP were found to have very good fungistasis for this pathogen ;

  14. 综合防治食叶性害虫与生态园林

    Integrated management of the leaf-eating pest and ecosystem of the garden

  15. 烟草病虫害低公害综合防治技术研究

    Research on Low Public Hazard Integrated Control Technology of Tobacco Pest

  16. 农业立体污染综合防治研究的概况与进展

    Outline and Progression about the Study of Controlling Agricultural Tridimensional Pollution

  17. 恒河猴常见疾病的综合防治

    A Synthetical prevention and treatment of common diseases in Rhesus Monkeys

  18. 石家庄市地表水环境质量及综合防治对策研究

    Environmental quality of surface water and Its Countermeasures in Shijiazhuang City

  19. 杏北开发区套损成因机理新认识及套损综合防治技术

    New knowledge of casing damage genetic mechanism and integrated control technique

  20. 正畸儿童牙龈炎的口腔综合防治

    Comprehensive oral health care on their gingivitis in orthodontic treated patients

  21. 水稻螟虫综合防治层次分析

    Analytical Hierarchy Process on the Integrated Control for Rice Stem Borers

  22. 柞蚕场天幕毛虫综合防治措施的研究

    The Integrated Measures to Control Motschulsky Tent Caterpillar on Tussah Farms

  23. 燃煤SO2的综合防治技术

    Comprehensive Prevention & Treatment Technology of SO_2 from Coal Fired Boilers

  24. 稻瘟病综合防治决策模型的研究

    Study on the decision model for integrated control of rice blast

  25. 双孢蘑菇褐腐病综合防治技术研究

    A Study on the Integrate Control of Agaricus bisporus Wet Bubble

  26. 滇池生态机制分析及综合防治对策

    The analysis of ecosystem mechanism and synthetic prevention method of Dianchi

  27. 政府主导多部门合作综合防治癌症

    Government Dominant , Multi-branch Cooperation and Comprehensive Prevention and Treatment for Cancer

  28. 煤矸石对环境的影响和综合防治措施

    Effect of coal gangue on environment and comprehensive control and treatment measures

  29. 锅炉出力不足原因分析及综合防治措施

    The Causes Analysis and Comprehensive Preventing Measures for Insufficient Output of Boiler

  30. 滇池富营养化状况及其综合防治对策

    Eutrophication State of Dianchi Lake and Comprehensive Countermeasures against it