
  • 网络Climate system;climatic system;HAIXR-Climate system
  1. 通过迭代计算揭露海洋热贮存C对气候系统的调控作用。

    A regulating feature of oceanic capacities C in the climate system is revealed by means of mapping iterations .

  2. 该研究的第一作者PeterCox是英国埃克塞斯大学教授、英国气象局气候系统动力学主任。

    Lead author Peter Cox holds the Met Office chair in Climate System Dynamics at the University of Exeter , UK .

  3. 提出了一个包括N个内部因子线性反馈的随机&动力气候系统预报模式。

    A stochastic-dynamic model with linear feedback terms to predict climatic system including N factors is proposed .

  4. 温室气体浓度增加(以CO2为主)引起的温盐环流演变在未来气候系统中扮演非常重要的角色。

    Changes in the thermohaline circulation ( THC ) arising from the increase in the CO_2 concentration in the atmosphere will dominate the future climate regimes .

  5. 对于NCAR模式,如果强迫足够大,气候系统将会经历失控增暖。《失控的陪审团》简介但前两次突然变暖可能与火山活动沉寂有关。

    The climate system , at least in the NCAR model , will suffer a runaway warming provided that forcing is sufficiently large .

  6. 本文选择全球平均地表温度T和全球平均云量n为状态变量.通过对气候系统中物理过程的研究与在气候意义上的合理近似,得到行星反照率。

    Chosen the global average surface temperature T and cloudiness n as state variables , the relations of the planetary albedo 2 and the atmospheric effective emissivity E with the state variables are given that work on the several important feedback processes in the climate system .

  7. 在大尺度上,海-气相互作用过程决定了气候系统的低频变化,最显著的表现为以ENSO为代表的热带年际气候变化。

    For the large-scale case , the interaction determines the low frequency variability of the climate system , of which the tropical inter-annual variability associated with ENSO is the most representative .

  8. 近10年来,太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究。

    The Pacific decadal and interdecadal oscillation ( PDO ) has been extensively explored in recent decades because of its profound impact on global climate systems .

  9. 植被净第一性生产力(NPP)的研究有助于碳循环和碳动态的研究,其敏感性对全球气候系统有着重要的影响。

    The study of the net primary productivity ( NPP ) will contribute to the study of the carbon cycle and the carbon dynamic changes . Its sensitivity has a great influence on the global climate system .

  10. 阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制。

    Study on seasonal responses of terrestrial net primary production ( NPP ) to climate changes is to help understand feedback between climate systems and terrestrial ecosystems and mechanisms of increased NPP in the northern middle and high latitudes .

  11. 温盐环流(THC,ThermohalineCirculation)是海洋中一种具有全球尺度的深层环流系统,是地球气候系统经向热量输送的重要承担者,对气候的形成以及变化存在显著的影响。

    As the oceanic deep circulation system with global scale , and one important factor of meridional heat transport in earth climate system , Thermohaline Circulation ( THC ) is critical to the formation and variation of the earth climate .

  12. 提出气候系统性态行为的确定性与随机性份额比接近Fibonacci数(黄金分割比)的假设。

    The assumption that the ratio of the certainty to the stochasticity of the behaviors of the properties and states of climate system is similar to the Fibonacci numbers ( the golden ratio ) is brought out .

  13. 农业气候系统功能的模糊综合评判

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the Function of Agroclimatic System

  14. 他关于干旱的研究,显示出气候系统是一个紧密相连的体系。

    His research on drought shows how interconnected the climate system is .

  15. 一个简单的气候系统反馈模式及其应用

    A simple model of climate system feedback and its application

  16. 多参数非线性零维气候系统的研究

    The research of nonlinear zero - dimensional climate system with many parameters

  17. 突变事件是气候系统中存在的一种现象。

    Climatic abrupt is a phenomena being in climatic system .

  18. 气候系统模式耦合器的研究与发展

    Research and Development of the Coupler for Climate System Model

  19. 海-气相互作用气候系统异常时的一些参数关系

    Parametric Relations of a Sea-atmosphere Climate System with Abnormal Phenomena

  20. 中国黄土高原气候系统主要特征

    Main Characteristics of Climate System in Loess Plateau in China

  21. 末次间冰期以来地球气候系统的突变

    Abrupt changes in earth 's climate system since last interglacial

  22. 气候系统的非平稳行为和预测理论

    On nonstationary behaviors and prediction theory of climate systems

  23. 贵州省清镇市近50年来气候系统的多时间尺度分析

    Multi-timescales Analysis of Climate Variation in Qingzhen Town in the Last 50 Years

  24. 气候系统的空间结构及遥相关型年代际配置特征研究

    The Research on Spatial Constructions of Climate System and Decadal Cooperation of Teleconnections

  25. 应用气候系统动力学模式作跨季度气候预测

    Extra-Seasonal Climate Prediction by Using Dynamical Climate System Model

  26. 它主要指的是动力气候系统和生物地球化学循环。

    It involves processes of the physical climate system and the biogeochemical cycles .

  27. 全新世气候系统的突变及周期性

    The abrupt changes and periodicities of climate during Holocene

  28. 地球气候系统的突然变化是近年来地学研究的热点。

    Abrupt changes in the Earth 's climate system have generated much interest recently .

  29. 气候系统的非线性特征及其预测理论

    Nonlinear features and prediction theory of climatic system

  30. 关于气候系统与地球系统的若干思考

    Some thoughts on climate system and earth system