
  • 网络policy-making;policymaking;policy making;policy formulation;policy
  1. 基于绿色GDP核算体系的节能减排政策制定研究

    Research on Policy-Making for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction based on Green GDP Accounting System

  2. 这些无论在学术研究领域还是实际政策制定中,一直未受到足够重视的一般历史城镇(MinorHistoricTown),已经陷入了保护现状业已不堪,保护思路仍旧不清,保护行动十分不力的困境中。

    These Minor Historic Town have not been paid attention sufficiently in terms of academic research or practical policy-making . Now they have fallen into a status that protecting status quo is unbearable , conservation ideas is still unclear , the plight of conservation action is very weak .

  3. 政策制定者不能让能源价格走低来破坏清洁能源转型。

    Policymakers   should   not   allow   low   energy   prices   to   derail   the   clean   energy   transition .

  4. 这个概念有多种形式,而且学者和政策制定者在这一理想项目的形式、范围以及花销方面争执不下。

    The concept has multiple forms , and scholars and policymakers argue about the shape , scope and cost of the ideal program .

  5. 鉴于人们越来越关注老年人口的健康保健成本问题,凯克认为政策制定者应该意识到疾病和离婚风险之间的关系。

    Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population , Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce .

  6. 政策制定者现在应该开始考虑如何确保无人驾驶汽车的出现不会让我们目前的汽车控制交通系统的缺点加剧。

    Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless vehicles doesn 't extend the worst aspects of the car-controlled transportation system we have today .

  7. 货币政策制定者们梦想能像电影《森林王子》(junglebook)中的蟒蛇kaa一样收紧政策。

    In their dreams monetary authorities tighten like Kaa , the Jungle Book python .

  8. 为规划计,政策制定者需要预计未来几十年的气候变化,科学家要通过类似政府间气候变化问题小组(intergovernmentalpanelonclimatechange)等机构发布普遍预测。

    For planning purposes policymakers need projections of changes decades ahead , and scientists oblige by issuing consensus forecasts through bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change .

  9. ITU的报告强调了政策制定者对于加速通讯行业所起到的关键作用。

    The report emphasises the key role of policymakers in encouraging the development of telecommunications .

  10. 许多政策制定部门不断制定政策,支持、鼓励、规范、指导PDS发展。

    Many policy-making departments support , encourage , normalize and direct the development of PDS by the continually making policy .

  11. 笔者参照国外经验,提出了投资基金组建的形式、方法和原则,及有关spv的市场进入、经营、退出的法规与政策制定的参考。

    Therefore , we should develop investment funds , and establish the law about spv market enter , keep and quit affair .

  12. 美联储(Fed)在2015年继续考虑加息,但一些投资者认为,自年初以来的疲弱经济活动可能让政策制定者们更加谨慎。

    The US Federal Reserve continues to eye an increase in interest rates in 2015 , but some investors believe that weakening economic activity since the start of the year could make policy makers more cautious .

  13. 政策制定者希望民营银行能满足这类借款人,经济学家们表示,小型民营企业提供了约60%的国内生产总值(GDP)以及约75%的新就业岗位。

    Policy makers hope that private banks will meet the needs of such borrowers , which economists say provide about 60 per cent of gross domestic product and about 75 per cent of new jobs .

  14. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)驻北京经济学家彭垦(KenPeng)表示,温州试验意义重大,因为这表明了政策制定者对金融改革必要性的一致认可。

    Ken Peng , economist with BNP Paribas in Beijing , said the Wenzhou experiment was meaningful because it showed consensus among policy makers on the need for reform .

  15. 探讨了驱使医师接受CME的动力、学习和行为改变的关系,以及它们对CME提供者、医院管理者和其他政策制定者的意义。最后提出了促进CME发展的模式。

    It is discussed what drives physicians to accept CME , what is the relationship between learning and behaviour change , and what is the meaning of these theories to CME providers , hospital managers and other policy makers .

  16. 政策制定者致力于刺激消费,却忽视了生产。

    Policy makers focus on spurring consumption , while ignoring production .

  17. 中美公共政策制定中的公民参与方式之比较

    Comparison between Citizens ' Political Participation in Chinese and American Public-policy-making

  18. 这一转变将使政策制定者面临的挑战变得更加复杂。

    This paradigm shift will complicate an already complex challenge facing policymakers .

  19. 与会的政策制定者将就此次信贷危机及相关解决步骤展开讨论。

    Policymakers will discuss the credit crisis and steps to address it .

  20. 政策制定者还关注领导层换届。

    Policy makers are also focused on the leadership transition .

  21. 美国政策制定者必须首先认识到三点问题。

    US policy makers must begin by realising three points .

  22. 政局的稳定反过来促使政策制定保持一致。

    Political stability , in turn , has led to consistent policymaking .

  23. 关于我国区域科技政策制定的思考

    Rethinking About Formulation of Regional Sci-Tech Policies in China

  24. 纵向联合促销的微分对策分析及其商务政策制定

    The Differential Game Analysis of Vertical Cooperative-Promotions and the Design of Business Policy

  25. 环境安全这一概念逐渐被各国学者和政策制定者所接受。

    Scholars and policy makers have accepted the concept of environmental security gradually .

  26. 我国公民参与公共政策制定的困境及对策

    Predicament of Chinese Citizens ' Participation in Public Policy Making and the Countermeasure

  27. 政策制定遵循美国意志;

    Its formation of a policy was complied with USA.

  28. 强劲的经济数据加大了政策制定者的赌注。

    Robust economic data up the ante on policymakers .

  29. 如今,政策制定者们主要担心的不是物价上涨。

    Consumer price inflation is not the key concern for policy makers for now .

  30. 我国科技政策制定问题研究

    Study Decision-Making Problem of Science and Technology Policy