
  1. 在有效遏制各种谣言的蔓延,稳定公众情绪等方面起到了积极的作用,获得巨大的公信力和影响力。

    They have played a positive role in effectively curbing the spread of rumors , producing huge credibility and influence .

  2. 本文首先通过回顾通货膨胀预期理论在经济学说史上的发展脉络,在理论推演中得出了稳定公众预期是控制通货膨胀的有效方法的结论。

    This article traces back to the research approaches about the theory on inflation expectation in the history of economic theory development at first , and have drawn the conclusion that to stabilize the public expectation is a valid method for controlling inflation through theoretical deduction .

  3. 三是加强与媒体的沟通与交流,借助媒体强大的信息传播能力稳定公众情绪,消解或减少危机的负面影响。

    Thirdly , we should strengthen our communication with media in handling crisis information so as to learn and control information from various channels , meanwhile , we can reassure the public and reduce the bad effects of crises by relying on media 's great capacity of information spreading .

  4. 网络化与信息化的普及使得新闻媒体越来越多影响着社会的稳定和公众的情绪。

    Network and the popularization of information technology makes the news media more and more influence on social stability and public sentiment .

  5. 存款保险制度可以保护存款人利益,稳定社会公众信心,防范和化解银行恐慌,维护银行业的整体安全。

    Deposit Insurance System can protect depositor 's interest , stabilize public confidence , prevents the bank panic and maintenance the whole banking 's security .

  6. 该报道指出,虽然农业专家表示,国家粮食储备水平稳定,公众不应该抱有盲目的乐观主义情绪。

    The report says a mood of blind optimism should not prevail among the public , although agricultural experts have said the nation 's food reserves remain at stable levels .

  7. 高校收费的合理化和稳定化是公众的一个期待。

    It is the public expectation that the charge of higher education is to of rationalization and stabilities .

  8. 在银行业务日益国际化、复杂化、风险不断加大的情况下,传统的监管手段难以达到保持金融体系稳定和维持公众信心的目的。

    As the banking internationalization is going on , banks ' businesses are increasingly complicated with growing risks .

  9. 希腊持续的不稳定加剧了公众对近期经济下滑和失业率升高的不满。

    Greece 's ongoing instability has sparked public discontent at the country 's recent economic slump and rising unemployment levels .

  10. 二可以使问题银行的资产得到迅速处置,从而保持金融稳定,维护公众信心;

    Secondly , the assets of problem banks can be dealt with rapidly , thereby maintaining the financial stability and public confidence .

  11. 分析发现,货币政策透明度对于促进经济主体的学习过程,稳定和引导公众的通胀预期,进而提高货币政策的有效性有着至关重要的影响。

    The results showed that : Monetary policy transparency has crucial effect on boosting the process of agent learning , steadying and guiding market inflation expectation , and improving monetary policy effectiveness .

  12. 这种做法会危害银行业的稳定,以及损害公众对银行本身的信心。

    Such tactics could be detrimental to the stability of the banking sector and could undermine the confidence of the general public in the bank itself .

  13. 而整体经济已经趋于稳定,但由于公众强烈抵制以及缺少政治家的强力的支持,其结构改革仍然滞后。

    While macroeconomic stabilization has largely been achieved , structural reforms lag because of deep resistance on the part of the public and lack of strong support from politicians .

  14. 若要分析中国政府在经济方面将采取何种措施,首先应该假定,中国政府为了政权的稳定会努力把公众的不满降到最低。

    An analysis of what the Chinese government will do on the economic front should start with the assumption that it will act to minimize citizen discontent so as to keep its hold on power .

  15. 高校作为开放性的文化组织和知识分子密集之地,与外界有着千丝万缕的联系,是社会思想的发源地,也是社会稳定的窗口和公众关注的焦点。

    University as an open cultural organizations and intellectuals to intensive , inextricably linked with the outside world , is the most sensitive groups of social events , but also social stability of the window and the focus of public concern .