
shōu fèi chù
  • Cashier;toll house
  1. 基于RFID的门诊收费处综合管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Outpatient Cashier Management System Based on RFID

  2. 设计并开发了基于RFID的门诊收费处综合管理系统并投入使用。

    Methods A comprehensive outpatient cashier management system based on RFID was developed and put into use .

  3. 请到隔壁收费处交钱。

    Please go to the cashier next door to pay the bill .

  4. 公路上收费处入口的地方。

    An area where tollbooths are located .

  5. 我假装咳嗽了一声,收费处的女孩抬头看了看我:老板,按摩吗?

    I pretended to cough a cry , and charged the girl looked up at me : Boss , massage ?

  6. 一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,这张清单要交给您所在病房的护士。

    Once the discharge formalities completed , the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit .

  7. 简向医院收费处承诺,必要时她和丈夫会变卖家产支付儿子的治疗费。

    Jane promised the hospital 's financial office that if they had to , she and her husband would sell their home to pay for Julian 's medical care .

  8. 方法:在管理上,抓住重点地组织做好前期准备,及时进行部门间、病房与药房间、病房与收费处间、药房与收费处间的有力协调;

    Method In management , it is important to organize preparation , to make a perfect harmony between departments , ward and pharmacy , ward and charge room , pharmacy and charge room in time .

  9. 恐怕您该找有收费表的停车处。

    I 'm afraid you will have to find a parking meter .

  10. 与财务处学生收费系统、学生处学生管理系统、就业办公室的学生就业管理系统等实现学生基本信息的共享。

    Student fees with the Treasury system , Student Office Student Management System , student employment office employment management system , such as students realize the sharing of basic information .

  11. 位于收费桥或收费公路处的一种门,只有当人们交了费用后这个门才可以被吊起来准许人们通行。

    A gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid .