
zhuān yī xìng
  • selectivity;specifity;singleness
专一性[zhuān yī xìng]
  1. 人工核酸酶具有限制性核酸内切酶的高度专一性,能在人们预先设计的任何位点切割DNA,可应用于基因分离、DNA定位诱变、新的化学治疗等分子生物学领域。

    Artificial nucleases have high selectivity just as endonucleases , they can cleave DNA at any locations that the chemists have designed , and they can be used in molecular biological areas such as isolation genes , DNA location inducers and new chemical therapy etc.

  2. 本方法具有灵敏度高、专一性强、无需分离或富集、快速简便等特点。

    The method possesses the characteristics of high sensitivity , strong selectivity , unnecessary separation and enrichment .

  3. C型雄不育玉米组培筛选专一性抗病株体

    Selection of specific resistant plants from C-cytoplasmic male sterile maize calli

  4. 人胰岛素原C肽的合成及专一性抗体制备

    Synthesis of Human Proinsulin C-peptide and Preparation of Specific Antibody to It

  5. 佛波酯引起蛋白激酶C下降调节的专一性

    The Specificity of Down Regulation of Protein Kinase C Induced by Phorbol Ester

  6. 这些与核基因转录相关的蛋白质均由垃圾DNA的专一性蛋白质通路分别进行特异性正负反馈调控。

    These transcription-related proteins are positively and negatively regulated by junk DNA-specific protein pathways .

  7. 本文采用专一性强、灵敏度高的HPLC荧光检测法,测定氧氟沙星血、尿浓度。

    The concentration of ofloxacin in serum and urine was determined by HPLC .

  8. 用专一性的HPLC法测定血浆和尿中的炎息康含量。

    Isoxicam concentration in plasma and urine were determined by the specific HPLC metnod .

  9. Scaffold蛋白介导细胞信号转导专一性的定量分析

    The quantitative analysis of specificity in scaffold - mediated cell signaling

  10. 由于环糊精(cyclodextrin;CD)生产过程中,产物专一性不高,分离纯化的难度比较大,导致了整个生产过程的复杂和生产成本过高。

    Due to the difficulty in product purification , production of cyclodextrin is time-consuming and money-consuming .

  11. RNA杂交实验表明在正常烟草植株中上述4个基因具有发育和器官专一性的表达。

    RNA blot hybridization showed that these four genes were regulated in a developmental and organ specific manner in tobacco .

  12. 应用自杀性质粒载体构建鼠伤寒沙门氏菌Pla基因的位点专一性突变

    Studies on Site-specific Mutagenesis in Gene Pla of Salmonella typhimurium by Use of Suicide Vector

  13. 结果轮状病毒感染个体与健康个体相比,肠道菌群中GC含量较低的菌明显减少,同时肠道菌群有宿主专一性。

    Results Low-GC bacteria were less in rotavirus infected children than in healthy ones . Intestinal microflora was host-specific .

  14. 其底物专一性、很小的Mr等理化特性均表明它是Bowman&Birk抑制家族的一员。该抑制剂的作用靶酶是胰蛋白酶,对亮氨酸氨肽酶活性有轻微影响。

    The inhibitor is a member of Bowman & Birk family because of the specificity for its substrate , the much lower Mr and other physical and biochemical features .

  15. Vibriosp.510产褐藻胶裂合酶的底物专一性分析

    Purification and Substrate Specificity of the Alginate Lyase from Vibrio sp . 510

  16. CAL的1,3位置专一性在最终产物中未表达。

    CAL does not express its 1,3-specificity in final product .

  17. 另外,Cp上游还存在与HBV基因表达的细胞专一性有关的调控顺序。

    In addition , there were regulatory elements located on upstream of Cp related to the hepatocyte specificity of HBV gene expression .

  18. PCL的血凝作用不显示供血动物专一性和和血型专一性。

    The hemagglutinating activity of PCL did not show blood donor and blood type specificity .

  19. 发现由NADPH&细胞色素C还原酶和血红素加氧酶的联合活性使血红素氧化降解产生专一性的胆绿素Ⅸα。

    The results indicate that the oxidative cleavage of the heme ring in vivo is catalyzed by the combined actions of NADPH-cytochrome C reductase and heme oxygenase to yield the linear tetrapyrrole biliverdin IXa .

  20. 一株萤光假单孢杆菌(Pseudomonasfluorescens)中6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶对烟酰胺核甙酸辅酶的专一性

    The nicotinamide nucleotide specificity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens

  21. 结果:溶茵酶作为催化CMC降解的非专一性酶,能有效地催化CMC降解;

    Result : The lysozyme could be used as the non-specific enzyme to catalyze the degradation of CMC effectively .

  22. 氨酰tRNA合成酶专一性识别的进化

    Evolution of Structures and Specific Recognitions in Aminoacyl - tRNA Synthetases

  23. 由于Tat系统还具有物种专一性,不同物种的Tat系统基因之间不具备功能互补性,本研究尝试对大肠杆菌与嗜热杆菌Tat系统基因物种专一性位点进行了初步的遗传改造。

    Tat system has the species specificity ; different species do not have the same functions .

  24. 酶解法专一性去除大豆7S球蛋白中的α&亚基

    Special removal α - subunit of 7S globulin from soybean by enzymatic hydrolysis

  25. 在研究该粗酶酶学特性后发现该粗酶对5C的伯醇专一性较强;

    After investigating the characteristics of the crude enzyme from C.

  26. 这组科学家说该测试比当前的逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)测试灵敏10倍,对E1基因的专一性更强。

    The researchers say the test is ten times more sensitive and is more specific for E1 than the current test , RT-PCR .

  27. 竞争结合实验表明HSF与合成的HSE的结合具有专一性。

    Competition binding experiment indicates that the binding of the HSF to synthetic HSE is specific .

  28. 前曾发现在日本血吸虫虫卵中,存在一种新的能与亲和素专一性结合的蛋白质,称为亲和素结合蛋白(ABP)。

    We have found an Avidin-binding protein ( ABP ) in the eggs of Schistosoma japonicum .

  29. 抑癌基因PTEN编码产物具有双专一性磷酸酶活性,并与细胞骨架张力蛋白同源。

    PTEN is a major tumor suppressor gene that encodes a dual-specificity phosphatase with high sequence similarity to the cytoskeletal protein tensin .

  30. 该抗体对甲酯化的IAA有专一性识别,而对IAA的系列类似物及其代谢中间产物的交叉反应均极低。

    The antibody showed high specificity to MelAA but little cross-reactivity with some compounds structurally similar to IAA and some intermediates in IAA metabolism .