
zhuān mén zhī shi
  • expertise;specialized knowledge;technical know-how;knowhow
  1. 我们有帮助你经营自己业务的专门知识。

    We have the expertise to help you run your business .

  2. 问题是大多数地方政府都缺乏合理应对这个市场的专门知识。

    The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market .

  3. VI设计小组的专门知识,以保证无忧的开发和部署。

    VI Design Group has that expertise to guarantee worry free development and deployment .

  4. 了解警方程序及诉讼复杂性的专门知识(乔治F.威尔)

    Knows the arcana of police procedure and the intricacies of litigation ( George F.Will )

  5. ASP外包模式有许多潜在收益,包括成本收益、改善服务、获取专门知识等。

    ASP model has many potential benefits , such as cost benefit , improvement of service quality , acquirement of expertise , etc.

  6. 此外,他还有定制开发、集成架构和J2EE(现在称为JEE)方面的专门知识。

    In addition , he has expertise in custom development , integration architecture and J2EE ( now known as JEE ) .

  7. 我们将继续向ApacheGeronimo项目提供技术、专门知识及经验,并强烈鼓励其他人致力于开放源码和Geronimo社区。

    We 'll continue to contribute technology , expertise , and experience to the Apache Geronimo project and strongly encourage others to commit to open source and the Geronimo community .

  8. 该系统的使用不需UG操作专门知识,适合产品系列化设计,大大提高了包装容器三维设计效率,为基于UG的产品CAD/CAE/CAM并行化设计打下良好基础。

    The system can be used without special knowledge of UG and suitable to kindred product designing . It improves the special packing case designing and prepares the ground for integrated design of CAD / CAE / CAM .

  9. 那些非上市公司的董事拥有专门知识、时间和动机去充分了解公司的问题,鲍勃波曾是MFS投资管理公司的负责人。

    The directors on those boards have the expertise , the time and the incentive to fully understand the company 's issues , he says .

  10. 重要的不仅是资金,而是资金与知识和专门知识的结合、以及确实利用了IDA作为全球多边发展银行的独特特征的专门知识。

    It 's not only the money , but it 's money associated with knowledge and expertise , and expertise that really draws on IDA 's unique feature of being a global multilateral development bank .

  11. 本文讨论了PUVA疗法的专门知识、作用机理、具体操作过程、副作用,治疗银屑病和白癜风的疗效和目前进展。

    The special knowledge , mechanisms , practice , side effects , efficacy for psoriasis and vitiligo , present progress in PUVA therapy are discussed in this artcle .

  12. ICAI是一个具有大量专门知识的、能进行逻辑推理和模拟真正专家解决复杂专业问题的程序系统,它是将人工智能理论和技术应用于CAI而形成的一种教学专家系统。

    ICAI is a program system which has a great amount of special knowledge and can perform logic deduction , especially can simulate experts to solve the complex problems , and a teaching expert system formed with CAI in which the artificial intelligence theories and technologies are used .

  13. 在那最后的战役中他们很需要有专门知识的人呢。

    They needed men with specialized knowledge in that last campaign .

  14. 职业:经过选择的职业;需要专门知识或特殊训练的职业或工作。

    Career : a chosen pursuit ; a profession or occupation .

  15. 它也提供有关特定工作领域的专门知识。

    It also provides specialized staff expertise for specific work areas .

  16. 专门知识有时较普通知识更有价值。

    Specialized knowledge is sometimes more valuable than general knowledge .

  17. 我们的专门知识能延伸到营销传播的各方面。

    Our expertise extends into all aspects of marketing communications .

  18. 我不自诩有金融方面的专门知识

    I make no pretension to expert knowledge of financial matter

  19. 当然我不能说已经掌握了电子学的专门知识。

    Certainly I can pretend to no special know-edged electronics .

  20. 他们担任着专门知识的保管者和传播者。

    They act as repositories and diseminators of specialist knowledge .

  21. 这项灌溉工程需要高度发展的技术和推理的专门知识。

    This irrigation project requires a highly developed technical and interpretive expertise .

  22. 为没有此领域专门知识的人的。

    For people with no specialist knowledge of the field .

  23. 具有、采用或需要技术或专门知识的

    Having , using or needing skill or expert knowledge

  24. 他人类学的专门知识无人能比。

    His expertise in anthropology is second to none .

  25. 艾琳在掌握时机和专门知识方面同样出色。

    Irene was equally brilliant in timing and expertise .

  26. 这种工作需要专门知识。

    This kind of work demands special knowledge .

  27. 社会主义建设需要具有专门知识的人才。

    Socialist construction needs people with specialized knowledge .

  28. (指书等)要求有专门知识的,使用术语的,专业的

    ( of a book , etc ) requiring specialized knowledge ; using technical terms

  29. 不以有专门知识自居。

    Make no pretense to special knowledge .

  30. 电源插头应用具有电气专门知识的人来安装。

    An appropriate power plug has to be attached to the machine by electric technicians .