- stable state

No matter what regularity the dynamic process is consistent with , it will ultimately turn to a stable state .
The added energy of the photon boosts the energy condition of the molecule from a stable state to a less-stable excited state .
Analysis on Stability of Equation of Laser_DNA Interaction
The exorbitant charge ratio of Na_2O / SiO_2 will facilitates the development of stable P-shaped zeolite .
The average hardening rate for the materials without changing of structure is the least , the hardening exponent is a constant .
Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide ( SCD ) was a kind of disinfectants applied in aquaculture .
Study on Sterilization Effect of the Stable Chlorine Dioxide on MP Mango Storage
The bioavailability of Cr decreased and chemical speciation transformed from unstable state to stable state while Pb and Cd showed opposite .
He proposes that the only way to effectively avoid these problems is to " warm up " the code until it reaches a steady state .
The Steady State of Dissipative Boltzmann Equation
The Steady State of Dissipative Boltzmann Equation A Novel Method for Solving Ill-Conditioned Linear System : Augmented System Method
When above boiling point , the system tends to reach its thermodynamic stability state and the polar faces of rods are dissolved , leading to the formation of tubes .
Then the ceram-ics were oxidized by annealed in air at 850 ℃ for 2 h due to oxygen vacancy under a unstable state .
On the basis of Ito integral and FPK equation , the probability distribution of system relative power angle stabilization is studied .
The effect of stabilized chlorine dioxide ( SCD ) added to irrigation water used in growing mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) on mushroom yield , quality and shelf life was studied .
As the reaction time and standing time increase , the percentage of calcium oxalate trihydrate ( COT ) decreases and the percentage of the thermodynamic stable calcium oxalate monohydrate ( COM ) increases . The metastable calcium oxalate dihydrate ( COD ) is not observed .
A differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) measurement revealed that the emission switching was due to the exchange between the thermodynamic-stable crystalline and metastable amorphous states . Single crystals of CN-TPA were gotten by slow solvent evaporation method .
This paper intends to test the non-steady-state diffusion coefficient of rapid migration according to the rapid test method on Chloride ion migration forced by electric current conducted by the architecture material institute of German Aachen Industry University .
Based on Andersen Sigmund relation , after analysis of a numerous of steady state composition changes of target surface for binary , ternary alloys , it is discovered that the binding energy ratio is almost independent of the chemical composition of the target .
Stabilized chlorine dioxide is a new kind of disinfection , it has the specific properties such as high efficiency , broad-spectrum , safety and wide scope of application , and its produce has without harm to people .
A characteristic of flow stress curves of 95W-5 ( Ni / Fe / Co ) alloy at 700 ℃ ~ 1300 ℃ is that the slope became smaller and a unabiding stabilization appear .
The system uses virtual instruments to build stepper controlling system and data collecting system . The hardware of system is consisted of motion controller ( PCI-7344 ), stepper power diver ( MID-7604 ) and a static fiber optical spectrometry .
Mathematical Model for Unsteady State Heat Transfer in Hot Blast Stoves
Instability in the agricultural chain of supply : causes and policy
The Preparation and Application of Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide Used as Disinfection
Study on preservative effect of stable ClO_2 on shelled penaeus shrimp
Steady state photoconductivity of the charge transfer complex of poly-n-vinylcarbazole and 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone
Study on AAR of Valley Glaciers in the Steady State
Study on Inverse Suspension Polymerization of Acrylamide in Nonstable State
The calculation of steady temperature field and energy dissipation of rolling tire