
zhònɡ diǎn dà xué
  • key university
  1. 方法:使用一般资料问卷、人格诊断问卷调查北京市某重点大学一年级学生共2205人,对人格诊断问卷总得分阳性者进一步用国际人格障碍检查表按ICD-10诊断系统进行临床诊断。

    Method : 2 205 freshmen in one key university in Beijing were investigated with Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire Revised ( PDQ R ) and the General Information Questionnaire .

  2. 某重点大学非英语专业的95名本科学生被选择作为研究的受试,他们均通过了CET4,并且准备参加CET6。

    95 non-English major sophomores from a key university participated in the test . All of them had passed CET4 and were preparing for the CET6 examination , so the test was designed according to the Syllabus for College English Test & Band Six .

  3. 目前,已有24所重点大学开设了该项教育,但是中国的MPA教育仍有很多地方亟待完善。

    Though it has been made available in 24 prestigious universities , there is still much room for improvement .

  4. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)电机工程与应用电子技术系博士生郑一鸣说,我认为抱怨高等教育无用的人主要是非重点大学的学生,而且主要是文科专业的学生。

    ' I think people complaining about the uselessness of higher education are mostly coming from non-first-tier university students , especially liberal-arts majors , ' said Zheng Yiming , a doctoral candidate majoring in electrical engineering at Tsinghua University .

  5. 公司凭借自己独特的专业技术团体,依托国家重点大学,科研院所雄厚的技术资源,相继开发出XXXX系列产品。

    Relying on our R & D group working with the rich technical resources from the fine national universities , our company has launched XXXX series of products successfully .

  6. 日本重点大学建设政策自20世纪90年代开始实施,先后经历了研究生院重点化、TOP30、COE计划三个阶段,主要内容包括基地评审与经费配置。

    Those policies have been put into effect in Japan since 1990 's , which experienced three stages of " priority graduate school "," TOP30 " and " COE plan " and including bases judgment and budgets installment .

  7. 压缩大学基础英语,提高语言学习效率&试论重点大学大学英语课程设置改革

    On the reform of College English curriculum design in key universities

  8. 中国重点大学的网络影响力评价研究

    Study on evaluation of web influence of key university in China

  9. 重点大学非优势学科建设与发展研究

    Study on Construction of the Non-Advantaged Discipline in the Top University

  10. 他的梦想是考入一所重点大学。

    His dream was to be admitted to a key university .

  11. 重点大学的现代远程教育为谁服务?

    For whom should key universities provide the modern distance education ?

  12. 我父母要我上一所重点大学。

    My parents desire me to enter a key university .

  13. 三是要淡化重点大学的情结。

    Thirdly , the " key universities " complex should be dissolved .

  14. 警惕我国重点大学学科建设中的若干误区

    Be Conscious of Some Misleading Areas in Key University 's Subject Construction

  15. 重点大学本科及以上学历,建筑或规划相关专业。

    University or higher education in Architect design related field .

  16. 他期待儿子能被重点大学录取。

    He expected his son to be admitted by a key university .

  17. 重点大学学生624份,普通院校学生229份。

    624 from students of key universities and 229 from common universities .

  18. 有些人回到了中国重点大学的经济系任教;

    Some are running economics departments at major Chinese schools .

  19. 无线电、机械或电子相关专业重点大学本科或以上学历。

    Bachelor degree or above majored in electron and related .

  20. 论重点大学文科的社会功能与历史使命&改革开放以来南京大学文科部分有重大影响的科研成果回顾

    The Social Functions and Historical Missions of Liberal Arts in Key Universities

  21. 研究生教育与重点大学建设管见

    Opinion on Postgraduate Education and Construction of Key Universities

  22. 211重点大学学科馆员状况分析

    Analysis of the Present Situation of the Discipline Librarian System in 211 Universities

  23. 对云南省高等院校人才培养模式改革的思考&国内重点大学的办学经验对云南高校教学改革的启示

    A Reflection on the Reform of Talents Training Patterns of Universities in Yunnan

  24. 利马圣马科斯国家重点大学

    San Marcos of Lima , Main National University of

  25. 再努力一下,你肯定能考上重点大学。

    Another effort , and you are sure to enter a key university .

  26. 我国重点大学课程国际化的理论与实践研究

    An Investigation of the Theory and Practice of Chinese Key Universities ' Curriculum Internationalization

  27. 考察美国研究型大学的地区经济贡献评估,对我国重点大学建设带来有益的启示。

    This research will provide some inspiration to the construction of Chinese research-oriented universities .

  28. 我被一所一般人都不敢报名的重点大学录取了。

    I was admitted to a key university to which few dared to apply .

  29. 我努力学习功课是为了进入一所重点大学。

    I work hard at my lessons in order to enter a key university .

  30. 读的是普通高中,考的是重点大学;

    Read is the ordinary high school , the test is the key university ;