
  1. 6.abnormala.不正常现实是公众对异常行为的理解相当有限。

    The reality is that public understanding of abnormal behavior is fairly limited .

  2. 最后,民生新闻中存在严重的公众失语、缺位现实,公众话语权的行使处于极为不利的境地。

    Finally , the public has serious phenomenon of aphasia and absence , so their discourse space is compressed , the exercising of public discourse right is in a very disadvantaged position , not to mention its realization .

  3. 气候现实已经让公众体会切肤之痛——桑迪飓风(SuperstormSandy)、加州一次次创纪录的大旱、一次次前所未有的热浪、以及东海岸地区反复发生的洪灾。

    The public has tasted reality with Superstorm Sandy , with California 's record-breaking droughts , unprecedented heat waves , and repeated flooding of the eastern seaboard .

  4. 随着人们对现实生活中公众人物不负责任现象的反思,道德责任越来越受到人们的重视,道德责任概念的分量越来越显得沉重。

    As people in real life public figures irresponsible phenomenon , " moral responsibility " reflects more and more attention on the concept of moral responsibility , weight appears more and more heavy .

  5. 目前,中国社会处于民法文化向法哲学文化转化的历史时期,马克思主义法哲学的现代化是这一阶段的现实任务,中国公众权利价值观的确立是法哲学文化阶段的根本目标。

    At present , Chinese society is in a transforming stage from civil law culture to jurisprudence culture . The modernization of Marxism jurisprudence is the practical task in jurisprudence culture stage .

  6. 但是,在现实生活中,公众参与公共决策要受到公共决策体制、政治文化、参与成本、参与渠道以及决策信息等因素的制约。

    However , in our daily life , People 's participation in public decision-making is restricted by the decision-making system , political culture , the cost of participation , the participating channels and the information of decision-making .

  7. 安全保障义务这一法律制度是因应现实生活中社会公众在社会活动中遭受人身和财产方面的损害得不到有效或充分的救济而产生对法律的明确规定这一需求而产生的。

    The establishment of the law institution of obligation of security is to comply with the public 's requirements to the law and regulations about the obligation of security because of their impairments of the body and property .