
sēn lín dài
  • Forest belt;bush belt
  1. 森林带的水分条件可满足林木成材对水分的需求,林木采伐后土壤水分可得到很好恢复;

    Water condition is reluctantly satisfied for the requirement of tree growth in forest zone .

  2. 本文探讨了不同森林带林分的生产力及影响产量的因素。

    The productivity of various forest zones and the influential factors on its production were studied .

  3. 从森林带到森林草原交错带,森林斑块变小、森林景观破碎化程度提高。

    From forest zone to the ecotone , forest patch size decreases while forest fragmentation increases .

  4. 我想即使在没有灌溉的土地上,只要有一条森林带,它还是会生长的。(表条件)

    I think it will grow even on non-irrigated land where there is a forest belt .

  5. 乞力马扎罗山国家公园由林木线以上的所有山区和穿过山地森林带的6个森林走廊组成。

    Kilimanjaro , national park by the tree line above the mountains and all through the mountain forest estate six forest of corridor .

  6. 由下而上包括了山地草原带、山地森林带、草甸带、冰川恒雪带等等不同的生态圈。

    From the bottom to the top , there are different biospheres , such as alpine prairies , alpine forests , meadows , glaciers and permanent snow .

  7. 从林线中心向亚高山草甸和森林带,物种替代率逐渐升高,在林线的边缘达到最高。

    The turnover rates of species were gradually hoisting from the centre of timberline to sub alpine meadow and forest zones , and highest at the edge of timberline .

  8. 两岸原生绿植带,岸前休憩空间,五个森林带,三大水系将运河与院落别墅紧密相连,互为一体。

    Primitive green plants zone on two banks , rest space before banks , five forest belts , three water systems closely connect the canal and yard villas into one combination .

  9. 山地荒漠带和山地草原带苔藓植物物种相似性最高,为0.6809,山地森林带和高山垫状植被带相似性最低,仅为0.1342;

    The species similarity between mountain desert and mountain grassland belt was the highest ( 0.6809 ), while that between mountain forest and alpine cushion belt was the lowest ( 0.1342 ) .

  10. 研究结果表明,不同森林带林分生产力差异显著,热带山地雨林产量最高,常绿季雨林稍次,山顶苔藓矮林最低;

    The result showed that there are significant differences among these forest zones , of which the highest production occurs in the tropical mountain rain forest while the evergreen monsoon forest is lower and the least production appears in the dwarf mountainous woodland .

  11. 近百年来气候的明显变干引起了森林带土壤水分降低和植被带的南移,使过去确定的延安到秦岭北麓之间的落叶阔叶林带的中北部存在着一些自然的土壤干层;

    In recent 100 years , obvious climate drying causes decrease of soil moisture and migration of vegetation to south and natural dried layers occur in the middle and north of the broadleaf trees between Yan ′ an and the northern Qinling Mountains .

  12. 并采用相似性系数和物种多样性指数分析了该流域苔藓植物物种多样性的特点,提出山地森林带为该地区苔藓植物多样性的分布中心,是苔藓植物多样性保护的关键地区。

    Through analysis of coefficient of similarity and diversity index , the diversity patterns of bryophyte vegetation were studied and it was put forward that the forest belt of this valley is a distribution center of bryophytes and key area for bryophyte diversity conservation in this region .

  13. 12m宽的草地河岸带或14.5m宽的森林河岸带能够有效的截留转化来自农田土壤水中的硝态氮,对溪流水质的起到很好的保护作用。

    The 12m wide grass riparian and 14.5m wide forest riparian could attenuate the nitrate in the soil water from the agricultural land to protect the water quality .

  14. 中国东部森林植被带划分之我见

    Perspective of the Vegetation Zonation of Forest Region in Eastern China

  15. 我离开了森林,带回来了这个故事。

    I departed from the forest and brought back this story .

  16. 森林交错带富于高的生物多样性。

    The overlapped zones of forests are highly rich in biological diversity .

  17. 世界主要森林植物带

    The main forest vegetation belts around the world

  18. 东亚地区森林植被带的三维空间分布

    Three-dimension distribution of forest zones in East Asia

  19. 晶格逾渗模型为石油勘探中的多孔介质中的输运问题,森林防火带,新型混合材料等课题的研究提供了很好的工具。

    Percolation theory is an important tool for the research for mix material , fireproofing of forest , etc.

  20. 为了顺利的实施项目,需要相应的解决方法来扫除限制了将非木制森林制品带出保护区的各种障碍。

    A solution is needed to remove the restrictions on taking NTFP out of the PA mountain area for smooth project implementation .

  21. 拿黄土高原来说,就有草原带、森林草原带和森林带等不同地带性水热特征。

    Take the Loess Plateau for an example , there are various changes in temperature of underground water with steppe belt , forest steppe belt and forest belt .

  22. 如果虫源区位于森林草原带上,由于6月、8月的低温是草地螟繁殖的主要制约因素,因此气温波动将促使成虫迁出。

    If the source area locates in forest-steppe , since the low temperature in June and August is a major constraint for meadow moth , temperature fluctuations will promote emigration . 5 .

  23. 根据调查结果,提出建立河岸森林缓冲带、提高河岸稳定性、维护洪水发生机制,以促进河岸天然林保育恢复的管理措施。

    Given these results , some management measures for conservation and restoration are proposed . These include the establishment of riparian forest buffer zones , bank stabilization measures and maintenance of flood protection .

  24. 结果表明,在湿润气候区,各森林植被带的分布高度随纬度的增加而下降,下降趋势能用多级正弦函数来表达;

    As results , the distribution altitude of the forest zones dropped from lower latitudes to higher latitudes in a humid climate region , and from the inland to the coast ( from the west to the east ) .

  25. 昆虫区系同植被一样,具明显垂直地带性分布特征,山地荒漠亚带多为旱生型昆虫,山地森林草甸带大多为中生型昆虫,种类最为丰富,达816种;

    The insect 's fauna , as well as the plants , has the character of an evident vertical-belt distribution . Most insects of mountain-desert sub-zone are xeric and those of mountainous-sylva-meadow belt are mesophytic species and are rich in category , which amounts to 816 species .

  26. 采用排序的方法,结合对群落生态外貌特点的分析,以及群落所处海拔高度,划分出森林植被垂直带如下:(1)山地常绿落叶阔叶林带,海拔1600m以下;

    Using the methods of ordination and analysis of the physiognomy of the communities . which are distributed on the slope of the ridge , the following vertical belts of forest vegetation may be discerned : 1 . Evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest belt at alt. 1600 m ;

  27. 城-郊-乡森林生态样带植被变化梯度分析

    Gradient analysis of forest vegetation along an urban rural transect in NewYork

  28. 内蒙古高原东南缘森林草原过渡带景观的若干特征

    Landscape features of the forest-steppe ecotone on the southeastern edge of the Inner Mongolia Plateau

  29. 植被垂直分布规律明显,有荒漠、草原、森林等垂直带。

    The vertical distribution of vegetation is obvious , including desert , grassland , forest etc.

  30. 山地森林草原气候带;

    Mountain forestry grassland climatic zones ;