
  • 网络license;patent licensing;patent grant
  1. 伍德补充称:每支付一项专利授权费用都将削弱安卓商业模式的盈利前景。

    The economics of the Android business model are weakened every time you have to pay a licensing settlement , adds Mr Wood .

  2. 音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。

    Christmas carol " Silent Night " has topped the list of Britain 's " most recorded Christmas song of all time ," according to music licensing company PPL .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的高校3种专利授权量预测研究

    The Forecast Research of Three Invention Patents Authorization of Colleges Based on BP Network

  4. 在华FDI的知识溢出效应&基于专利授权数量的实证分析

    The Knowledge Spillover Effects of FDI in China : An Empirical Analysis based on the Number of Patent Authorizations

  5. 诺基亚威胁称,如果ETSI接受苹果的设计方案,诺基亚将从ETSI撤回约50项与SIM卡相关的专利授权。

    It has threatened to withdraw around 50 Sim card-related patents from ETSI if the Apple proposal is approved .

  6. 对玻化微珠保温混凝土的试验研究在全国尚属首次,本文研究的玻化微珠保温混凝土已获得国家知识产权局发明专利授权(ZL200610012726.2)。

    ' Glazed hollow bead insulation concrete ' in this paper has been authorized to obtain the invention patent ( ZL200610012726.2 ) from State Intellectual Property Office .

  7. 专利授权合同限制竞争的法律规制

    Laws and Regulations Governing Non-competition Provisions Defined in Patent License Agreement

  8. 专利授权现已与许可完全分离。

    The patent grant is now completely separated from the license .

  9. 所提出的LPG/柴油机械式单体双燃料喷油器,已经取得国家实用新型专利授权。

    A patent has been licensed for the duel-fuel injector in China .

  10. 不对称信息下需求创新专利授权的价格机制

    Optimal Mechanism of Demand Innovation Licensing Strategy under Asymmetric Information

  11. 关于高等院校专利授权的实证研究

    The experimental Study on the Patent authorization of University and College in China

  12. 2007年发明专利授权量,占发明专利授权量的40.4%。

    The invention patents authorization of2007 account for40.4 % .

  13. 专利授权及失效管理数据库系统的设计与优化

    The Design and Optimization of Database System for Granted and Invalidated Management of Patent

  14. 从发明专利授权标准的演化看专利制度面临的挑战

    The Evolution of the Patentability Standard and the Challenges Faced by the Patent System

  15. 外观设计专利授权条件研究

    Study on Permission Conditions of Design Patent

  16. 论遗传资源获取与来源披露对专利授权的影响

    The Impact of Access to Genetic Resources and Its Disclosure of Sources on Patent Right

  17. 适时的专利授权期能够在激励企业技术创新和增加社会剩余之间取得均衡。

    Optimal patent grand period can reach equilibrium between motivating technology innovation and increasing social surplus .

  18. 山西省专利授权量比较分析

    Comparison Analysis of Shanxi Patent

  19. 所以,我国应该随着我国自身的发展而进行适时的法律调整,以发挥出专利授权制度的作用。

    Therefore , China should be adjust own law timely and let law can play the role .

  20. 论专利授权行为的法律效力&兼评《专利法》改革中的制度选择

    The Legal Validity of the Action to Award Patent : Institutional Choice for the Patent Law Reform

  21. 专利授权期过短,缺少技术创新的动力,技术创新水平不高,最终影响社会剩余。

    Shortening patent grand period will weaken level of technology innovation , reducing social surplus in the end .

  22. 最后根据医学领域生物技术的特殊性,对医学领域生物技术的专利授权标准与传统的专利三性进行对比分析,显现出医学领域生物技术专利的特点。

    Finally , comparative analysis on the medical field of biotechnology patent licensing standards with the traditional patent sexual .

  23. 本文认为应该用专利授权数而不是专利申请数作为衡量区域创新产出的指标。

    Thirdly , the number of patents should be used rather than patent applications as a measure of innovation output .

  24. 该标准具有复杂度低,性能高,成本低及专利授权模式简单等特点,具有广阔的应用前景。

    AVS video standard has the following advantages , such as low complexity , high-performance , low-cost and easy licensing model .

  25. 目前为止,公司已拥有14项实用新型专利授权证书,1项发明专利通过实审即将授权。

    So far , the company has14 patents of utility model authorized certificate , one invention patent through the reality is authorized .

  26. 其他人可以确定到底是要寻求技术专利授权,还是可以自由使用。

    Others would then know whether they would have to license the technology or would be free to pursue its use unhindered .

  27. 向一个组织授予专利授权指做出这样的不向该组织提出强制执行专利权的承诺。

    To grantsuch a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party .

  28. 基于动态变温方法及间接热释电电流法的原理,设计并研制了一套已获专利授权的动态热释电系数测试系统。

    A dynamic system for the pyroelectric coefficients measurement is designed , patented and fabricated based on the dynamic temperature-changing mode and indirect pyroelectric current method .

  29. 但是由于各国的政治制度、经济发展水平和科学技术的程度的差异,导致各国在制定专利授权条件上也不同。

    Because of the difference of the political and economic development level , and the level of technology , the patent granted law in each country is different .

  30. 专利授权量连续14年居全国首位,发明专利授权量首次跃升至全国首位。

    The number of patent grants ranked first in China for14 straight years and the number of Invention Patent grants jumped to the first place for the first time .