
  • 网络cash insurance;Money Insurance
  1. 这种不用现金的保险方案非常有用。

    This cashless insurance scheme is a big help .

  2. 现金运输保险合同一直都是千差万别。

    Cash-transport insurance contracts have been written differently since .

  3. 您要用万事达卡或现金付保险金?

    Do you want to pay for the deposit with your Master Card or cash ?

  4. 我们把零用现金放在保险柜里。

    We keep the petty cash in the safe .

  5. 巴克莱迄今一直拒绝获取任何政府资金,由此预计会以现金形式支付保险计划费用。

    Barclays has so far resisted taking any government capital , and is therefore expected to pay any fee for an insurance scheme in cash .

  6. 以现金发给之保险给付,按被保险人发生保险事故之当月起前六个月平均月投保薪资计算;

    Insurance benefits payable in cash shall be computed on the basis of average monthly insurance salary for the last six months prior to the month in which the insured contingency occurs .

  7. 真正的现金在楼上的保险箱里面。

    LANCE : The real cash is upstairs in the safe .

  8. 尽管绝大多数财产险种的保单都有一具体的最大数量的赔偿额,它们是否赔偿重置费用或实际的现金价值取决于保险单的条款。

    While most property insurance policies specity a maximum dollar limit , whether they pay replacement costs or actual cash value depends on the terms of the policy .