
  • 网络forest insurance;forestry insurance
  1. 森林保险属于大农险的范畴。

    Forest insurance belongs to the large category of agricultural insurance .

  2. 江西省开展政策性森林保险工作的实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection of Carrying Out Policy-oriented Forest Insurance in Jiangxi Province

  3. 发展商业保险和实行灾害保障是森林保险的方向。

    It is direction to develop commercial insurance and disaster guarantee .

  4. 进一步完善森林保险机制。

    Fourth , improve forest insurance mechanisms in further .

  5. 各级政府加强对森林保险的支持。

    Third , governments at all levels should strengthen the support of forest insurance .

  6. 关于进一步拓展森林保险业务的研究

    Study on further Expanding the Forestry Insurance Business

  7. 论我国森林保险制度建立的重要性和必要性

    Discussion on the Importance and Necessity of Establishing the Forest Insurance System in China

  8. 森林保险市场的信号甄别和激励机制

    A Study of Signal Screening and Incentive Mechanism in the Market of Forest Insurance

  9. 发展森林保险,立法先行。

    Develop forest insurance , legislation first .

  10. 我国南方集体林区森林保险事业发展对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures for the Forest Insurance in South China 's Collective Forest Regions

  11. 最后,作者针对性的提出了提高森林保险需求的可行性建议。

    Finally , the author put forward some feasibility proposals targeted to improve forest insurance demands .

  12. 关于构建复合型森林保险体系的探讨

    Constructing a Compound Forestry Insurance System

  13. 现阶段我国森林保险制度模式必须是政府扶持,商业化运作的模式。

    Our current forest insurance system has to be supported by governments , together with commercial operations .

  14. 建立政策性森林保险制度,提高林业抵御风险的能力。

    Establishing the policy system of forest insurance , improving the resisting risks ability of the forest .

  15. 在市场经济条件下开展森林保险,是恢复和稳定林业生产的一个重要经济手段。

    Expanding forestry insurance is an important economic means of resuming and steadying production of forestry under the market economy condition .

  16. 林农森林保险需求影响因素分析&以云南492户林农为例

    Analysis on the Demand 's Influencing Factors of Farmers on Forest Insurance & Taking the Yunnan 's 492 Farmers for example

  17. 在此原则上,提出如下建议:(1)建立健全的的森林保险保障体系。

    In these principles , the paper puts forward the following proposals : First , establish a sound system of forest cover .

  18. 最后总结出6项结论,(1)实施森林保险是林业发展的需要。

    Finally , the six conclusions were taken out , ( 1 ) It is necessary to realize forest insurance for developing forest .

  19. 其次,必须对现行的森林保险制度进行改进,为林权抵押的开展提供保障。

    Secondly , the need for the existing forest insurance system improvements , collateral for the right to carry , out forest protection .

  20. 使森林保险彻底与商业保险分开经营,摆脱商业保险公司制度对森林保险的限制。

    To separate forest insurance and commerce insurance thoroughly , we must get rid of the limit of the merchants ′ principle on forest insurance .

  21. 但是近些年来森林保险一直停滞不前甚至出现业务萎缩的现象。

    But the forest insurance has been stagnating and even presenting the phenomenon that the business shrinks all the time in the last few years .

  22. 落实中央新政促进经济增长&小额林权抵押贷款和森林保险政策座谈会综述

    The Central Government " New Deal " to Promote Economic Growth & Review of Small Loan for Forestry Property Rights Mortgage and Forestry Insurance Policy Forum

  23. 目前国内有关森林保险的研究多为定性探讨,而有关农户森林保险需求意愿的实证研究较少。

    Recently , the majority of research on forest insurance focuses on qualitative aspect , while empirical study on farmers ? forest insurance demand is less .

  24. 而森林保险能够为林农有效分散风险,保护林农利益,是解决这一问题的有效途径。

    And for the imposition of forest insurance can effectively dispersing risk , protect the imposition of interest , is the effective ways to solve the problem .

  25. 森林保险能够有效增强林农抵御林业生产风险的能力,因此发展森林保险具有重要的意义。

    Forest insurance can enhance the ability to resist the risk of forestry production for farmers effectively , so there is great significance to develop the forest insurance .

  26. 森林保险是国家支持林业发展的重要政策工具,是市场经济条件下恢复和稳定林业生产的一个重要经济手段。

    Forest insurance is an important policy tool to support forestry development , under the conditions of market economy is the recovery and stabilization of forestry production is an important economic means .

  27. 运用理论与调查、比较与归纳相结合的分析方法,全面分析了森林保险发展现状分析,诊断出了森林保险存在的主要问题。

    Analysis by theoretical analysis and combined analysis of comparative analysis and the method of combining inductive , systematic analysis of the forest Insurance Development , diagnosed the main problems of forestry insurance .

  28. 得出了所有变革区域所需要的配套措施主要包括:规范集体林权流转、完善森林保险制度、构建完善的林业社会化服务体系、加强对集体林业的金融支持。

    That all changes to area supporting measures include : standard collective forest right circulation , improve forest insurance system , building perfect forestry socialization service system , strengthen to the collective forestry of financial support .

  29. 实践证明,我国森林保险的健康发展,要遵循林业经济和森林保险规律,多元化的森林保险体系,重视立法工作,用法律来保障森林保险的发展。

    It has been proved that for indemnify the development of forest insurance we should defer to the rules of the forestry economy and insurance , upbuild system of forest insurance , make much of the lawmaking .

  30. 2003年,以明晰林地使用权和林木所有权为主要内容的新一轮集体林权制度改革,为我国森林保险的发展提供了重大机遇。

    In 2003 , for the main purpose of clarifying the use right of woodland and forest property , the new collective forest right reform provided a great opportunity for the development of forest insurance in China .