
  • 网络shatt al-arab;the Shatt-al-Arab;Bahr al-Arab
  1. 由于阿拉伯河作为伊拉克的唯一出海口,对它有重要的经济和战略地位;

    Because the Shatt al-Arab River is a unique port , it plays an important role in economy and strategic position .

  2. 伊拉克对阿拉伯河河界争端的态度及其政策演变

    Evolution of Iraqi Attitudes and Policies about the Shatt al-Arab Boundary Dispute

  3. 第二部分:论述王国时期伊拉克对阿拉伯河界争端的态度与政策。

    The second part : discuss Iraq 's attitude during kingdom .

  4. 基于国家实力和国际关系的因素,它对阿拉伯河的态度和政策又经历了一个调整的过程,不同时期有不同的特点。

    On the basis of national strength and international relationship , it made an adjustment to the Shatt al-Arab River , and changed its attitude and policy .

  5. 晚上我们乘舟在阿拉伯海的河汊处荡漾

    That night we were on a rise boat in the backwaters of the Arabian Sea