
qì xiànɡ wèi xīnɡ
  • meteorological satellite;weather satellite;meteorological orbiter
气象卫星 [qì xiàng wèi xīng]
  • [meteorological satellite] 一种环绕地球轨道的航天器,带有各种仪表,能测量来自地球及大气中的可见和不可见辐射。同时也研究云的形成及其他气象情况,如美国发射的太罗斯(Tiros)系列的卫星

  1. 描述一个国家级的气象卫星资料Web检索系统的方案设计和实现。

    The main content of this treatise is the design and implementation of the national level Web retrieval system of meteorological satellite data .

  2. 基于USB接口的静止气象卫星资料的获取

    Gaining Static Meteorological Satellite Data Based on USB Interface

  3. 气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。

    Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

  4. 他们把一颗气象卫星送入环绕地球的轨道。

    They put a weather satellite into orbit about the earth .

  5. 气象卫星云图数据压缩的JPEG实现

    JPEG Realization for Data Compression of Meteorological Satellite Cloud Chart

  6. 应用NOAA气象卫星图象资料估算草场生物量方法的初步研究

    A preliminary study on NOAA images for the estimation of pasture biomass

  7. 基于NOAA气象卫星的1998年嫩江洪水动态监测

    Flood Dynamic Monitoring of Nenjiang River in 1998 with NOAA Meteorological Satellite

  8. D-S算法在气象卫星功能仿真中的应用

    The Application of Diamond - Square Algorithm in the Functional - simulation of Meteorologic Satellite

  9. 利用气象卫星GMS和AVHRR资料推算地面水分含量的方法

    A method of calculating surface moisture from GMS and AVHRR

  10. 极轨气象卫星NOAAAVHRR数据的高精度定位

    High precision location of NOAA AVHRR data of polar orbit meteorological satellite

  11. 用NOAA气象卫星AVHRR的定量资料计算冬小麦种植面积的两种方法

    Two methods in Calculating winter wheat area with NOAA / AVHRR Digital Data

  12. GMS气象卫星图像中的随机共振现象与强震活动关系探讨

    Study on Relationship Between Strong Earthquake and Stochastic Resonance Phenomenon in GMS Meteorologic Satellite Imagery

  13. 利用GMS气象卫星进行时间传递的误差估算

    Error estimation for time transfer using GMS

  14. 基于SOFM矢量量化的气象卫星云图数据压缩

    The Compression of Meteorological Satellite Cloud-chart Images Based on SOFM Vector Quantization

  15. 用NOAA气象卫星资料对甘肃省河东地区土地覆盖分类

    The land use classification using NOAA meteorological satellite data for the Hedong region of Gansu Province

  16. 本文分析了在风云一号(B)气象卫星环境中各种粒子辐射在集成芯片临界体积中产生的能量沉积,即LET(线性能量传输);

    This paper analyses energy deposit in critical volumes of integrate chips , whi-ch produced by some radiated particles in Feng Yun-1 ( B ) satellite environment . That is called linear energy translation ( LET ) .

  17. NOAA极轨气象卫星大气参数的物理反演方法数值试验

    The numerical experiment of atmospheric parameters using physical retrieval method from NOAA-10 polar orbit meterological satellite data

  18. FY-2C气象卫星半小时间隔云图导风业务系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of FY-2C Cloud Motion Wind Inferring System

  19. FY-2C气象卫星延时云图的校正及实现方法

    Delay Cloud Picture Correction and Its Realization Method for FY_2C Meteorological Satellite

  20. 介绍了风云二号(FY-2)C气象卫星地面应用系统应用服务中心(ASC)的功能。

    The function of the application service center ( ASC ) was described as a part of FY-2C ground application system in this paper .

  21. 用GMS-5气象卫星遥测地面太阳总辐射

    Observation of Solar Irradiance at the Surface from GMS-5

  22. FY-2C星云图成像技术气象卫星云图图象共享系统

    Clouds Imaging Technology for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite Meteorological Satellite Cloud Picture Sharing System

  23. FY-2C业务静止气象卫星及发展展望

    FY-2 C Geostationary Meteorological Satellite and Its Development Prospect

  24. 该方案采用Web浏览器/Web服务器/数据库服务器三层体系结构,实现并发布了基于Internet/Intranet的气象卫星资料编目检索业务系统。

    With three layer system structure-Web browser , Web server and database server , we implemented and published the Internet / Intranet based retrieval system of data from meteorological satellite . The retrieval system was developed on HP-UX operation system . cataloging ;

  25. 我国第一颗业务型地球静止气象卫星FY-2C

    First Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite FY-2 in China

  26. 基于高阶统计特征的FY-2气象卫星全视场杂散光估计

    Full-field-of-view stray light estimation for FY-2 meteorological satellite based on the high-order statistical eigenvalues

  27. 目前用于我国森林火灾监测的主要是美国的NOAA系列气象卫星,此外,我国的风云系列气象卫星和美国的EOS卫星也开始应用于林火监测。

    In China , the main satellites used for forest fire monitoring are NOAA satellites , FY serials meterological satellites and EOS satellites .

  28. GMS静止气象卫星探测所得到的红外云图资料,用计算机图象识别技术来反演云迹风。

    This paper describes the computer image recognition technique of deriving cloud motion winds ( CMW ) from the IR images of GMS .

  29. 气象卫星NOAA-AVHRR有两个热通道用来监测地球表面温度。

    NOAA-AVHRR has two thermal channels for monitoring the surface temperature of the earth .

  30. 在轨测试与运行结果表明,C星的成像系统达到了研制总要求和任务书指标,云图观测能力和质量满足气象卫星业务运行及应用系统的需求。

    The on-orbit test and operation result showed that the imaging system of C satellite met the requirement of research and mission . The observation ability and quality of clouds image for C satellite satisfied the requisite of the operation and application system .